And we wonder how Hitler got to be powerful......

Paul Ryan Refuses To Call Out Trump For Renewed Muslim Ban Push

And we wonder how a idiot like Hitler got into power. When good men stay silent, evil flourish. Trump is stupid, border lined retarded, ignorant to the core, brings nothing to the table of political knowlege, has the temperment of a 3 year old, wants to fuck his own daughter, brags about dick size, hates on mf's that calls him out, treats everybody like shit that disagree's with him, advocates mob violence, has the ego the size of the planet, disrespects the GOP, actually hates the mf's.....BUT GOD FORBID A ANTI GOVERNMENT CONSERVATIVE POLITICIANS IN WASHINGTON HAVE TO GIVE UP THEIR TAX PAYERS CHECK AND ENTER THE REAL WORLD WITH THE REST OF US, IF THEY STOOD FIRM IN THIER CONVICTIONS.
On Fox this morning, an Israeli former special ops guy said Trump is right--America "tapping the brakes" on terrorists is a good start. While I agree with you about Trump in general, we DO need to do more to stop these jihadi shitheads. So maybe Paul Ryan has a reason for keeping quiet on this one.
The Orlando killer was not an immigrant. Stopping immigration is not going to solve the problem. Stopping ISIS and other terrorist groups is what we need to do, as Obama said yesterday. At the moment, most of the people/countries fighting against ISIS are Muslim. We need to support them. ISIS is the evil, not Islam.

The vast majority of Muslims beleive homosexuality should not be tolerated. About 50% of British Muslims think it should be illegal. This is mainstream Islam, anti-gay, anti-Semitic and anti-women.

Half of all British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal, poll finds

And here you are, defending Islam, as if it isn't the most vile and hateful ideology on the planet.
Less than 50 years ago 'The vast majority of Americans and the modern Western World believed homosexuality should not be tolerated.' Now you sit there self righteously smirking and regarding yourself superior. Get a grip. It is only over the past 50 years we have tolerated homosexuality. Islam is 600 years younger than Christianity. What were Christians doing to homosexuals 600 years ago?

I have lived in Muslim countries long enough to know that their attitude toward gays and women is changing, slowly. But it sure as hell is not going to take 600 years, so get the self righteousness off the table.

You people are so out of touch with reality. Tunnel vision and an understanding of history that spans about 10 years.
Well no........
Well, YES, actually. I don't know how old you are, but I am old enough to have lived, as an adult, iin a time when homosexuality was definitely not accepted. Not in the States and not in Europe. So you are wrong, despite this little bit if trivia you have cited. It is not a realistic view of what society was like. NOT AT ALL. You probably also don't remember when abortion was illegal.

To say that homosexual behavior was accepted as normal 50 years ago is ludicrous in the extreme.
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On Fox this morning, an Israeli former special ops guy said Trump is right--America "tapping the brakes" on terrorists is a good start. While I agree with you about Trump in general, we DO need to do more to stop these jihadi shitheads. So maybe Paul Ryan has a reason for keeping quiet on this one.
The Orlando killer was not an immigrant. Stopping immigration is not going to solve the problem. Stopping ISIS and other terrorist groups is what we need to do, as Obama said yesterday. At the moment, most of the people/countries fighting against ISIS are Muslim. We need to support them. ISIS is the evil, not Islam.

The vast majority of Muslims beleive homosexuality should not be tolerated. About 50% of British Muslims think it should be illegal. This is mainstream Islam, anti-gay, anti-Semitic and anti-women.

Half of all British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal, poll finds

And here you are, defending Islam, as if it isn't the most vile and hateful ideology on the planet.
Less than 50 years ago 'The vast majority of Americans and the modern Western World believed homosexuality should not be tolerated.' Now you sit there self righteously smirking and regarding yourself superior. Get a grip. It is only over the past 50 years we have tolerated homosexuality. Islam is 600 years younger than Christianity. What were Christians doing to homosexuals 600 years ago?

I have lived in Muslim countries long enough to know that their attitude toward gays and women is changing, slowly. But it sure as hell is not going to take 600 years, so get the self righteousness off the table.

You people are so out of touch with reality. Tunnel vision and an understanding of history that spans about 10 years.
Well no........
Well, YES, actually. I don't know how old you are, but I am old enough to have lived, as an adult, iin a time when homosexuality was definitely not accepted. Not in the States and not in Europe. So you are wrong, despite this little bit if trivia you have cited. It is not a realistic view of what society was like. NOT AT ALL. You probably also don't remember when abortion was illegal.

To say that homosexual behavior was accepted as normal 50 years ago is ludicrous in the extreme.
Not accepted by you perhaps, but it was an accepted lifestyle as I pointed out it was celebrated as well.
Hitler got his power by and large through intimidation and murder most notably the night of the long knives. People on both the right and the left really need to stop making these dumbass Hitler/Nazi comparisons to politicians of today.
Paul Ryan Refuses To Call Out Trump For Renewed Muslim Ban Push

And we wonder how a idiot like Hitler got into power. When good men stay silent, evil flourish. Trump is stupid, border lined retarded, ignorant to the core, brings nothing to the table of political knowlege, has the temperment of a 3 year old, wants to fuck his own daughter, brags about dick size, hates on mf's that calls him out, treats everybody like shit that disagree's with him, advocates mob violence, has the ego the size of the planet, disrespects the GOP, actually hates the mf's.....BUT GOD FORBID A ANTI GOVERNMENT CONSERVATIVE POLITICIANS IN WASHINGTON HAVE TO GIVE UP THEIR TAX PAYERS CHECK AND ENTER THE REAL WORLD WITH THE REST OF US, IF THEY STOOD FIRM IN THIER CONVICTIONS.
On Fox this morning, an Israeli former special ops guy said Trump is right--America "tapping the brakes" on terrorists is a good start. While I agree with you about Trump in general, we DO need to do more to stop these jihadi shitheads. So maybe Paul Ryan has a reason for keeping quiet on this one.
The Orlando killer was not an immigrant. Stopping immigration is not going to solve the problem. Stopping ISIS and other terrorist groups is what we need to do, as Obama said yesterday. At the moment, most of the people/countries fighting against ISIS are Muslim. We need to support them. ISIS is the evil, not Islam.

The vast majority of Muslims beleive homosexuality should not be tolerated. About 50% of British Muslims think it should be illegal. This is mainstream Islam, anti-gay, anti-Semitic and anti-women.

Half of all British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal, poll finds

And here you are, defending Islam, as if it isn't the most vile and hateful ideology on the planet.
Less than 50 years ago 'The vast majority of Americans and the modern Western World believed homosexuality should not be tolerated.' Now you sit there self righteously smirking and regarding yourself superior. Get a grip. It is only over the past 50 years we have tolerated homosexuality. Islam is 600 years younger than Christianity. What were Christians doing to homosexuals 600 years ago?

I have lived in Muslim countries long enough to know that their attitude toward gays and women is changing, slowly. But it sure as hell is not going to take 600 years, so get the self righteousness off the table.

You people are so out of touch with reality. Tunnel vision and an understanding of history that spans about 10 years.

It'll take 600 years for Islam to act civilized?
We can't wait that long.

their attitude toward gays and women is changing,

Maybe, until about 1979. How's the attitude of ISIS today?
Hitler got his power by and large through intimidation and murder most notably the night of the long knives. People on both the right and the left really need to stop making these dumbass Hitler/Nazi comparisons to politicians of today.
Actually he got into power when the sitting Chancellor got sick and wanted to step down. He handed the reigns over the Hitler, seeing his popularity, kinda like Trump..the RNC is only stomaching the guy due to his popularity among the base..comparison number one. Secondly, Once Hitler became Chancellor it was then that he began to devourer "perceived" enemies, he did his through murder and Trump is doing his through verbally abusing and bullying his opponents. Out of fear and frustration, both todays whites as did the white racist fucks of yester-year, all latched on to the madman because everybody but honkeys were the reason lice balls was having a bad was the Jews, the gays, the retards and other minorites back then, to day the list is a bit longer...blacks, latino's, muslims, jews, women, rabbits and babies....all the reason the white man wants his country black, I mean back....have you learned something today, my little racist shit for brains idiot? Your welcome!!
Paul Ryan Refuses To Call Out Trump For Renewed Muslim Ban Push

And we wonder how a idiot like Hitler got into power. When good men stay silent, evil flourish. Trump is stupid, border lined retarded, ignorant to the core, brings nothing to the table of political knowlege, has the temperment of a 3 year old, wants to fuck his own daughter, brags about dick size, hates on mf's that calls him out, treats everybody like shit that disagree's with him, advocates mob violence, has the ego the size of the planet, disrespects the GOP, actually hates the mf's.....BUT GOD FORBID A ANTI GOVERNMENT CONSERVATIVE POLITICIANS IN WASHINGTON HAVE TO GIVE UP THEIR TAX PAYERS CHECK AND ENTER THE REAL WORLD WITH THE REST OF US, IF THEY STOOD FIRM IN THIER CONVICTIONS.
On Fox this morning, an Israeli former special ops guy said Trump is right--America "tapping the brakes" on terrorists is a good start. While I agree with you about Trump in general, we DO need to do more to stop these jihadi shitheads. So maybe Paul Ryan has a reason for keeping quiet on this one.
The Orlando killer was not an immigrant. Stopping immigration is not going to solve the problem. Stopping ISIS and other terrorist groups is what we need to do, as Obama said yesterday. At the moment, most of the people/countries fighting against ISIS are Muslim. We need to support them. ISIS is the evil, not Islam.

The vast majority of Muslims beleive homosexuality should not be tolerated. About 50% of British Muslims think it should be illegal. This is mainstream Islam, anti-gay, anti-Semitic and anti-women.

Half of all British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal, poll finds

And here you are, defending Islam, as if it isn't the most vile and hateful ideology on the planet.
Less than 50 years ago 'The vast majority of Americans and the modern Western World believed homosexuality should not be tolerated.' Now you sit there self righteously smirking and regarding yourself superior. Get a grip. It is only over the past 50 years we have tolerated homosexuality. Islam is 600 years younger than Christianity. What were Christians doing to homosexuals 600 years ago?

I have lived in Muslim countries long enough to know that their attitude toward gays and women is changing, slowly. But it sure as hell is not going to take 600 years, so get the self righteousness off the table.

You people are so out of touch with reality. Tunnel vision and an understanding of history that spans about 10 years.

It'll take 600 years for Islam to act civilized?
We can't wait that long.

their attitude toward gays and women is changing,

Maybe, until about 1979. How's the attitude of ISIS today?
You can't wait that long? The world of minorities have been waiting since Adam for you white fucks to act civil and we're still waiting.!!
On Fox this morning, an Israeli former special ops guy said Trump is right--America "tapping the brakes" on terrorists is a good start. While I agree with you about Trump in general, we DO need to do more to stop these jihadi shitheads. So maybe Paul Ryan has a reason for keeping quiet on this one.
The Orlando killer was not an immigrant. Stopping immigration is not going to solve the problem. Stopping ISIS and other terrorist groups is what we need to do, as Obama said yesterday. At the moment, most of the people/countries fighting against ISIS are Muslim. We need to support them. ISIS is the evil, not Islam.

The vast majority of Muslims beleive homosexuality should not be tolerated. About 50% of British Muslims think it should be illegal. This is mainstream Islam, anti-gay, anti-Semitic and anti-women.

Half of all British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal, poll finds

And here you are, defending Islam, as if it isn't the most vile and hateful ideology on the planet.
Less than 50 years ago 'The vast majority of Americans and the modern Western World believed homosexuality should not be tolerated.' Now you sit there self righteously smirking and regarding yourself superior. Get a grip. It is only over the past 50 years we have tolerated homosexuality. Islam is 600 years younger than Christianity. What were Christians doing to homosexuals 600 years ago?

I have lived in Muslim countries long enough to know that their attitude toward gays and women is changing, slowly. But it sure as hell is not going to take 600 years, so get the self righteousness off the table.

You people are so out of touch with reality. Tunnel vision and an understanding of history that spans about 10 years.

It'll take 600 years for Islam to act civilized?
We can't wait that long.

their attitude toward gays and women is changing,

Maybe, until about 1979. How's the attitude of ISIS today?
You can't wait that long? The world of minorities have been waiting since Adam for you white fucks to act civil and we're still waiting.!!

Yeah, we're the ones not acting civil. LOL!

You should move to somewhere with fewer whites. We'll miss ya!
Hitler got his power by and large through intimidation and murder most notably the night of the long knives. People on both the right and the left really need to stop making these dumbass Hitler/Nazi comparisons to politicians of today.
Actually he got into power when the sitting Chancellor got sick and wanted to step down. He handed the reigns over the Hitler, seeing his popularity, kinda like Trump..the RNC is only stomaching the guy due to his popularity among the base..comparison number one. Secondly, Once Hitler became Chancellor it was then that he began to devourer "perceived" enemies, he did his through murder and Trump is doing his through verbally abusing and bullying his opponents. Out of fear and frustration, both todays whites as did the white racist fucks of yester-year, all latched on to the madman because everybody but honkeys were the reason lice balls was having a bad was the Jews, the gays, the retards and other minorites back then, to day the list is a bit longer...blacks, latino's, muslims, jews, women, rabbits and babies....all the reason the white man wants his country black, I mean back....have you learned something today, my little racist shit for brains idiot? Your welcome!!
Your idiocy truly has no limits now go fuck off moron the only thing learned from your response is your a bigger asshole than previously thought.
Paul Ryan Refuses To Call Out Trump For Renewed Muslim Ban Push

And we wonder how a idiot like Hitler got into power. When good men stay silent, evil flourish. Trump is stupid, border lined retarded, ignorant to the core, brings nothing to the table of political knowlege, has the temperment of a 3 year old, wants to fuck his own daughter, brags about dick size, hates on mf's that calls him out, treats everybody like shit that disagree's with him, advocates mob violence, has the ego the size of the planet, disrespects the GOP, actually hates the mf's.....BUT GOD FORBID A ANTI GOVERNMENT CONSERVATIVE POLITICIANS IN WASHINGTON HAVE TO GIVE UP THEIR TAX PAYERS CHECK AND ENTER THE REAL WORLD WITH THE REST OF US, IF THEY STOOD FIRM IN THIER CONVICTIONS.
On Fox this morning, an Israeli former special ops guy said Trump is right--America "tapping the brakes" on terrorists is a good start. While I agree with you about Trump in general, we DO need to do more to stop these jihadi shitheads. So maybe Paul Ryan has a reason for keeping quiet on this one.
The Orlando killer was not an immigrant. Stopping immigration is not going to solve the problem. Stopping ISIS and other terrorist groups is what we need to do, as Obama said yesterday. At the moment, most of the people/countries fighting against ISIS are Muslim. We need to support them. ISIS is the evil, not Islam.

The vast majority of Muslims beleive homosexuality should not be tolerated. About 50% of British Muslims think it should be illegal. This is mainstream Islam, anti-gay, anti-Semitic and anti-women.

Half of all British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal, poll finds

And here you are, defending Islam, as if it isn't the most vile and hateful ideology on the planet.
Less than 50 years ago 'The vast majority of Americans and the modern Western World believed homosexuality should not be tolerated.' Now you sit there self righteously smirking and regarding yourself superior. Get a grip. It is only over the past 50 years we have tolerated homosexuality. Islam is 600 years younger than Christianity. What were Christians doing to homosexuals 600 years ago?

I have lived in Muslim countries long enough to know that their attitude toward gays and women is changing, slowly. But it sure as hell is not going to take 600 years, so get the self righteousness off the table.

You people are so out of touch with reality. Tunnel vision and an understanding of history that spans about 10 years.

There is a difference between what Christians and Muslims mean by saying "should not be tolerated". Show me where Christians, just 50 years ago as you claim, were doing the things Muslims all over the world are doing to gays today. At no point in modern history, or even probably ancient history, were homosexuals ever executed in the ways Islamists do today.

Your argument might have some merit, if you could actually show where Muslims today are progressing to be more tolerant of gays today. They execute them in Muslim controlled countries. And no, not just ISIS controlled lands, but so called "civil" Islamic societies like Saudi Arabia and Iran.

The anti-homosexual views of Islam is only one issue. You still have to defend their anti-Jew views, as well as their feelings about the role of women.

Islam is the most barbaric ideology on the planet, by far. It has been for 1400 years, and shows no sign of changing. If you love Islam so much, go move to an Islamic country, stop trying to transform our country and other Western countries into an Islamic one.

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