Ann Corocan on Refugee Resettlement


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
This pisses me off. The UN should be dismantled

I don't know about you, but we shouldn't be doing this. I mean, the UN shouldn't.

thanks Geaux , I don't like seeing it but at least I'm all 'growed up' . Glad that I am not a 5 year old American youngster.
This pisses me off. The UN should be dismantled

I don't know about you, but we shouldn't be doing this. I mean, the UN shouldn't.


enough of that sheit.
america first.

I don't get it. All those boys dead at Normady et al and for what? This shit hole likely is finished. Not much left to fight for.

This pisses me off. The UN should be dismantled

I don't know about you, but we shouldn't be doing this. I mean, the UN shouldn't.


enough of that sheit.
america first.

I don't get it. All those boys dead at Normady et al and for what? This shit hole likely is finished. Not much left to fight for.


we fought on the wrong side and look what it has gotten us today.
Patton was right. We should have rolled up russia and killed communism.
This pisses me off. The UN should be dismantled

I don't know about you, but we shouldn't be doing this. I mean, the UN shouldn't.


enough of that sheit.
america first.

sounds good Geaux , probably not going to happen though !!

if we can get a politician elected who doesn't hate the white race it could happen.

They're trying to pile these 3rd world peasants in here as fast as possible to overwhelm the system and displace and dilute the white majority in this country.
lhey Geaux [whoops] I mean------------------------- , hey Rotagila , mostly agree except I don't look at the problem in terms of race . I see the USA and Americans of ALL races being crushed by third worlders of ALL races .
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African Americans better start waking up real quick. The new immigrant invasion will only push them further toward the back of the bus.
African Americans better start waking up real quick. The new immigrant invasion will only push them further toward the back of the bus.

If they think WE'RE "bad" just wait.... those people haven't been indoctrinated and brainwashed by decades of media propaganda (who owns the media?) telling them how evil and "racist" they are and how they have to make special laws and allowances because negroes can't adapt in a civilized society and they can't build or maintain one on their own....
the latinos won't take that bs from the negroes.. :popcorn:
lhey Geaux [whoops] I mean------------------------- , hey Rotagila , mostly agree except I don't look at the problem in terms of race . I see the USA and Americans of ALL races being crushed by third worlders of ALL races .

Good point but the sheer number of groups/bureaus/agencies/advocacy groups that work solely to advance the black agenda and their continuous assault on european heritage and culture, tend to prove that racial revenge and jealousy is their motivation..getting over on whitey and our system is their primary goal.

How can ANYONE not look at the "problems of race" in this country..the perpetually aggrieved negroes think about it and act on it every day.
my main concern is young Americans in school and general society . American kids are taught from an early age [nowadays] to be compliant . Sticking up for themselves and fighting as a last resort no matter the reason is strictly forbidden by PC and rules . The PC and the rules are taught by parents . Teachers and administrators continue the PC rules in school . And teachers are only interested in collecting paychecks and benefits so they enforce the PC even when it is wrong to do . Heck , there are kids coming from barbaric war zones and its my opinion that these war zone kids will rule over the American kids . Just a comment !!
This pisses me off. The UN should be dismantled

I don't know about you, but we shouldn't be doing this. I mean, the UN shouldn't.


Let me guess. She's upset about darkies coming to Merka.

"Send those damnable Jews back to Hitler!"
Those German Jews Syrian Mooslims don't speak English. They have diseases. They come from a country that hates us. They will spread their Jew Muslim religion around.

Send them back to Hitler Assad!

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