Andrew Cuomo doesn't see America's greatness because he doesn't know where to look

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Somewhere between Nickelsville and Bear Wallow Hollow along Virginia state route 71, the remains of a redbrick home smolders on the hillside overlooking the single lane road. Several volunteer firemen sit, drinking water near the remains of the home. It’s over 90 degrees out. The sun and heat are punishing, exaggerating the heaviness of their efforts.

None of these men will get a paycheck for risking their health and possibly their lives. But that’s okay, that’s not why they do it.

An elderly gentleman stands outside of his vehicle along Route 11 West, the Virginia-Tennessee bi-way made infamous in the 1958 movie Thunder Road about moonshine running — he’s not far from a service station. Two young men pull over and offer their help. Minutes later, he is steering, and they are pushing. He makes it to the station; they walk back toward their white service van with two sandwiches in hand he bought them at the lunch counter inside the service station.

A new waitress at a Chattanooga diner drops her tray full of ribs, macaroni and cheese, and wings just as she is about to deliver it to a table filled with family members from out of town. Half of it lands on the father of the family, staining his white shirt and tangling gooey macaroni and cheese in his hair. She is filled with apologizes and tears. They handle it with grace.

When they leave — after they finally have their dinner — they refuse an offer for complimentary dinner and leave her a generous tip.

None of these are extraordinary moments. In fact, they are really quite ordinary things that happen every day in this country. They are the tiny measures of character, which is best measured in such granular increments....


I think that disdain for American values runs in Cuomo's family. His dad (Mario) was the same way. Reagan made America great again and all Mario could do is try to convince everyone that it wasn't, but when he had the chance to run against him in 1984 he didn't have the balls to do it, just wanted to sit on the sidelines and take cheap shots at the President and let Mondale take the beating. Didn't have the guts to run against Bush Sr. either. Like Father, like Son...cowards.
Here Are the Lobbying Emails Cuomo Fought Hard to Keep Secret
New York Times ^

ALBANY — In January 2016, as Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo was preparing his annual State of the State address, some high-placed state officials knew they had a problem.

A pair of business executives — partners in multimillion-dollar, private-public partnership deals with the state — were on their way to Albany, anticipating that Mr. Cuomo was going to announce their projects in his speech. But Mr. Cuomo had decided against doing so, worrying the executives.

“We need to assure these guys their deals are solid,” Christopher Walsh, an associate vice president at the State University of New York Polytechnic Institute, wrote in an email to several top Cuomo administration officials. “We cannot string these guys along any longer. Please.”

One person in that email chain was not a government official, but rather a high-profile lobbyist by the name of Todd R. Howe, a former aide of Mr. Cuomo’s who was said to still have the administration’s ear. Indeed, Mr. Howe made the problem go away, suggesting that the executives be given access to a reception at the Executive Mansion, where the governor was staying that week.

“Could we get the two C.E.O.s invited to the mansion?” Mr. Howe wrote in an email to Jim Malatras, then the director of state operations, one of the top positions in state government. “Given we asked them to travel in to attend.”

Two minutes later, Mr. Malatras said “O.K.,” and instructed his deputy to set up the visit.

Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat seeking a third term in November, has repeatedly downplayed his relationship with Mr. Howe, who became a key figure in a pair of federal corruption cases after pleading guilty and reaching a cooperation deal with prosecutors.
Get the fuck outta here...what the fuck is great about a country who raged hell on Obama for 8 fuckin years and look the other way with this loser nightmare Trump...what the fuck is great about that????

America is a gotdamned disgrace, the world sees it and knows it and you sorry fucks need to reconize it also.....america with Trump in the white house in NOT GREAT AND WILL NEVER BE GREAT UNTIL HE IS GONE AND HIS FOLLOWERS ARE ALL STRIPPED OF THIER VOTING RIGHTS!!
Get the fuck outta here...what the fuck is great about a country who raged hell on Obama for 8 fuckin years and look the other way with this loser nightmare Trump...what the fuck is great about that????

America is a gotdamned disgrace, the world sees it and knows it and you sorry fucks need to reconize it also.....america with Trump in the white house in NOT GREAT AND WILL NEVER BE GREAT UNTIL HE IS GONE AND HIS FOLLOWERS ARE ALL STRIPPED OF THIER VOTING RIGHTS!!
Let me ask your funny ass a few questions.
Has Trump bombed a hospital yet? Guess who did.
Has Trump used the IRS against political opponents? Guess who did.
Has Trump declared war on a country without congressional approval? Guess who did.
Did Trump lose our AAA credit rating because of excessive spending? Guess who did?
Did Trump try to blame an attack on an embassy on YouTube? Guess who did.
Has Trump allowed the CIA to spy on others? Guess who did.
Has Trump sold guns to drug cartels then blame someone else's? Guess who did.
Are you seeing a pattern here?
What other country has placed men on the moon a number of times?
What other country has led the world in major advances in the last 75 years?
What other country has created more entertainment then any other country?
What other country has been one of the first nations to show up help during disasters?
How many have called for the idiots that voted for the last president which was arguably the worst in history to be stripped of their voting rights?
Get the fuck outta here...what the fuck is great about a country who raged hell on Obama for 8 fuckin years and look the other way with this loser nightmare Trump...what the fuck is great about that????

America is a gotdamned disgrace, the world sees it and knows it and you sorry fucks need to reconize it also.....america with Trump in the white house in NOT GREAT AND WILL NEVER BE GREAT UNTIL HE IS GONE AND HIS FOLLOWERS ARE ALL STRIPPED OF THIER VOTING RIGHTS!!
You are the epitome of everything that is wrong in this great country. If you hate it so much you should consider fucking moving...anywhere. You would make about 300 million people very happy.

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