Andrew McCabe admits to lying to FBI

Unfortunately everyone in this country has rights. They don't get convicted because some people think they did broke the law. It sucks that there is a criminal justice system where they are investigated, it is decided to put them in front of a judge and jury, and they have to be proven guilty there. Damn shame there are soooo many steps to put someone in jail or put them to death in this country....

It sounds like you would prefer anarchy or Communism. I think you are in the wrong country.

Hillary was caught, red-handed, along with her aides, of committing innumerable felonies. She was never charged, let alone prosecuted or convicted.

Team Mueller, on the other hand, threw the book at anyone on team Trump that even jaywalked.

If you don't believe in equal application of the law, then you don't believe in law and we're a banana republic where only the political undesirables are held accountable for crimes against the American people.

If everyone that gets arrested and goes to trial is guilty, then why even have court hearings and waste time and money?

Just take them out in the desert and have them dig their own graves... then line them up...

Seriously, you guys got to give this shit up. No one has pressed charges on the people you keep talking about, which includes both AGs appointed by Trump.

You complain this is a banana republic, but your solution is Communism. Stop. You are being ridiculous.
Seriously, you guys got to give this shit up. No one has pressed charges on the people you keep talking about, which includes both AGs appointed by Trump.

You complain this is a banana republic, but your solution is Communism. Stop. You are being ridiculous.

Is it legal to transmit classified documents through a private server?
Hey Lewdog

Let's say you work for the federal government and you handle classified documents. One day, the FBI raids your home and finds 100+ classified documents that you sent to your home computer.

Do you think you'd skate like Hillary and her aides did?

I'll give you the answer. You'd be in PRISON.
Seriously, you guys got to give this shit up. No one has pressed charges on the people you keep talking about, which includes both AGs appointed by Trump.

You complain this is a banana republic, but your solution is Communism. Stop. You are being ridiculous.

Is it legal to transmit classified documents through a private server?

There are 2 parts needed in order to be a crime. Mens Rea and Actus Reus. Comey said the Mens Reus was not proven, therefore he said she was just grossly negligent.
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Do you think they should investigate and prosecute all leakers in the FBI? If there is an investigation should everyone comply with the FBI and answer their questions honestly?

I think we should have equal application of the law. How about you?

For sure! So then Rudy should be investigated by the FBI to find out who in the FBI leaked the information to him about Weiner's laptop right? I believe no matter who you are, you should follow the same laws.

I guess it depends. If one is leaking in order to expose crime and corruption, would you support them being prosecuted?

Is that what McCabe was doing? Or did he have other reasons? Apparently, the latter.

Speaking of equal application of the law, did you agree with Hillary skating for her 100+ felonies? You or I would have gone to prison.
What 100 plus felonies?
There are 2 parts needed in order to be a crime. Mens Rea and Actus Reus. Comey said the Mens Rea was not proven, therefore he said she was just grossly negligent.

Why don't you want to answer the question?
Do you think they should investigate and prosecute all leakers in the FBI? If there is an investigation should everyone comply with the FBI and answer their questions honestly?

I think we should have equal application of the law. How about you?

For sure! So then Rudy should be investigated by the FBI to find out who in the FBI leaked the information to him about Weiner's laptop right? I believe no matter who you are, you should follow the same laws.

I guess it depends. If one is leaking in order to expose crime and corruption, would you support them being prosecuted?

Is that what McCabe was doing? Or did he have other reasons? Apparently, the latter.

Speaking of equal application of the law, did you agree with Hillary skating for her 100+ felonies? You or I would have gone to prison.
What 100 plus felonies?
So I guess you can’t list them?
So I guess you can’t list them?

We've been through this. Director Comey said she transmitted classified documents through her PRIVATE server. The IG report confirmed this and put the number at over 100.

Hillary's aides were doing this as a matter of routine procedure. God knows how many classified documents ended up in their personal email accounts just as so many were found on Huma's husband's computer (Weiner) at their home.

All of them skated, and you cheered.
And I told you the answer. It takes TWO parts in order to charge a person with that crime. Do you know what Mens Rea and Actus Reus is or do I need to tell you?

The answer is "no", it is NOT legal to transmit classified documents through a private server. You cannot admit this truth because your loyalty is to the Democratic Party rather than to your fellow Americans. You're fascist that way.
Hey Lewdog

Let's say you work for the federal government and you handle classified documents. One day, the FBI raids your home and finds 100+ classified documents that you sent to your home computer.

Do you think you'd skate like Hillary and her aides did?

I'll give you the answer. You'd be in PRISON.

Lewdog I take it you don't want to answer this question either. Why is that? Is it because you don't like the answer?
So I guess you can’t list them?

We've been through this. Director Comey said she transmitted classified documents through her PRIVATE server. The IG report confirmed this and put the number at over 100.

Hillary's aides were doing this as a matter of routine procedure. God knows how many classified documents ended up in their personal email accounts just as so many were found on Huma's husband's computer (Weiner) at their home.

All of them skated, and you cheered.

100 felonies? That is debatable, given your penchant for lying about stuff like that.

Hillary Clinton on classified info in her emails
And I told you the answer. It takes TWO parts in order to charge a person with that crime. Do you know what Mens Rea and Actus Reus is or do I need to tell you?

The answer is "no", it is NOT legal to transmit classified documents through a private server. You cannot admit this truth because your loyalty is to the Democratic Party rather than to your fellow Americans. You're fascist that way.

That's a gem! I'm fascist for wanting to make sure everyone's rights aren't violated by being found guilty of a crime because people like you just think they are guilty?... instead of following the constitution and criminal justice system where it takes two parts for someone to be guilty of committing a crime? You are one really confused duck.
Hey Lewdog

Let's say you work for the federal government and you handle classified documents. One day, the FBI raids your home and finds 100+ classified documents that you sent to your home computer.

Do you think you'd skate like Hillary and her aides did?

I'll give you the answer. You'd be in PRISON.

Lewdog I take it you don't want to answer this question either. Why is that? Is it because you don't like the answer?
You don’t seem to like his answer. Why?
Hey Lewdog

Let's say you work for the federal government and you handle classified documents. One day, the FBI raids your home and finds 100+ classified documents that you sent to your home computer.

Do you think you'd skate like Hillary and her aides did?

I'll give you the answer. You'd be in PRISON.

Lewdog I take it you don't want to answer this question either. Why is that? Is it because you don't like the answer?

I answered your fucking question. I can't help it you are either too ignorant to understand the answer, or two thick skulled to want to admit you've been arguing a lost cause this whole time.
I answered your fucking question.

LOL. No, you're...

You don’t seem to like his answer. Why?

Bullshit. Anyone else would have gone to prison, and many have.

Why do you support government corruption? Why did you support Hillary setting up a private server to avoid oversight by the people? Why did you support Hillary's pay-for-play schemes that took place? Why did you support Obama's criminal complicity with Hillary's actions? Why did you support Obama LYING when he was asked if he had previously known of her secret server?

The answer is because your loyalty is to the Democratic Party rather than to average Americans. Obama, Hillary, Biden, etc. were SCREWING the American people and you cheered them on.
That's a gem! I'm fascist for wanting to make sure everyone's rights aren't violated by being found guilty of a crime because people like you just think they are guilty?... instead of following the constitution and criminal justice system where it takes two parts for someone to be guilty of committing a crime? You are one really confused duck.

Your similar to a fascist in that, like them, your loyalty and devotion is to the Democratic Party rather than to your fellow ciitizens. There is likely no crime that you wouldn't tolerate as long as perpetrator has that magical "D" by their name.

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