"Why Is Everybody So Mad When Black Men Date White Women? (The Brother Pill Podcast)


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

I am publishing this writing on the Race Relations board because I believe the topic of interracial dating is a race related issue.

Also, I'm sharing this YT broadcast to offer USMB members a wider perspective of black or American citizens of African descent who apparently are not infected by "HATE" the American urban-TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur describes in his THUGLIFE Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment *AWARENESS PREVENTION* concept.

T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. - "The HATE U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur



Can we KEEP it REAL?
During this live broadcast, Oshay Duke Jackson, creator and CEO of Negro Manosphere Home Page - Negro Manosphere - www.negromanosphere.com, as well as Mr. LARMovement and Mr. Donovan Sharpe, two contributing members to the Negromanosphere, engage in a public discussion about interracial dating and black women's lack of femininity.

I listened to every minute of this Friday, September 28, 2018, 3:12:36 live broadcast during which these gentlemen spoke with callers to the show, many who are black women dancing around the show's topic, "Why Is Everybody So Mad When Black Men Date White Women? (The Brother Pill Podcast)" Oshay Vlogcast Channel Streamed live on Sep 28, 2018.

Beginning at 2:34:13, I'm sharing what I view are highlights of an information-packed 3:12:36 discussion, including comments offered by a black American mom, who at 2:46:16 speaks about black women's anxiety, as well as her belief that worldwide, black women are viewed as "difficult" people, as well as viewed in a negative light.

During this broadcast Mr. LARMovement, shares his usual common sense, wisdom and knowledge that I'm certain some USMB members will strongly disagree with.

Sadly, I'm also fairly certain when listening to these free-thinking, successful, accomplished American men sharing their thoughts, concerns and opinions, some USMB members will view them as Coons, Sell-Outs, Uncle Toms or "white ass-kissing lawn jockeys" (as a USMB member once referred to me) for speaking their truths.

Dr. Umar Johnson Ph.D, Dr. Boyce Watkins Ph.D, Tariq Nasheed7.jpg

I am curious to learn other member's opinions about the thoughts, concerns and opinions these man share regarding the current state of black American women, and how black women's dysfunction affects black or American citizens of African descent, as well as American society@large?
Please consider SUBSCRIBING to and supporting the YT channels and other public platforms where the above American men share their thoughts, concerns and experience.

American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

_Belinda Pittman-McGee Oprah Winfrey_02.jpg
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#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

I am publishing this writing on the Race Relations board because I believe the topic of interracial dating is a race related issue.

Also, I'm sharing this YT broadcast to offer USMB members a wider perspective of black or American citizens of African descent who apparently are not infected by "HATE" the American urban-TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur describes in his THUGLIFE Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment *AWARENESS PREVENTION* concept.

T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. - "The HATE U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur


Can we KEEP it REAL?
During this live broadcast, Oshay Duke Jackson, creator and CEO of Negro Manosphere Home Page - Negro Manosphere - www.negromanosphere.com, as well as Mr. LARMovement and Mr. Donovan Sharpe, two contributing members to the Negromanosphere, engage in a public discussion about interracial dating and black women's lack of femininity.

I listened to every minute of this Friday, September 28, 2018, 3:12:36 live broadcast during which these gentlemen spoke with callers to the show, many who are black women dancing around the show's topic, "Why Is Everybody So Mad When Black Men Date White Women? (The Brother Pill Podcast)" Oshay Vlogcast Channel Streamed live on Sep 28, 2018.

Beginning at 2:34:13, I'm sharing what I view are highlights of an information-packed 3:12:36 discussion, including comments offered by a black American mom, who at 2:46:16 speaks about black women's anxiety, as well as her belief that worldwide, black women are viewed as "difficult" people, as well as viewed in a negative light.

During this broadcast Mr. LARMovement, shares his usual common sense, wisdom and knowledge that I'm certain some USMB members will strongly disagree with.

Sadly, I'm also fairly certain when listening to these free-thinking, successful, accomplished American men sharing their thoughts, concerns and opinions, some USMB members will view them as Coons, Sell-Outs, Uncle Toms or "white ass-kissing lawn jockeys" (as a USMB member once referred to me) for speaking their truths.

I am curious to learn other member's opinions about the thoughts, concerns and opinions these man share regarding the current state of black American women, and how black women's dysfunction affects black or American citizens of African descent, as well as American society@large?
Please consider SUBSCRIBING to and supporting the YT channels and other public platforms where the above American men share their thoughts, concerns and experience.

American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

View attachment 219592

I see this race stuff so often that it is not a big deal so don't expect much return from the post. You think the sistars are hard to live with, try a white girl....I stay with Black and will always go back.
As a White American male the practice of White women preferring the company of Black men doesn't make me mad. It makes me damn curious as to why.

Far more relevant than my curiosity is the feeling I have of being somewhat cheated by this abandonment by White women because I, along with the vast majority of White men, harbor absolutely no interest in Black women, whatsoever. This is not to say there is anything generally or specifically wrong with Black women, I (we) simply do not find them the least bit attractive.

So I'm curious about why White woman find Black men appealing while there very rarely is any inverse appeal. One rarely sees Black women in the company of White men -- even in advertisements.

Opinions are invited.
I see this race stuff so often that it is not a big deal so don't expect much return from the post. You think the sistars are hard to live with, try a white girl....I stay with Black and will always go back.

Hi, Dan. Frankly I'm cool with people hanging with or loving whoever offers peace and tranquility to their lives.

Far more relevant than my curiosity is the feeling I have of being somewhat cheated by this abandonment by White women because I, along with the vast majority of White men, harbor absolutely no interest in Black women, whatsoever. This is not to say there is anything generally or specifically wrong with Black women, I (we) simply do not find them the least bit attractive.

Frankly, I'm not sure how any American man can feel 'cheated' when millions of American women of all backgrounds are available to fulfill most, if not all men's needs, wants or desires?

I don't know of anybody who gets upset over a black man dating a white woman. Not sure what the point of the thread is.

Hello, S.J. If you listen to the broadcast you'll learn many Americans are upset with interracial dating. Mostly black American women and men pejoratively, as well as widely viewed as SIMPS.

#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

I am publishing this writing on the Race Relations board because I believe the topic of interracial dating is a race related issue.

Also, I'm sharing this YT broadcast to offer USMB members a wider perspective of black or American citizens of African descent who apparently are not infected by "HATE" the American urban-TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur describes in his THUGLIFE Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment *AWARENESS PREVENTION* concept.

T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. - "The HATE U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur


Can we KEEP it REAL?
During this live broadcast, Oshay Duke Jackson, creator and CEO of Negro Manosphere Home Page - Negro Manosphere - www.negromanosphere.com, as well as Mr. LARMovement and Mr. Donovan Sharpe, two contributing members to the Negromanosphere, engage in a public discussion about interracial dating and black women's lack of femininity.

I listened to every minute of this Friday, September 28, 2018, 3:12:36 live broadcast during which these gentlemen spoke with callers to the show, many who are black women dancing around the show's topic, "Why Is Everybody So Mad When Black Men Date White Women? (The Brother Pill Podcast)" Oshay Vlogcast Channel Streamed live on Sep 28, 2018.

Beginning at 2:34:13, I'm sharing what I view are highlights of an information-packed 3:12:36 discussion, including comments offered by a black American mom, who at 2:46:16 speaks about black women's anxiety, as well as her belief that worldwide, black women are viewed as "difficult" people, as well as viewed in a negative light.

During this broadcast Mr. LARMovement, shares his usual common sense, wisdom and knowledge that I'm certain some USMB members will strongly disagree with.

Sadly, I'm also fairly certain when listening to these free-thinking, successful, accomplished American men sharing their thoughts, concerns and opinions, some USMB members will view them as Coons, Sell-Outs, Uncle Toms or "white ass-kissing lawn jockeys" (as a USMB member once referred to me) for speaking their truths.

I am curious to learn other member's opinions about the thoughts, concerns and opinions these man share regarding the current state of black American women, and how black women's dysfunction affects black or American citizens of African descent, as well as American society@large?
Please consider SUBSCRIBING to and supporting the YT channels and other public platforms where the above American men share their thoughts, concerns and experience.

American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

View attachment 219592

#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

I am publishing this writing on the Race Relations board because I believe the topic of interracial dating is a race related issue.

Also, I'm sharing this YT broadcast to offer USMB members a wider perspective of black or American citizens of African descent who apparently are not infected by "HATE" the American urban-TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur describes in his THUGLIFE Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment *AWARENESS PREVENTION* concept.

T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. - "The HATE U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur


Can we KEEP it REAL?
During this live broadcast, Oshay Duke Jackson, creator and CEO of Negro Manosphere Home Page - Negro Manosphere - www.negromanosphere.com, as well as Mr. LARMovement and Mr. Donovan Sharpe, two contributing members to the Negromanosphere, engage in a public discussion about interracial dating and black women's lack of femininity.

I listened to every minute of this Friday, September 28, 2018, 3:12:36 live broadcast during which these gentlemen spoke with callers to the show, many who are black women dancing around the show's topic, "Why Is Everybody So Mad When Black Men Date White Women? (The Brother Pill Podcast)" Oshay Vlogcast Channel Streamed live on Sep 28, 2018.

Beginning at 2:34:13, I'm sharing what I view are highlights of an information-packed 3:12:36 discussion, including comments offered by a black American mom, who at 2:46:16 speaks about black women's anxiety, as well as her belief that worldwide, black women are viewed as "difficult" people, as well as viewed in a negative light.

During this broadcast Mr. LARMovement, shares his usual common sense, wisdom and knowledge that I'm certain some USMB members will strongly disagree with.

Sadly, I'm also fairly certain when listening to these free-thinking, successful, accomplished American men sharing their thoughts, concerns and opinions, some USMB members will view them as Coons, Sell-Outs, Uncle Toms or "white ass-kissing lawn jockeys" (as a USMB member once referred to me) for speaking their truths.

I am curious to learn other member's opinions about the thoughts, concerns and opinions these man share regarding the current state of black American women, and how black women's dysfunction affects black or American citizens of African descent, as well as American society@large?
Please consider SUBSCRIBING to and supporting the YT channels and other public platforms where the above American men share their thoughts, concerns and experience.

American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

View attachment 219592

I think anyone should to be free to love anyone else as long as they are consenting adults, regardless of race, religion, nationality, gender. That having been said, I also think that any trait that you are attracted to, which you cannot reproduce in full from the consummation of the relationship, is dysfunctional and or destructive to that which you are attracted to. Dysfunctional in the sense that it does not meet the prime directive of reproduction and destructive in the sense of opportunity cost of not reproducing the trait.

In light of that, men attracted to men, women attracted to women, adults attracted to prepubescent children, does not result in reproduction. If the masses were this way, humanity would die off in short order. Hence, counter-functional to the prime directive. In regards to inter-racial dating, we are the same. We can reproduce together, so there is nothing wrong with it….UNLESS your attraction is to a race other than your own.

If you are a black man who finds the white women more attractive (superior) then that is destructive to what you are attracted to because a black man cannot reproduce a white female (only in extremely rare cases). Thus, if practiced in mass, the attraction would eliminate over centuries, that which you are attracted to. It works in reverse as well. A white person attracted to black people cannot reproduce black people, in full. Yes, society says that mixed children are “black”, but they are not fully black. They are less black than their parent. So if you cannot reproduce what you are attracted to, in full, it’s not a “healthy” attraction. Keep in mind that attraction serves a purpose for our species in regards to natural selection and such.

It’s kind of that way in general in nature. If you consume a resource and cannot reproduce it…..you are reducing it. If we just consumed crops, without replanting, we would run out of food in short order and die off. So my general feeling about inter-racial relationships is that it’s fine if you are in it for nonracial reasons. However, when you have the aim of dating outside your race because you think other races are “better”, then you become a cancer to that other race, as well as your own.
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Most of them do it to get back at their fathers.

Why, I don't know.
As a White American male the practice of White women preferring the company of Black men doesn't make me mad. It makes me damn curious as to why.

Far more relevant than my curiosity is the feeling I have of being somewhat cheated by this abandonment by White women because I, along with the vast majority of White men, harbor absolutely no interest in Black women, whatsoever. This is not to say there is anything generally or specifically wrong with Black women, I (we) simply do not find them the least bit attractive.

So I'm curious about why White woman find Black men appealing while there very rarely is any inverse appeal. One rarely sees Black women in the company of White men -- even in advertisements.

Opinions are invited.

Whoa! As a white male I vehemently reject your premise that we don’t find black women attractive. I find many black women attractive.

I also have no issue with white women with black men.
As a White American male the practice of White women preferring the company of Black men doesn't make me mad. It makes me damn curious as to why.

Far more relevant than my curiosity is the feeling I have of being somewhat cheated by this abandonment by White women because I, along with the vast majority of White men, harbor absolutely no interest in Black women, whatsoever. This is not to say there is anything generally or specifically wrong with Black women, I (we) simply do not find them the least bit attractive.

So I'm curious about why White woman find Black men appealing while there very rarely is any inverse appeal. One rarely sees Black women in the company of White men -- even in advertisements.

Opinions are invited.
Maybe it could be that a lot of women are attracted to "bad boys" and society has kind of made black men the "bad boys" of this society.
One rarely sees Black women in the company of White men -- even in advertisements.

Opinions are invited.
If the woman is a muslim she is not generally allowed to marry a person who is not a muslim.
here is an addendum to my first post.

I don't think a "conscious" black person should date outside their race. What a conscious black person means to me is one who wants to see black people reach parity with the rest of the world in terms of socioeconomic indicators of well being.

You can't be a Buick Salesman.....while driving around in a Honda. Ergo, you can't really promote society giving black folks a better chance or black people to help uplift black people......when your choices reflect the opposite.
I see this race stuff so often that it is not a big deal so don't expect much return from the post. You think the sistars are hard to live with, try a white girl....I stay with Black and will always go back.

Hi, Dan. Frankly I'm cool with people hanging with or loving whoever offers peace and tranquility to their lives.

I take the whole subject as Diff Strokes for Diff folks. I hate the Asians white. Just my thing
here is an addendum to my first post.

I don't think a "conscious" black person should date outside their race. What a conscious black person means to me is one who wants to see black people reach parity with the rest of the world in terms of socioeconomic indicators of well being.

You can't be a Buick Salesman.....while driving around in a Honda. Ergo, you can't really promote society giving black folks a better chance or black people to help uplift black people......when your choices reflect the opposite.
You all realize its all a status thing in most cases. In some cases its the girl is half breed.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

I am publishing this writing on the Race Relations board because I believe the topic of interracial dating is a race related issue.

Also, I'm sharing this YT broadcast to offer USMB members a wider perspective of black or American citizens of African descent who apparently are not infected by "HATE" the American urban-TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur describes in his THUGLIFE Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment *AWARENESS PREVENTION* concept.

T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. - "The HATE U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur


Can we KEEP it REAL?
During this live broadcast, Oshay Duke Jackson, creator and CEO of Negro Manosphere Home Page - Negro Manosphere - www.negromanosphere.com, as well as Mr. LARMovement and Mr. Donovan Sharpe, two contributing members to the Negromanosphere, engage in a public discussion about interracial dating and black women's lack of femininity.

I listened to every minute of this Friday, September 28, 2018, 3:12:36 live broadcast during which these gentlemen spoke with callers to the show, many who are black women dancing around the show's topic, "Why Is Everybody So Mad When Black Men Date White Women? (The Brother Pill Podcast)" Oshay Vlogcast Channel Streamed live on Sep 28, 2018.

Beginning at 2:34:13, I'm sharing what I view are highlights of an information-packed 3:12:36 discussion, including comments offered by a black American mom, who at 2:46:16 speaks about black women's anxiety, as well as her belief that worldwide, black women are viewed as "difficult" people, as well as viewed in a negative light.

During this broadcast Mr. LARMovement, shares his usual common sense, wisdom and knowledge that I'm certain some USMB members will strongly disagree with.

Sadly, I'm also fairly certain when listening to these free-thinking, successful, accomplished American men sharing their thoughts, concerns and opinions, some USMB members will view them as Coons, Sell-Outs, Uncle Toms or "white ass-kissing lawn jockeys" (as a USMB member once referred to me) for speaking their truths.

I am curious to learn other member's opinions about the thoughts, concerns and opinions these man share regarding the current state of black American women, and how black women's dysfunction affects black or American citizens of African descent, as well as American society@large?
Please consider SUBSCRIBING to and supporting the YT channels and other public platforms where the above American men share their thoughts, concerns and experience.

American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

View attachment 219592
Nobody gets too upset over mudsharks anymore.

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