Liberal Intellectual Elite ("LIE")


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
In another thread it was suggested that Hitler could not possibly be a Leftist (he was) because the first people he supposed went after was the "Liberal Intellectual Elite ("LIE")"

I laughed so hard I snorted.

There are thousands of posters here at USMB, who among them would be considered "Liberal Intellectual Elite", I mean besides Jake Starkey, cause he's a "Republican"

I'm laughing again.

Can anybody nominate a poster as LIE?
In another thread it was suggested that Hitler could not possibly be a Leftist (he was) because the first people he supposed went after was the "Liberal Intellectual Elite ("LIE")"

I laughed so hard I snorted.

There are thousands of posters here at USMB, who among them would be considered "Liberal Intellectual Elite", I mean besides Jake Starkey, cause he's a "Republican"

I'm laughing again.

Can anybody nominate a poster as LIE?

I like it. Great idea.
obama from L.I.E.
One must remember the I part is and can be all in the head of the LIE. They THINK they are smarter, they think they are better.

How do you tell a LIE? When they utter comments like, I know best, we know best, the Government knows best. Or, we only want to help you by taking away your rights. We know how best to regulate your life and future. It is for your own good we have taken away this or that right.
This site draws all the k00ks!!!

I was always curious as to where the "intellectual" part came as applied to any liberal??!!! When one think of "intellectual", one would think sound reasoning would be part of the package. It never is for a LIE however........there is never any concern for the results of their idea's and their disdain for the rights of others in the name of their "cause". And there are examples you see every k00kier than the next.

Just Thursday, McDonalds annouonced it was definately NOT stopping handing out kid toys at their stores..............this as a result of several k00k liberal groups insisting that the toys were responsible for indoctrinating kids to eat beef. Good for McDonalds sticking it in the eye of these mental case groups who invariably think they are smarter and brighter than the rest of us and know what is good for our country.

I say give these people a big island someplace and let them have at all the intelelctually sound things they want and invite all the k00ks they want. They can institute uber progressive tax rates........have complete control of all business.........ride around on bikes everywhere...........windmills in every back healthcare for all............pristine political parties, thus no elections..........Al Queda guys as mayors of cities!!!!!!!!!!!

Id send $$ tomorrow to see to it that this utopia got off the ground just fine!!

Who's gonna contribute to the cause????? Yo with me???
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In another thread it was suggested that Hitler could not possibly be a Leftist (he was) because the first people he supposed went after was the "Liberal Intellectual Elite ("LIE")"

I laughed so hard I snorted.

There are thousands of posters here at USMB, who among them would be considered "Liberal Intellectual Elite", I mean besides Jake Starkey, cause he's a "Republican"

I'm laughing again.

Can anybody nominate a poster as LIE?

I like it. Great idea.
obama from L.I.E.

Yes, but from who to pick from the universe of USMB Lib posters as Most Likely to be a LIE'r?
In another thread it was suggested that Hitler could not possibly be a Leftist (he was) because the first people he supposed went after was the "Liberal Intellectual Elite ("LIE")"

I laughed so hard I snorted.

There are thousands of posters here at USMB, who among them would be considered "Liberal Intellectual Elite", I mean besides Jake Starkey, cause he's a "Republican"

I'm laughing again.

Can anybody nominate a poster as LIE?

I like it. Great idea.
obama from L.I.E.

Yes, but from who to pick from the universe of USMB Lib posters as Most Likely to be a LIE'r?

Rightwinger or starky it's a toss up.
They're probably too modest to nominate themselves, but poor us! I mean how can I possibly spot a Liberal Intellectual?

OK, I posted this without seeing the poster above me, who is clearly a member of the Liberal Intellectual Elite!
One must remember the I part is and can be all in the head of the LIE. They THINK they are smarter, they think they are better.

How do you tell a LIE? When they utter comments like, I know best, we know best, the Government knows best. Or, we only want to help you by taking away your rights. We know how best to regulate your life and future. It is for your own good we have taken away this or that right.

...And are going to force you to accept things we know you don't want...tough toenails! Our Agents will be with you shortly to set your mind right.
Lets just remember who hates higher education, science and History?

You do. In fact your side routinely perverts all 3. Revisionist history, fake science and changing the method of teaching until no one learns a damn thing. Thanks Liberals.

And become wothless lumps of protoplasm waiting for their next Gubmint check.

That shit ai nt going to fly the next time you need to spew hate on science, history and higher edcuation to retain your flawed and failed ideas now is it?
Lets just remember who hates higher education, science and History?
Let's just remember who peddles hobgoblin strawmen, with bigoted sweeping generalizations. :lol:

Still, you can't ignore that a lot of the rhetoric coming out of the right these days is anti-education.

This isn't a new phenomenon. The right is embracing populism these days and populism has always been leery of elites and professional education.

Populism itself is an interesting study in the human psyche that is basically xenophobia incorporated into political debate. It doesn't align with any economic model (Huey Long and his followers were basically socialists (real socialists, not the 2010 'Obama is a socialist' bullshit). Rather, populism seems to basically attract disaffected voters.

If history is any indicator, populist movements rarely gain any degree of power. Rather they seem to implode upon themselves.
Lets just remember who hates higher education, science and History?
Let's just remember who peddles hobgoblin strawmen, with bigoted sweeping generalizations. :lol:

Still, you can't ignore that a lot of the rhetoric coming out of the right these days is anti-education.

This isn't a new phenomenon. The right is embracing populism these days and populism has always been leery of elites and professional education.

Populism itself is an interesting study in the human psyche that is basically xenophobia incorporated into political debate. It doesn't align with any economic model (Huey Long and his followers were basically socialists (real socialists, not the 2010 'Obama is a socialist' bullshit). Rather, populism seems to basically attract disaffected voters.

If history is any indicator, populist movements rarely gain any degree of power. Rather they seem to implode upon themselves.
You're conflating anti-liberal-indoctrination with anti-education.

That shit ai nt going to fly the next time you need to spew hate on science, history and higher edcuation to retain your flawed and failed ideas now is it?

I, for one, welcome any members to the "keep Science pure" club. We can use them.

It would have been nice if they found their sense of outrage during the Intelligent Design debate, but if global warming is what floats their boat, then whatever.

BTW, did you see that the "Climategate" scientists were cleared of any dishonesty?

Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - 'Climategate' review clears scientists of dishonesty - Blogs

I am sure there was a thread about it here, I was just busy that day.

I'll venture to guess that the people who cleared the scientists were in on the conspiracy too.
Let's just remember who peddles hobgoblin strawmen, with bigoted sweeping generalizations. :lol:

Still, you can't ignore that a lot of the rhetoric coming out of the right these days is anti-education.

This isn't a new phenomenon. The right is embracing populism these days and populism has always been leery of elites and professional education.

Populism itself is an interesting study in the human psyche that is basically xenophobia incorporated into political debate. It doesn't align with any economic model (Huey Long and his followers were basically socialists (real socialists, not the 2010 'Obama is a socialist' bullshit). Rather, populism seems to basically attract disaffected voters.

If history is any indicator, populist movements rarely gain any degree of power. Rather they seem to implode upon themselves.
You're conflating anti-liberal-indoctrination with anti-education.

As if you guys think there is any difference.

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