And what is wrong with 22 million americans losing health insurance under Trumpcare?

You have a sick notion of what is immoral, disgusting and unconstitutional. Seems that your idea is that anything that doesn't benefit you personally is "immoral, disgusting and unconstitutional". Which means that only you are immoral and disgusting.

The general welfare of the NATION, no t individual citizens. If an action requires harming one group of citizens to benefit another, it does not meet the ideal of "general welfare." As, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA AND The AHCA ALL harm some to herlp others. Thzt makes them ALL unconstitutional.

It is grossly immoral to help those who will noit help themselves, especially when it requires using the Government to steal from those who can and do help themselves to do it.
Yep, it seems some individuals cannot distinguish between GENERAL and SPECIFIC when the term "welfare" gets thrown in, oddly enough those same people never seem to give a flying fuck about the people that get screwed over (aka a degradation of the victims welfare) while all this "promoting of the general welfare" is going on. :rolleyes:

The welfare of of more than 23 million Americans is far from 'specific'.
a subset of 23 million based on defined characteristics out of 315 million IS specific.

And no, we don't give a flying fuck about the super wealthy who have benefited so well under our system of economics that has been created by the government, and built by American workers.
You don't appear to give a flying fuck about ANYTHING except your self righteous sermonizing regarding how other people owe you something. :cool:

Guess what you dim witted turd...I'm have private insurance thru my employer. What's more is I'm a highly paid systems admin that works for a privately owned company.
LOL "Systems admin" , bully for you and who gives a fuck?... if you're so great how come you cannot formulate an argument that doesn't consist of nothing but Ad Hominem? Why do you feel that "the super rich" owe you something simply because their entrepreneurial ability allowed them to be vastly more successful than you are?

I consider caring about my fellow Americans, as well as paying taxes to be my patriotic duty. I know that the quality of life for me and my family depends on the health of the society in which we live - but that's the only benefit I get from the government social programs.

You just can't comprehend that there are people who give a damn about anyone but themselves.
You're the one that wants the government to extort other peoples property because you feel that it benefits YOU, so YOU are the one that "doesn't give a damn about anybody but themselves".

If you REALLY cared about your fellow Americans you'd open your own checkbook and pen some checks to charity or perhaps get off your lazy ass and spend some of your time volunteering instead of blathering on Internet Message boards about how "caring" you are, waiving your pom-poms in support of more government larceny doesn't make you "caring" it makes you an accomplice.
Did you know that medicaid is the largest healthcare provider in the US, look it up. 49% of babies are born under medicaid, 70% of children are cared for under medicaid. The elderly have care under medicaid and medicaid waiver which is a special program for those who have worked all their lives. I am disabled but worked for 40 years and am waiting for my retirement, should I lose a portion of my healthcare and die because you dont want to understand how the healthcare system works?
Not all people on medicaid are just loafers or freeloading off your income.

I understand exactly how it works. My wife was on Medicare and Medicaid before we got married. She now has my employer provided insurance instead.

Very simply... It is not the Government's job to provide for your (or anyone's) care. If/when I can't provide for myself, there's a bullet with my name on it.

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