An Open Letter to Sen. John Kerry


Aug 28, 2003
New York
Jonathan M. Stein
Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2004

Dear Senator Kerry,

Thus far, your presidential campaign has been focused solely on attacking President Bush and touting you Vietnam War record from over 30 years ago. Though you have stated reasons why voters should not re-elect President Bush, you have not given the American people ample reason to vote for you. Further, there are many inconsistencies and unanswered allegations in your own record. Herein is an opportunity for you to respond.

You have inserted Vietnam into the campaign as a central issue. However, in the 1992 presidential election, when Bill Clinton was accused of dodging the Vietnam draft, you said, “I am saddened by the fact that Vietnam has yet again been inserted into the campaign. ... The race for the White House should be about leadership, and leadership requires that one help heal the wounds of Vietnam, not reopen them."

You now seek to "reopen" these wounds. Please explain how you reconcile your current tactic of using the Vietnam War to your own political advantage with your contradictory statements of Feb. 27, 1992.

While we deeply appreciate your service to our nation, there are many lingering questions regarding your conduct after the war. In the early 1970s, you participated in Jane Fonda's "Winter Soldier Investigation," and you also testified before Congress. In this testimony, you accused your fellow soldiers of committing unspeakable atrocities.

Later, it was determined that many of these charges you leveled against your fellow soldiers were distorted or outright false. Please explain why Vietnam veterans should support your candidacy after you have publicly defamed them and falsely accused them of serious crimes.

As chairman of the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA in the early 1990s, you lobbied zealously for normalized relations with Vietnam. As a result, your cousin, C. Stewart Forbes, was able to broker a billion-dollar deal between Hanoi and Colliers International, a large company based in your home state of Massachusetts. Is this merely an odd coincidence?

Further, there is credible evidence that your committee suppressed evidence – including live sightings – that there were indeed American prisoners still in Vietnam. If introduced, this evidence might have prevented the normalized relations you sought – normalized relations that were paramount to sealing the Colliers deal. Some investigators have charged that you threatened, if the suppressed evidence ever leaked out, that they would “"wish [they'd] never been born." Please answer these charges.

You have asserted that it is relevant to this campaign that President Bush allegedly missed a physical while he served in the National Guard decades ago – you and the DNC have described him as being AWOL, though he made up his missed time and was honorably discharged. The implication is that neglect of official duty is relevant to this campaign.

If this is the case, then it is, by implication, relevant that your attendance record in the 108th Congress was a dismal 36 percent. In other words, you have failed to execute your duties to your constituents as their senator 64 percent of the time in the last Congress.

Please explain why it is relevant that President Bush allegedly missed some time while serving his country in the National Guard decades ago, but it is not relevant that you have failed to represent your own constituents almost two-thirds of the time last session – i.e., that you were "AWOL" from the Senate.

As you may be aware, 2 USC § 39 mandates that "The Secretary of the Senate ... shall deduct from the [salary] of each Member ... the amount of his salary for each day that he has been absent from the Senate ... unless such Member ... assigns as the reason for such absence the sickness of himself or of some member of his family." Please explain why you feel you are exempt from this federal law.

Finally, please explain your ever-changing explanation of your vote on the resolution that authorized President Bush to use force in Iraq. On Oct. 10, 2002, you voted "aye" to H.J. Res. 114 (Senate vote #237). The explicit purpose of the bill was to "authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq."

There is no ambiguity in the text of this bill. Unless you did not understand the plain language of the text, please explain your claim that you only authorized "the threat" of force, subject to the permission of the U.N.

Jonathan M. Stein
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Yes, let's see some lefties answer that!!!!
Awsome man awesome!!!!!!!!
In Kerry's defense (and I'm not at all comfortabe with defending Kerry) I have not seen him personally attack Bush's military record, and this "open letter" conflates the DNC with Kerry himself. The big flashes accusing Bush of going AWOL originated from the DNC, and it is not clear that the DNC is already acting in concert with Kerry before a candidate has even been chosen. The only direct response I've seen from Kerry is that he does not intend to make an issue of it.

I agree that Kerry has alot of 'splainin to do, but it is no surprise that criticizing Bush has thus far been a cornerstone of his campaign, Bush being the incumbent opponent. I agree with Spillmind that a choice between Kerry and Bush is a non-choice. Niether for me is desirable. I know where my vote will go if forced to choose between the two, but it is more because I don't believe that Bush's policies should be rewarded with four more years. If Kerry wins, I don't see him deserving more than four years either.

The "unspeakable attrocities" commited by US forces in Vietnam are well documented, and in the end, Kerry's history of doing his duty even when he didn't agree with the cause is by far more respectable than Bush's history, regardless of whether Bush fulfilled his minimal commitment.

In addition, I dare say that his 36% attendance in the Senate, while deplorable, is not significantly different from the norm. On the other hand, the rumors that Bush is a non-presence in his own cabinent meetings, and that he doesn't read the information that arrives to his desk are at least equally disturbing.

But enough of the mudslinging. As I said, Kerry is not for me, a positive option, and in the end, I'm not willing to go out on a limb for him.
Whats to explain. Kerry fought and Bush did'nt, cut and dry. The White House understands this and I'll bet a good chunk of his re-election money will be spent to make it sound like Bush is the hero. It's sad when you need $200,000,000 to prove to the public that you should be re-elected. If he was doing a good job he would'nt need a cent.
Enlighten me and please tell me:

I know where my vote will go if forced to choose between the two, but it is more because I don't believe that Bush's policies should be rewarded with four more years.

Which policies specifically??

As for service during Vietnam:

... and in the end, Kerry's history of doing his duty even when he didn't agree with the cause is by far more respectable than Bush's history, regardless of whether Bush fulfilled his minimal commitment.

So not standing by one's convictions is respectable?
It's sad when you need $200,000,000 to prove to the public that you should be re-elected. If he was doing a good job he would'nt need a cent.

Clinton spent $85 million in 1996 during a "booming" economy and no worldwide war on terror. Now, if you want to point out something sad, that is sad! If we follow your logic.
I posted this on the "Kerry's War" thread but, maybe someone over here can help me.

Can anyone explain how Kerry was awarded a Silver Star for actions where he was the senior officer? When I was in the service, you had to be put in for a medal by a senior officer who witnessed the action.

Is there some part I am missing?
Although I cannot stand the guy....

Anyway, I was in the Army for eight (8) years. The regulations state that ANYBODY can nominate ANYBODY for a medal. However, there must be witnesses and a senior officer must approve the nomination. In Kerry's case, HIS commander would approve or disapprove a medal based on the eyewitness testimony of others.
Originally posted by freeandfun1
Although I cannot stand the guy....

Anyway, I was in the Army for eight (8) years. The regulations state that ANYBODY can nominate ANYBODY for a medal. However, there must be witnesses and a senior officer must approve the nomination. In Kerry's case, HIS commander would approve or disapprove a medal based on the eyewitness testimony of others.

I was in the Navy for 5. I honestly did not think that was the case. But really have no basis to dispute it.

If that is the case then there is my answer.
Hey modman have you seen the projections that the DNC is going to raise to fight bush.
Last time i checked it was close to 500,000,000 that double of what bush is going to spend. How about you play both sides not just the one that suits you.
John Kerry is a gutless traitor, yes he served in Vietnam, but when he came back he slaped every service man before and after him in the face. He has no right to bring in his "Honerable service" to the table. He has no honor, and aparently no morals eihter(I.E the intern. ala Bill clinton)
Soros is quite stupid, but I don't think his accountants will let him throw too much into a no win venture !

Other than that, he is an idiot.

Oh, and the Muslims consider him the DEVIL! lol

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