And To This Day,No One Has Ever Asked Biden Why No One Shows Up To His Rallies?

A few hours ago, on Fox, they showed "The Crowd" that came to see Biden in Iowa. The estimate was around 200ish. Now, this has happened before,,right?, 200? and how many people did this location hold? 2000?
Does anyone wonder if/when a host/reporter will ever ask Joe Biden why he always gets miniscule crowds, while thousands are waiting outside packed arena's to see the 55% approval "Donald Trump" ??

It's because he's not bringing along Sly and Family Stone and all those other hot new groups the young ones like...

Unfortunately evidently Creepy Joe likes the young ones
Joe Biden is an honorable and decent man, unlike the pussy-grabbing piece of shit that you voted for and admire, you fucking hypocrite.
I don't know any honorable men who keep on pawing and sniffling 13 year old girls despite the fact they make it obvious that it is VERY unwelcome

Did you mean to use the word "creepy" and just misstyped?

That just makes me think it's mostly innocent.. Because as you said up there ^^^ the problem isn't the pawing, it's the fact he's CLUELESS about the reaction to it.. If he can't read people's reactions, he'd be a very bad executive of anything...
Does that not sound familiar? 2015, Feel the Bern fucking everywhere, and Clinton struggled to even get her name on a damn bumper sticker. What? She won? HOW!? Oh, thanks Russia and Wikileaks for telling us the best magic trick of the year.

Surprise... 4 years later, same thing. People talking about Biden, but no one is actually showing support. Who's in charge of the DNC now that Wasserman Shultz resigned from corruption? I wonder if they're also going to give Sanders bags of cash to step aside and let the establishment take the reigns.

Anyway, it's comforting to see the Democratic primaries repeat itself. If Biden wins, I'll even feel more confident about Trumps odds in winning.
A few hours ago, on Fox, they showed "The Crowd" that came to see Biden in Iowa. The estimate was around 200ish. Now, this has happened before,,right?, 200? and how many people did this location hold? 2000?
Does anyone wonder if/when a host/reporter will ever ask Joe Biden why he always gets miniscule crowds, while thousands are waiting outside packed arena's to see the 55% approval "Donald Trump" ??

They ain't apt to bring such a thing up at this point, not wishing to bite the hand that feeds them (and lose their job).

Meantime, Hillary would have killed to have been able to get 200 to show up for her in the stockroom of the local Walmart:

View attachment 264972

Notice the lack of security. It's not like the Left worry about crazy conservatives actually attacking them like they bus in at Trump rallies! Truth is no one simply CARES about the old hag.

And yet she beat trump by several million votes don't forget. He won only by the electoral system. Not that I was a hillary fan but now that I see how bad trump has been.....Probably would have held my nose and voted for her.
Biden prefers small rallies so that way he can cop a feel and then get out with a lesser chance of being caught.
A few hours ago, on Fox, they showed "The Crowd" that came to see Biden in Iowa. The estimate was around 200ish. Now, this has happened before,,right?, 200? and how many people did this location hold? 2000?
Does anyone wonder if/when a host/reporter will ever ask Joe Biden why he always gets miniscule crowds, while thousands are waiting outside packed arena's to see the 55% approval "Donald Trump" ??
Because democrats have jobs? Biden supporters just want him to be president unlike Trump`s goons most of who want to have his baby. I hope that answers your question.
Federal Anti-Poverty Programs Primarily Help the GOP's Base
A few hours ago, on Fox, they showed "The Crowd" that came to see Biden in Iowa. The estimate was around 200ish. Now, this has happened before,,right?, 200? and how many people did this location hold? 2000?
Does anyone wonder if/when a host/reporter will ever ask Joe Biden why he always gets miniscule crowds, while thousands are waiting outside packed arena's to see the 55% approval "Donald Trump" ??

It's because he's not bringing along Sly and Family Stone and all those other hot new groups the young ones like...

Unfortunately evidently Creepy Joe likes the young ones
Joe Biden is an honorable and decent man, unlike the pussy-grabbing piece of shit that you voted for and admire, you fucking hypocrite.
I don't know any honorable men who keep on pawing and sniffling 13 year old girls despite the fact they make it obvious that it is VERY unwelcome

Did you mean to use the word "creepy" and just misstyped?

That just makes me think it's mostly innocent.. Because as you said up there ^^^ the problem isn't the pawing, it's the fact he's CLUELESS about the reaction to it.. If he can't read people's reactions, he'd be a very bad executive of anything...

I see it as an abuse of power. He is making a cuck out of this man by first massaging his wife and then groping his daughter as if to say "I own you".

THis wasn't the first time he has done this and he has been TOLD it is unbecoming. It cannot be innocent because many have objected.

Men do NOT have the right to initiate intimate contact with a woman unless invited and this should be just as true for the powerful as it is the average Joe.
A few hours ago, on Fox, they showed "The Crowd" that came to see Biden in Iowa. The estimate was around 200ish. Now, this has happened before,,right?, 200? and how many people did this location hold? 2000?
Does anyone wonder if/when a host/reporter will ever ask Joe Biden why he always gets miniscule crowds, while thousands are waiting outside packed arena's to see the 55% approval "Donald Trump" ??

They ain't apt to bring such a thing up at this point, not wishing to bite the hand that feeds them (and lose their job).

Meantime, Hillary would have killed to have been able to get 200 to show up for her in the stockroom of the local Walmart:

View attachment 264972

Notice the lack of security. It's not like the Left worry about crazy conservatives actually attacking them like they bus in at Trump rallies! Truth is no one simply CARES about the old hag.

And yet she beat trump by several million votes don't forget. He won only by the electoral system. Not that I was a hillary fan but now that I see how bad trump has been.....Probably would have held my nose and voted for her.

  • "Only" by the electoral system? That is the only system that counts!
  • Several million votes? It was 2.8, and at that, it has been satisfactorily shown by various studies that there are enough illegal votes out there that those could be easily absorbed by the fudge factor. Every investigation has always shown that the lion's share of cheating seems to always go towards the Dems, so until we get Voter ID in all 50 states and have real control over our legal voting process, every close election will always be suspect.
  • 2.8 mill is a statistically small percentage of the nation. A few counties around LA. As I always remind people, again, once you win a state you win the state, so, 2.8, 5, 7.4 million, if they are all in a state like California that you've already won, you cannot win a state "more," the additional votes don't change the outcome of the state and our national elections happen on the STATE level, THERE IS NO POPULAR VOTE other than in the imaginations of Trump haters because we Are a nation of 50 states, not one big country. And as already repeated ad neaseum here, the Founders had GOOD REASONS for rejecting the popular vote of European countries because in our country, that would mean that New York and California would decide the outcome of every election while other states would have NO VOICE in their government!
Get it now? Probably not.

Oh and as for Trump, if he swung from a chandelier naked flinging feces, he would still be a 10X better choice over having put Hillary back in the White House.
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CNN Cuts Away From Bernie Sanders' Speech After He Criticizes "Unfettered Capitalism"

Sorry bout that,

  1. Mr. Gaff?
  2. Why does anyone show up to see this has been?
  3. And the media claims he's leading in "Tha Polls"!
  4. Claiming he has a lead in Texas, if he held a campaign stop here maybe 50 people would show up.
  5. He can't win a worm race, lets hope the media never tells the truth on this.
We should probably excerpt from a communist critique of socialism and the New Deal to clarify why Sanders can be spot-on about many issues (unrestrained capitalism and its intimate relationship to the schizophrenic process) buy that his socialism is impossible at the interstice between necessary labor and surplus labor.
A few hours ago, on Fox, they showed "The Crowd" that came to see Biden in Iowa. The estimate was around 200ish. Now, this has happened before,,right?, 200? and how many people did this location hold? 2000?
Does anyone wonder if/when a host/reporter will ever ask Joe Biden why he always gets miniscule crowds, while thousands are waiting outside packed arena's to see the 55% approval "Donald Trump" ??

The vast majority of people who will vote will never attend a rally in person. Trump had a huge rally in the special election for the Pennsylvania House seat. Guess who won. The Democrat. Attendance at rallies are meaningless.
Not that this means anything important, but Biden looks like a very old, very tired man.

I am nearing 70, and I can say from personal experience that you lose mental acuity as you age. And Biden was not the sharpest tack in the drawer on his best day. Trump is absolutely right: Biden is his perfect opponent.

Trump is older than you and only 5 years or so younger than Biden. You are saying that Trump is too old as well.
if people arent racing to see Bin Biden, they why would they all be racing/running in the cold/shitty/rainy weather to vote for Biden?
That nobody's asked leads me to believe that either that members of the conservative media are either unindustrious or else the question is impertinent.
A few hours ago, on Fox, they showed "The Crowd" that came to see Biden in Iowa. The estimate was around 200ish. Now, this has happened before,,right?, 200? and how many people did this location hold? 2000?
Does anyone wonder if/when a host/reporter will ever ask Joe Biden why he always gets miniscule crowds, while thousands are waiting outside packed arena's to see the 55% approval "Donald Trump" ??
Sooooo simple and I dont vote for parties....Democrats do work, most Republicans in rural and boring has nothing to do areas, like those events and have too much time on their hands.

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