Twas a very Unmerry


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
quite gnarly nothing burger of a Christmas weekend.
I mean,like about as uncommon as a - Weekend at Bernie's -.
Which may be an Omen heading into the New Year.
Omen are like the weather.They cannot be understood nor
displaced like Politics { blame shifted around like winds on a
sail boat Regetta }.Forgetting that the word { Regatta } was
accused as being part of the White Priviledge benefit when taking
an SAT test.I took 3 SAT tests.The first one as a sophomore or
the PSAT.I never got into the 600's in Math or Verbal.I don't do well
on being tested.Except when I had my I.Q. test.Which me parents
seemed proud of.Why ... I'm not quite sure.
Imagine giving an SAT test this past saturday afternoon.
Comparable to spending a weekend in some Russian Gulag with
really thin blankets { Not made of Wool }.
Plus hardly any mention of Santa Claus.Or them pesky Elves.
Nor any Norman Rockwell winter scenes.Let alone Currier & Ives
Christmas bric-a brac.Or Perry Como Christmas tunes.
Maybe just maybe Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph.
Politics is the New and all important boilerplate.
Maybe Hell is free from dat crap for Goodness Gracious!
But I wouldn't bank on iT

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