And we wonder how Hitler got to be powerful......

Paul Ryan Refuses To Call Out Trump For Renewed Muslim Ban Push

And we wonder how a idiot like Hitler got into power. When good men stay silent, evil flourish. Trump is stupid, border lined retarded, ignorant to the core, brings nothing to the table of political knowlege, has the temperment of a 3 year old, wants to fuck his own daughter, brags about dick size, hates on mf's that calls him out, treats everybody like shit that disagree's with him, advocates mob violence, has the ego the size of the planet, disrespects the GOP, actually hates the mf's.....BUT GOD FORBID A ANTI GOVERNMENT CONSERVATIVE POLITICIANS IN WASHINGTON HAVE TO GIVE UP THEIR TAX PAYERS CHECK AND ENTER THE REAL WORLD WITH THE REST OF US, IF THEY STOOD FIRM IN THIER CONVICTIONS.
On Fox this morning, an Israeli former special ops guy said Trump is right--America "tapping the brakes" on terrorists is a good start. While I agree with you about Trump in general, we DO need to do more to stop these jihadi shitheads. So maybe Paul Ryan has a reason for keeping quiet on this one.
The Orlando killer was not an immigrant. Stopping immigration is not going to solve the problem. Stopping ISIS and other terrorist groups is what we need to do, as Obama said yesterday. At the moment, most of the people/countries fighting against ISIS are Muslim. We need to support them. ISIS is the evil, not Islam. will.....this was a guy who may have gotten training when he went to Saudi letting in un vetted muslim immigrants you are allowing military trained jihadi killers into our country.....jihadi, trained in military tactics, trained to act in a coordinated way...trained how to actually fight back against the police....and trained in how to get illegal weapons and explosives...and who have actual experience fighiting in combat you saw the guys in Paris, Mumbai, and Kenya do.........

you want to import a worse form of muslim terrorist......that is why immigration matters..
He was an American citizen. Born and raised in America.

God, you people are so irrational and hysterical.

Bottom line: he should not have been able to get hold of a gun. That's the problem.

He was born in American and raised in a culture of hate, that his family brought with them from a Muslim shithole.

And 50 Americans are dead because of it.
And so was the baby killers and the church killer and the movie killers and high school killers....all raised in disfunctional moronic mice eater!!
Paul Ryan Refuses To Call Out Trump For Renewed Muslim Ban Push

And we wonder how a idiot like Hitler got into power. When good men stay silent, evil flourish. Trump is stupid, border lined retarded, ignorant to the core, brings nothing to the table of political knowlege, has the temperment of a 3 year old, wants to fuck his own daughter, brags about dick size, hates on mf's that calls him out, treats everybody like shit that disagree's with him, advocates mob violence, has the ego the size of the planet, disrespects the GOP, actually hates the mf's.....BUT GOD FORBID A ANTI GOVERNMENT CONSERVATIVE POLITICIANS IN WASHINGTON HAVE TO GIVE UP THEIR TAX PAYERS CHECK AND ENTER THE REAL WORLD WITH THE REST OF US, IF THEY STOOD FIRM IN THIER CONVICTIONS.

Telling isn't it, how the Republican establishment is doing their best to coddle this nutjob trump even though he is against everything they claim to be for. Fish Dimbaugh has been kissing trump ass ever since the turd won the primary. I think this is a good test of conservative voters. If you can ignore all that trump stands for, which is against what you SAY you are for, then you have no values and the only thing that matter to you is winning.

That is in fact how AH came to power. His fervent followers showed up in the hundreds of thousands to cheer on this mental freak-show. Trump doesn't have near those numbers but his sheep are just as fanatical. The people that saw the danger of AH spoke out for a while, then when the writing was on the wall the ones who could left the country.

trump is a batshit turd that vomits on everyone who will get in arms length of him.

America is already great. A loud turd can't add to it.

I would be interested on your take as to how Hitlery would be a better alternative than Trump and for what reasons....the "She is a demcrat" doesn't count as a good reason. What is it about Trump that pisses you off besides the fact that he wants to secure the border and halting the influx of muslim extremists. Funny, I haven't heard a thing from leftards about how Barrypuppet is leaving Christians to be slaughtered over in muslim countries of whose muslim citizens we are taking in. I doubt you have the balls to answer this question because you fear the reply....but what the hell, I might get the chance for a rebuttal .
Listen, I could a fuck on whether Trump or the bitch Hillary wins, I am contending that Trump is reminisent of Hitler and how gullable and mentally challenged his followers were and I see it happening now. Hitler delivered nothing on his promises and in fact destroyed Germany completely along with the white fools that supported him. I see a pattern and I see history wanting to repeat itself right here in America...cause white people is stupid!!, stupid to the fuckin core
Paul Ryan Refuses To Call Out Trump For Renewed Muslim Ban Push

And we wonder how a idiot like Hitler got into power. When good men stay silent, evil flourish. Trump is stupid, border lined retarded, ignorant to the core, brings nothing to the table of political knowlege, has the temperment of a 3 year old, wants to fuck his own daughter, brags about dick size, hates on mf's that calls him out, treats everybody like shit that disagree's with him, advocates mob violence, has the ego the size of the planet, disrespects the GOP, actually hates the mf's.....BUT GOD FORBID A ANTI GOVERNMENT CONSERVATIVE POLITICIANS IN WASHINGTON HAVE TO GIVE UP THEIR TAX PAYERS CHECK AND ENTER THE REAL WORLD WITH THE REST OF US, IF THEY STOOD FIRM IN THIER CONVICTIONS.
On Fox this morning, an Israeli former special ops guy said Trump is right--America "tapping the brakes" on terrorists is a good start. While I agree with you about Trump in general, we DO need to do more to stop these jihadi shitheads. So maybe Paul Ryan has a reason for keeping quiet on this one.
The Orlando killer was not an immigrant. Stopping immigration is not going to solve the problem. Stopping ISIS and other terrorist groups is what we need to do, as Obama said yesterday. At the moment, most of the people/countries fighting against ISIS are Muslim. We need to support them. ISIS is the evil, not Islam. will.....this was a guy who may have gotten training when he went to Saudi letting in un vetted muslim immigrants you are allowing military trained jihadi killers into our country.....jihadi, trained in military tactics, trained to act in a coordinated way...trained how to actually fight back against the police....and trained in how to get illegal weapons and explosives...and who have actual experience fighiting in combat you saw the guys in Paris, Mumbai, and Kenya do.........

you want to import a worse form of muslim terrorist......that is why immigration matters..
Did these home grown white bastards who killed mass number of people did they make a trip to Saudi? Just askin, you muslim hating ass wipe!!
Paul Ryan Refuses To Call Out Trump For Renewed Muslim Ban Push

And we wonder how a idiot like Hitler got into power. When good men stay silent, evil flourish. Trump is stupid, border lined retarded, ignorant to the core, brings nothing to the table of political knowlege, has the temperment of a 3 year old, wants to fuck his own daughter, brags about dick size, hates on mf's that calls him out, treats everybody like shit that disagree's with him, advocates mob violence, has the ego the size of the planet, disrespects the GOP, actually hates the mf's.....BUT GOD FORBID A ANTI GOVERNMENT CONSERVATIVE POLITICIANS IN WASHINGTON HAVE TO GIVE UP THEIR TAX PAYERS CHECK AND ENTER THE REAL WORLD WITH THE REST OF US, IF THEY STOOD FIRM IN THIER CONVICTIONS.
On Fox this morning, an Israeli former special ops guy said Trump is right--America "tapping the brakes" on terrorists is a good start. While I agree with you about Trump in general, we DO need to do more to stop these jihadi shitheads. So maybe Paul Ryan has a reason for keeping quiet on this one.
The Orlando killer was not an immigrant. Stopping immigration is not going to solve the problem. Stopping ISIS and other terrorist groups is what we need to do, as Obama said yesterday. At the moment, most of the people/countries fighting against ISIS are Muslim. We need to support them. ISIS is the evil, not Islam.
What these idiots on the right need to understand is that marginalizing these people, making them feel like crap, hatin on those that are here is only making them wanting to join ISIS or bringing harm to us here in America....they're here, they have rights and pissing these young people off, is gonna end bad for us if we don't stop this hate fest on Muslims.
Paul Ryan Refuses To Call Out Trump For Renewed Muslim Ban Push

And we wonder how a idiot like Hitler got into power. When good men stay silent, evil flourish. Trump is stupid, border lined retarded, ignorant to the core, brings nothing to the table of political knowlege, has the temperment of a 3 year old, wants to fuck his own daughter, brags about dick size, hates on mf's that calls him out, treats everybody like shit that disagree's with him, advocates mob violence, has the ego the size of the planet, disrespects the GOP, actually hates the mf's.....BUT GOD FORBID A ANTI GOVERNMENT CONSERVATIVE POLITICIANS IN WASHINGTON HAVE TO GIVE UP THEIR TAX PAYERS CHECK AND ENTER THE REAL WORLD WITH THE REST OF US, IF THEY STOOD FIRM IN THIER CONVICTIONS.
On Fox this morning, an Israeli former special ops guy said Trump is right--America "tapping the brakes" on terrorists is a good start. While I agree with you about Trump in general, we DO need to do more to stop these jihadi shitheads. So maybe Paul Ryan has a reason for keeping quiet on this one.
The Orlando killer was not an immigrant. Stopping immigration is not going to solve the problem. Stopping ISIS and other terrorist groups is what we need to do, as Obama said yesterday. At the moment, most of the people/countries fighting against ISIS are Muslim. We need to support them. ISIS is the evil, not Islam. will.....this was a guy who may have gotten training when he went to Saudi letting in un vetted muslim immigrants you are allowing military trained jihadi killers into our country.....jihadi, trained in military tactics, trained to act in a coordinated way...trained how to actually fight back against the police....and trained in how to get illegal weapons and explosives...and who have actual experience fighiting in combat you saw the guys in Paris, Mumbai, and Kenya do.........

you want to import a worse form of muslim terrorist......that is why immigration matters..
He was an American citizen. Born and raised in America.

God, you people are so irrational and hysterical.

Bottom line: he should not have been able to get hold of a gun. That's the problem.
A discussion completely lost...this was a hate crime and pushing aside the gays, not making this a gun issue, will not let the FACTS go away.!!
I hate MSNBC, since Keith has left. I get my info from I am educated, have a college degree, and in a one on one face to face I can hold my own....I have worked in finance the last 20 years, I may not be number one here in articulating my rants, but I consider myself to be in the top two, cause morons like you and others here flock to every thread I fucked up question?

I suspect the "institution of higher learning" she graduated from is something akin to "Big" Mike Brown's refrigerator college. I can't help but think literacy was not highly regarded there.

Collecting food stamps and welfare is working in finance?

Color me suspicious I guess.
LOL....any time a white person calls anyone of color out for anything that has to do with higher learning, when you ass wipes find Palin and Trump intellects....the least we can do is laugh until our depends become soaked...I mean really, you white macadamian nuts got balls.

No one is calling Palin an Intellectual.

Trump, though, is literally an Ivy League Graduate. Just like Obama.
there are no ''magic words'' that could have stopped hitler.
LOVE could have stopped Hitler....but frustrated, angry racist whites....lack compassion and love.

THe people that ACTUALLY stopped Hitler were people that you would call "frustrated angry racist whites". Like my dad AND, at least 5 of my uncles (both sides of family)

Chew on that for a while, silly girl.
On Fox this morning, an Israeli former special ops guy said Trump is right--America "tapping the brakes" on terrorists is a good start. While I agree with you about Trump in general, we DO need to do more to stop these jihadi shitheads. So maybe Paul Ryan has a reason for keeping quiet on this one.
The Orlando killer was not an immigrant. Stopping immigration is not going to solve the problem. Stopping ISIS and other terrorist groups is what we need to do, as Obama said yesterday. At the moment, most of the people/countries fighting against ISIS are Muslim. We need to support them. ISIS is the evil, not Islam. will.....this was a guy who may have gotten training when he went to Saudi letting in un vetted muslim immigrants you are allowing military trained jihadi killers into our country.....jihadi, trained in military tactics, trained to act in a coordinated way...trained how to actually fight back against the police....and trained in how to get illegal weapons and explosives...and who have actual experience fighiting in combat you saw the guys in Paris, Mumbai, and Kenya do.........

you want to import a worse form of muslim terrorist......that is why immigration matters..
He was an American citizen. Born and raised in America.

God, you people are so irrational and hysterical.

Bottom line: he should not have been able to get hold of a gun. That's the problem.

He was born in American and raised in a culture of hate, that his family brought with them from a Muslim shithole.

And 50 Americans are dead because of it.
And so was the baby killers and the church killer and the movie killers and high school killers....all raised in disfunctional moronic mice eater!!

And if we had an easy way of having those other killers NOT be here, it would behoove US to take it also.

The fact that we can't stop all murder is no reason to not stop what we can.
tigerred59, where did you go to school? Or is it you watch MSNBC and believe the content? Just curious as to what can cause that brain fart of yours there.

Based on her poor use of grammar, run-on sentences, and pure lack of ability to make a coherent sentence, I'd say it's a stretch to assume she went to school.
I've never had one bit of trouble figuring out what Tigerred has to say, and neither have you. At least her message isn't totally fucking ignorant, which is more than I can say for you and Snouter.

Her message is beyond ignorant and past stupid just like yours.
there are no ''magic words'' that could have stopped hitler.
LOVE could have stopped Hitler....but frustrated, angry racist whites....lack compassion and love.

THe people that ACTUALLY stopped Hitler were people that you would call "frustrated angry racist whites". Like my dad AND, at least 5 of my uncles (both sides of family)

Chew on that for a while, silly girl.

Add both of my grandfathers and three great uncles. For my wife, add, one grandfather.
tigerred59, where did you go to school? Or is it you watch MSNBC and believe the content? Just curious as to what can cause that brain fart of yours there.

Based on her poor use of grammar, run-on sentences, and pure lack of ability to make a coherent sentence, I'd say it's a stretch to assume she went to school.
I've never had one bit of trouble figuring out what Tigerred has to say, and neither have you. At least her message isn't totally fucking ignorant, which is more than I can say for you and Snouter.

Her message is beyond ignorant and past stupid just like yours.
I agree.
There is a lot you can tell about people through their writing in their prose, semantics, clarity, grammar and content.

The OP is obviously very poorly educated, but beyond that, she is a psychological train wreck of a human being.

That much is clear.
tigerred59, where did you go to school? Or is it you watch MSNBC and believe the content? Just curious as to what can cause that brain fart of yours there.

Based on her poor use of grammar, run-on sentences, and pure lack of ability to make a coherent sentence, I'd say it's a stretch to assume she went to school.
I've never had one bit of trouble figuring out what Tigerred has to say, and neither have you. At least her message isn't totally fucking ignorant, which is more than I can say for you and Snouter.

Her message is beyond ignorant and past stupid just like yours.
I agree.
There is a lot you can tell about people through their writing in their prose, semantics, clarity, grammar and content.

The OP is obviously very poorly educated, but beyond that, she is a psychological train wreck of a human being.

That much is clear.

Yet some idiot defended tigerred.
Trump is an idiot and Hitler because he wants to stop Muslims from slaughtering Americans and destroying our way of life?

Leftist whacko ideology at it's finest.
Paul Ryan Refuses To Call Out Trump For Renewed Muslim Ban Push

And we wonder how a idiot like Hitler got into power. When good men stay silent, evil flourish. Trump is stupid, border lined retarded, ignorant to the core, brings nothing to the table of political knowlege, has the temperment of a 3 year old, wants to fuck his own daughter, brags about dick size, hates on mf's that calls him out, treats everybody like shit that disagree's with him, advocates mob violence, has the ego the size of the planet, disrespects the GOP, actually hates the mf's.....BUT GOD FORBID A ANTI GOVERNMENT CONSERVATIVE POLITICIANS IN WASHINGTON HAVE TO GIVE UP THEIR TAX PAYERS CHECK AND ENTER THE REAL WORLD WITH THE REST OF US, IF THEY STOOD FIRM IN THIER CONVICTIONS.
On Fox this morning, an Israeli former special ops guy said Trump is right--America "tapping the brakes" on terrorists is a good start. While I agree with you about Trump in general, we DO need to do more to stop these jihadi shitheads. So maybe Paul Ryan has a reason for keeping quiet on this one.
The Orlando killer was not an immigrant. Stopping immigration is not going to solve the problem. Stopping ISIS and other terrorist groups is what we need to do, as Obama said yesterday. At the moment, most of the people/countries fighting against ISIS are Muslim. We need to support them. ISIS is the evil, not Islam.

The vast majority of Muslims beleive homosexuality should not be tolerated. About 50% of British Muslims think it should be illegal. This is mainstream Islam, anti-gay, anti-Semitic and anti-women.

Half of all British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal, poll finds

And here you are, defending Islam, as if it isn't the most vile and hateful ideology on the planet.
Paul Ryan Refuses To Call Out Trump For Renewed Muslim Ban Push

And we wonder how a idiot like Hitler got into power. When good men stay silent, evil flourish. Trump is stupid, border lined retarded, ignorant to the core, brings nothing to the table of political knowlege, has the temperment of a 3 year old, wants to fuck his own daughter, brags about dick size, hates on mf's that calls him out, treats everybody like shit that disagree's with him, advocates mob violence, has the ego the size of the planet, disrespects the GOP, actually hates the mf's.....BUT GOD FORBID A ANTI GOVERNMENT CONSERVATIVE POLITICIANS IN WASHINGTON HAVE TO GIVE UP THEIR TAX PAYERS CHECK AND ENTER THE REAL WORLD WITH THE REST OF US, IF THEY STOOD FIRM IN THIER CONVICTIONS.

Some people put country first, some put party first, and Paul Ryan puts Paul Ryan first (and McConnell puts McConnell first). ONLY WHEN MEN/WOMEN OF GOOD WILL SEEK JOBS IN PUBLIC SERVICE WILL WE ACHIEVE GOVERNANCE OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE.
Paul Ryan Refuses To Call Out Trump For Renewed Muslim Ban Push

And we wonder how a idiot like Hitler got into power. When good men stay silent, evil flourish. Trump is stupid, border lined retarded, ignorant to the core, brings nothing to the table of political knowlege, has the temperment of a 3 year old, wants to fuck his own daughter, brags about dick size, hates on mf's that calls him out, treats everybody like shit that disagree's with him, advocates mob violence, has the ego the size of the planet, disrespects the GOP, actually hates the mf's.....BUT GOD FORBID A ANTI GOVERNMENT CONSERVATIVE POLITICIANS IN WASHINGTON HAVE TO GIVE UP THEIR TAX PAYERS CHECK AND ENTER THE REAL WORLD WITH THE REST OF US, IF THEY STOOD FIRM IN THIER CONVICTIONS.
On Fox this morning, an Israeli former special ops guy said Trump is right--America "tapping the brakes" on terrorists is a good start. While I agree with you about Trump in general, we DO need to do more to stop these jihadi shitheads. So maybe Paul Ryan has a reason for keeping quiet on this one.
The Orlando killer was not an immigrant. Stopping immigration is not going to solve the problem. Stopping ISIS and other terrorist groups is what we need to do, as Obama said yesterday. At the moment, most of the people/countries fighting against ISIS are Muslim. We need to support them. ISIS is the evil, not Islam.

The vast majority of Muslims beleive homosexuality should not be tolerated. About 50% of British Muslims think it should be illegal. This is mainstream Islam, anti-gay, anti-Semitic and anti-women.

Half of all British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal, poll finds

And here you are, defending Islam, as if it isn't the most vile and hateful ideology on the planet.
Less than 50 years ago 'The vast majority of Americans and the modern Western World believed homosexuality should not be tolerated.' Now you sit there self righteously smirking and regarding yourself superior. Get a grip. It is only over the past 50 years we have tolerated homosexuality. Islam is 600 years younger than Christianity. What were Christians doing to homosexuals 600 years ago?

I have lived in Muslim countries long enough to know that their attitude toward gays and women is changing, slowly. But it sure as hell is not going to take 600 years, so get the self righteousness off the table.

You people are so out of touch with reality. Tunnel vision and an understanding of history that spans about 10 years.
Paul Ryan Refuses To Call Out Trump For Renewed Muslim Ban Push

And we wonder how a idiot like Hitler got into power. When good men stay silent, evil flourish. Trump is stupid, border lined retarded, ignorant to the core, brings nothing to the table of political knowlege, has the temperment of a 3 year old, wants to fuck his own daughter, brags about dick size, hates on mf's that calls him out, treats everybody like shit that disagree's with him, advocates mob violence, has the ego the size of the planet, disrespects the GOP, actually hates the mf's.....BUT GOD FORBID A ANTI GOVERNMENT CONSERVATIVE POLITICIANS IN WASHINGTON HAVE TO GIVE UP THEIR TAX PAYERS CHECK AND ENTER THE REAL WORLD WITH THE REST OF US, IF THEY STOOD FIRM IN THIER CONVICTIONS.
On Fox this morning, an Israeli former special ops guy said Trump is right--America "tapping the brakes" on terrorists is a good start. While I agree with you about Trump in general, we DO need to do more to stop these jihadi shitheads. So maybe Paul Ryan has a reason for keeping quiet on this one.
The Orlando killer was not an immigrant. Stopping immigration is not going to solve the problem. Stopping ISIS and other terrorist groups is what we need to do, as Obama said yesterday. At the moment, most of the people/countries fighting against ISIS are Muslim. We need to support them. ISIS is the evil, not Islam.

The vast majority of Muslims beleive homosexuality should not be tolerated. About 50% of British Muslims think it should be illegal. This is mainstream Islam, anti-gay, anti-Semitic and anti-women.

Half of all British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal, poll finds

And here you are, defending Islam, as if it isn't the most vile and hateful ideology on the planet.
Less than 50 years ago 'The vast majority of Americans and the modern Western World believed homosexuality should not be tolerated.' Now you sit there self righteously smirking and regarding yourself superior. Get a grip. It is only over the past 50 years we have tolerated homosexuality. Islam is 600 years younger than Christianity. What were Christians doing to homosexuals 600 years ago?

I have lived in Muslim countries long enough to know that their attitude toward gays and women is changing, slowly. But it sure as hell is not going to take 600 years, so get the self righteousness off the table.

You people are so out of touch with reality. Tunnel vision and an understanding of history that spans about 10 years.
Well no........

"It was in Berlin where scientists concluded that ‘same sex love was a natural, inborn characteristic and not merely the perversion of a ‘normal’ sexual tendency’,

High living, a vibrant urban life and relaxed social attitudes, along with the influx of American money defined the Golden Twenties in Berlin that was the most creative period in German history.

Writers, poets, artists from London, France, the United States arrived in the German city to witness and experience the wild erotic sexual freedom along with curiosity seekers, voyeurs, and homosexuals.

Western Europeans, Scandinavians and Russians all came to indulge their sexual appetites in the hedonistic nightlife and party culture of the German capital – or they came to witness the ‘luridly licentious Berlin’, spiking their own voyeuristic impulses.

‘The pervasive prostitution (both male and female), the public cross-dressing, and the easy access to bars and clubs that catered to homosexual men and lesbians were just a few of the features that supported Berlin’s sex industry’.
There were twenty-five to thirty separate homosexual German-language periodicals that were appearing in Berlin, weekly or monthly.

There were no other journals published anywhere else in the world until after 1945.

Openly nudist and homosexual titles were displayed in the kiosks.

Same-sex bars, clubs and cafes advertised as well as the professional services of doctors, dentists, lawyers, stationers…all with the implied ‘friends patronize friends’.

In those magazines, anyone facing blackmail found private detectives to track down extortion threats.

Cross-dressers found dressmakers who tailored for large sizes.

There were the single ads placed by individuals forever in search of love.

The American modernist artist, poet and essayist Marsden Hartley, a habitué of 1920s Berlin, ‘attended large transvestite balls and patronized homosexual bars frequented by male hustlers.

He later recalled, ‘Life in Berlin then was at the height of heights – that is to the highest pitch of sophistication and abandon. None of us had seen anything quite like the spectacle’.

Berlin was a hotbed of homosexuality and a mecca for transsexuals

For all of your pseudo sophistication and smug sense of propriety you should have known this and much more of what was occurring elsewhere during this period.
Paul Ryan Refuses To Call Out Trump For Renewed Muslim Ban Push

And we wonder how a idiot like Hitler got into power. When good men stay silent, evil flourish. Trump is stupid, border lined retarded, ignorant to the core, brings nothing to the table of political knowlege, has the temperment of a 3 year old, wants to fuck his own daughter, brags about dick size, hates on mf's that calls him out, treats everybody like shit that disagree's with him, advocates mob violence, has the ego the size of the planet, disrespects the GOP, actually hates the mf's.....BUT GOD FORBID A ANTI GOVERNMENT CONSERVATIVE POLITICIANS IN WASHINGTON HAVE TO GIVE UP THEIR TAX PAYERS CHECK AND ENTER THE REAL WORLD WITH THE REST OF US, IF THEY STOOD FIRM IN THIER CONVICTIONS.
You are terribly confused, but being a leftist makes one this way.
Paul Ryan Refuses To Call Out Trump For Renewed Muslim Ban Push

And we wonder how a idiot like Hitler got into power. When good men stay silent, evil flourish. Trump is stupid, border lined retarded, ignorant to the core, brings nothing to the table of political knowlege, has the temperment of a 3 year old, wants to fuck his own daughter, brags about dick size, hates on mf's that calls him out, treats everybody like shit that disagree's with him, advocates mob violence, has the ego the size of the planet, disrespects the GOP, actually hates the mf's.....BUT GOD FORBID A ANTI GOVERNMENT CONSERVATIVE POLITICIANS IN WASHINGTON HAVE TO GIVE UP THEIR TAX PAYERS CHECK AND ENTER THE REAL WORLD WITH THE REST OF US, IF THEY STOOD FIRM IN THIER CONVICTIONS.

Telling isn't it, how the Republican establishment is doing their best to coddle this nutjob trump even though he is against everything they claim to be for. Fish Dimbaugh has been kissing trump ass ever since the turd won the primary. I think this is a good test of conservative voters. If you can ignore all that trump stands for, which is against what you SAY you are for, then you have no values and the only thing that matter to you is winning.

That is in fact how AH came to power. His fervent followers showed up in the hundreds of thousands to cheer on this mental freak-show. Trump doesn't have near those numbers but his sheep are just as fanatical. The people that saw the danger of AH spoke out for a while, then when the writing was on the wall the ones who could left the country.

trump is a batshit turd that vomits on everyone who will get in arms length of him.

America is already great. A loud turd can't add to it.

I would be interested on your take as to how Hitlery would be a better alternative than Trump and for what reasons....the "She is a demcrat" doesn't count as a good reason. What is it about Trump that pisses you off besides the fact that he wants to secure the border and halting the influx of muslim extremists. Funny, I haven't heard a thing from leftards about how Barrypuppet is leaving Christians to be slaughtered over in muslim countries of whose muslim citizens we are taking in. I doubt you have the balls to answer this question because you fear the reply....but what the hell, I might get the chance for a rebuttal .
Listen, I could a fuck on whether Trump or the bitch Hillary wins, I am contending that Trump is reminisent of Hitler and how gullable and mentally challenged his followers were and I see it happening now. Hitler delivered nothing on his promises and in fact destroyed Germany completely along with the white fools that supported him. I see a pattern and I see history wanting to repeat itself right here in America...cause white people is stupid!!, stupid to the fuckin core
You have it backwards. Anyone who would support Hillary, who has a long track record of lies, corruption, failure, and likely is a criminal must be mentally challenged.

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