AND have a Very Merry


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Transformation or better still Transition.Be part of - The Obsolete Man - { 1962 }
or the Totalitarian Society that decree a Librarian as obsolete.Books mean
little to those Stalinist control freaks.Neither nor did the control freaks in
the Ray Bradbury classic - Fahrenheit 451 - Where books have been decreed
and personified by name as Outlawed.
Why ... surely not even Mother Nature could possibly have a clue.
But it shouldn't be a stretch to conclude that somewhere in time
things have slowly taken a wrong turn and run practically off the
We { Normal mortals } havee seen this coming.Like the way Christmas
and use of - Merry Christmas - was bandied about a few years ago.Even Wal*Mart
got on board the Anti-"Merry Christmas " bandwagon.It was not allowed
a few years back.Now we see and feel how The Salvation Army has been co-opted
into a Woke displacement.Before that it was the Boy Scouts.
Now virtually every sacred tradition and act of normalcy is being
redirected.White Priviledge and White Supremacy is all the rage.
Yeah ... around nutty folk.I don't think even Elmer Fudd could follow suit.
What does that tell ya.
That the Freaks are taking over.Even Humanist are now seen as too
common sense and Rational.Even though godless.
What's next.
" Bethink ye well,the eye of Heaven beholds the just of men,And the
unjust,nor ever in this world Has one sole godless sinner found escape."
Mary,used to be Henry, shall comment later..........zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Um ... Mary had a little lamb.Whose fleece was white as snow
and Donald Trump never made a fuss over.
Now Mary no longer has that Lamb.It was transitioned and
put into an Old Lambs Home in New York State.Back when
Big Mouth Italian Fascist Andrew Cuomo was in Boss loader mode.
Huffing and puffing and blowing down Old Folks whether in a
home or on 5th Avenue.Then along came President Trump and he
tried his huffing and puffing which was no piece of cake due to not
being a smoker.But with a heart of Gold near as glistening as his hair.
And ford long The Big Bad Cuomo was in checkmate.
While Mary's precious Lamb came back home as they entertained
thoughts of how best to thank President Trump.
And not with knowed Mush neither.But Prime Filet Mignon
and German seasoned hash browns and for dessert the most
scrumptious Red Velvet cake in all generous dabs
of Fresh Whipped Cream.Mr. Trump getting the first slice.
Oh! and the most blushing Big Red Cherry on top ta boot.
To match Mr. Presidents long Red Silk tie.
Since one { not even in Andrew Cuomo's Big Apple }
Can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.Nor borrow a Donald Trump
red silk tie for some late Saturday Night Live impersonation.

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