Ann Coulter: Michael Steele was absolutely right


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
Oh boy.

Ann Coulter

Bill Kristol Must Resign

Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele was absolutely right. Afghanistan is Obama's war and, judging by other recent Democratic ventures in military affairs, isn't likely to turn out well....

Townhall - Bill Kristol Must Resign

The Great Right Schism gets Schism-ier.

Oh boy.

Ann Coulter

Bill Kristol Must Resign

Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele was absolutely right. Afghanistan is Obama's war and, judging by other recent Democratic ventures in military affairs, isn't likely to turn out well....

Townhall - Bill Kristol Must Resign

The Great Right Schism gets Schism-ier.


I guess it's times like these when you find out who has actually been on the GOP dole for all these years.
Well, she is right in that the GOP needs to shed itself of smarmy little neocon weasels like Kristol.

That she took the circuitous and not-terribly-funny route to come to that conclusion is what she does for a living.

You think that's really what happened?

I mean, few pundits were as Hawkish as "We should invade their countries and convert them to Christianity" Coulter.

She's a typical snobby East Coast Republican who doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground.
And so goes the republicans rewrite of history.

It never stops and their minions will believe anything they are told to believe no matter how many facts have to be ignored
Well, she is right in that the GOP needs to shed itself of smarmy little neocon weasels like Kristol.

That she took the circuitous and not-terribly-funny route to come to that conclusion is what she does for a living.

You think that's really what happened?

I mean, few pundits were as Hawkish as "We should invade their countries and convert them to Christianity" Coulter.

She's a typical snobby East Coast Republican who doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground.
True as that may be, she still has a dead aim....Albeit as part of the circular firing squad. :lol:
Well, she is right in that the GOP needs to shed itself of smarmy little neocon weasels like Kristol.
Not to nit pick but the current neo-conista incarnation of the house Kristol is a journalist, god pappy neo-con Kristol (the really dangerous prick) is dead and buried. Personally I'm all for leaving Billy K. in his current gigs since I'd rather know what the current prince of the neo-cons is thinking than have him sneaking around in the shadows passing out PNAC papers or whatever other nefarious fantasies happen to cross his mind. :razz:
Obama didn't start Afghanistan, But he chose to send more troops and commit to it once elected. His party also voted to go to war there in the first place.

What is amazing to me is you guys actually think Obama has no responsibility here.

I think he was right when he called it Obama's war of Choice. Obama ran for office saying he would get us out of Iraq, and send more troops to Afghanistan. Sure sounds like the war he chose to me. However I do admit the way he(steel) said it made it sound like it was Obama's It was America's War. Obama just chose to send more troops and commit to winning it.
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Well, she is right in that the GOP needs to shed itself of smarmy little neocon weasels like Kristol.

That she took the circuitous and not-terribly-funny route to come to that conclusion is what she does for a living.

You think that's really what happened?

I mean, few pundits were as Hawkish as "We should invade their countries and convert them to Christianity" Coulter.

She's a typical snobby East Coast Republican who doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground.
True as that may be, she still has a dead aim....Albeit as part of the circular firing squad. :lol:

Steele's statements were factually inaccurate. Without a doubt, Obama is the CINC now. However, to try and ignore the fact that we've been in Afghanistan since '02 and that our current situation is directly tied to that.
Obama didn't start Afghanistan, But he chose to send more troops and commit to it once elected. His party also voted to go to war there in the first place.

What is amazing to me is you guys actually think Obama has no responsibility here.

I think he was right when he called it Obama's war of Choice. Obama ran for office saying he would get us out of Iraq, and send more troops to Afghanistan. Sure sounds like the war he chose to me. However I do admit the way he(steel) said it made it sound like it was Obama's It was America's War. Obama just chose to send more troops and commit to winning it.

Who has said Obama has "no responsibility"?

That's as asinine as ignore the fact that he inherited a fucking mess from the guy who basically had Afghanistan on auto pilot.

Gee, going into the "Graveyard of Superpowers" and then deciding to divide your efforts.

Brilliant. Just brilliant.
You think that's really what happened?

I mean, few pundits were as Hawkish as "We should invade their countries and convert them to Christianity" Coulter.

She's a typical snobby East Coast Republican who doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground.
True as that may be, she still has a dead aim....Albeit as part of the circular firing squad. :lol:

Steele's statements were factually inaccurate. Without a doubt, Obama is the CINC now. However, to try and ignore the fact that we've been in Afghanistan since '02 and that our current situation is directly tied to that.
When Nixon assumed the office, 'Nam became his war. Even though it was initiated by LBJ, he ran for office full in the knowledge that the policy would become his to direct on 20 Jan '69.

Neither called for withdrawal, both escalated the conflict...Both became owners of the wars they willingly inherited.
True as that may be, she still has a dead aim....Albeit as part of the circular firing squad. :lol:

Steele's statements were factually inaccurate. Without a doubt, Obama is the CINC now. However, to try and ignore the fact that we've been in Afghanistan since '02 and that our current situation is directly tied to that.
When Nixon assumed the office, 'Nam became his war. Even though it was initiated by LBJ, he ran for office full in the knowledge that the policy would become his to direct on 20 Jan '69.

Neither called for withdrawal, both escalated the conflict...Both became owners of the wars they willingly inherited.

And if that is what Steele said, I'd have no problem with it. Perhaps he didn't articulate his point well, but his comments tried to make it seem like it has been Obama who has initiated and mis-managed this entire war.

It's even more bizarre that the right, who was incessantly hawkish while Bush was in office, is now calling for a "cut and run" strategy in Afghanistan.

My opinion remains the same. I thought we had lost our momentum and our shelf life had expired in '05 and that we need to reduce our footprint there. I still support that. We need to draw down and not up. However, now the problem is that the Taliban is stronger than they were in '05. I knew this was going to happen. I knew that if we fucked around in Afghanistan, the population would return to facilitating the Taliban's efforts and allow them to expand.

Now we have to try and create some breathing room to allow for getting the hell out of there.
True as that may be, she still has a dead aim....Albeit as part of the circular firing squad. :lol:

Steele's statements were factually inaccurate. Without a doubt, Obama is the CINC now. However, to try and ignore the fact that we've been in Afghanistan since '02 and that our current situation is directly tied to that.
When Nixon assumed the office, 'Nam became his war. Even though it was initiated by LBJ, he ran for office full in the knowledge that the policy would become his to direct on 20 Jan '69.

Neither called for withdrawal, both escalated the conflict...Both became owners of the wars they willingly inherited.

Obama: Victory Not Goal in Afghanistan <July 2009

Candidate Obama: ""This is a war that we have to win," <July 2008
Obama didn't start Afghanistan, But he chose to send more troops and commit to it once elected. His party also voted to go to war there in the first place.

What is amazing to me is you guys actually think Obama has no responsibility here.

I think he was right when he called it Obama's war of Choice. Obama ran for office saying he would get us out of Iraq, and send more troops to Afghanistan. Sure sounds like the war he chose to me. However I do admit the way he(steel) said it made it sound like it was Obama's It was America's War. Obama just chose to send more troops and commit to winning it.

Who has said Obama has "no responsibility"?

That's as asinine as ignore the fact that he inherited a fucking mess from the guy who basically had Afghanistan on auto pilot.

Gee, going into the "Graveyard of Superpowers" and then deciding to divide your efforts.

Brilliant. Just brilliant.

This.."inherited a fucking mess" excuse is just that an excuse. The question is , is Obama in the process of solving the problem. My answer to that is no, he's a pathetic Commander and Chief and the military knows it.

As soon as the Military is given full charge to handle war the way they see fit and the stupid bleeding heart civilians and politicians shut the fuck up and let them do their job, then there will be success .. otherwise it's a slog, waste and fingers up butts.
Obama didn't start Afghanistan, But he chose to send more troops and commit to it once elected. His party also voted to go to war there in the first place.

What is amazing to me is you guys actually think Obama has no responsibility here.

I think he was right when he called it Obama's war of Choice. Obama ran for office saying he would get us out of Iraq, and send more troops to Afghanistan. Sure sounds like the war he chose to me. However I do admit the way he(steel) said it made it sound like it was Obama's It was America's War. Obama just chose to send more troops and commit to winning it.

Who has said Obama has "no responsibility"?

That's as asinine as ignore the fact that he inherited a fucking mess from the guy who basically had Afghanistan on auto pilot.

Gee, going into the "Graveyard of Superpowers" and then deciding to divide your efforts.

Brilliant. Just brilliant.

This.."inherited a fucking mess" excuse is just that an excuse. The question is , is Obama in the process of solving the problem. My answer to that is no, he's a pathetic Commander and Chief and the military knows it.

As soon as the Military is given full charge to handle war the way they see fit and the stupid bleeding heart civilians and politicians shut the fuck up and let them do their job, then there will be success .. otherwise it's a slog, waste and fingers up butts.

It's an excuse but it's also not something that can be completely ignored.

In the larger sense, the Taliban doesn't give a fuck about how the goat got fucked, they only care that the goat is fucked. In that sense, blaming Bush isn't going to cut the muster. However, in light of the American public who is starting to question the war; it is something to consider.

There is a reason Afghanistan went septic and we have to react to it appropriately.

BTW, where were you when the soldiers were living under the ROE when Bush was the CINC?

I was in Afghanistan for a year of that time. I understood the reason for the ROE (even though I detested Bush) and we all abided by it. Some soldiers, if given full latitude, would go scorched Earth in Afghanistan and eliminate every perceived threat to maximize their own safety. That would work in the short term, but in the long term would be a frigging disaster.

Just ask the Soviets if you dispute it.

Fighting an unconventional war requires to assume more risk than a conventional war. Professional soldiers know it, and if they have a problem with that notion then they are in the wrong line of work.
It's an excuse but it's also not something that can be completely ignored.
True enough when the CIC comes up with excuses we should all pay attention, after all Truman did take his "The Buck Stops Here" sign with him when he left office thus relieving all future occupants of the Oval Office from any responsibility for anything until they happen to leave it.
Oh boy.

Ann Coulter

Bill Kristol Must Resign

Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele was absolutely right. Afghanistan is Obama's war and, judging by other recent Democratic ventures in military affairs, isn't likely to turn out well....

Townhall - Bill Kristol Must Resign

The Great Right Schism gets Schism-ier.


Steele should gooo! He can't be trusted to positively assist the GOP. Reminds me of Biden...:lol:
It's an excuse but it's also not something that can be completely ignored.
True enough when the CIC comes up with excuses we should all pay attention, after all Truman did take his "The Buck Stops Here" sign with him when he left office thus relieving all future occupants of the Oval Office from any responsibility for anything until they happen to leave it.

I don't disagree with that.

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