An angry Biden blames Trump for Afghan pullout — then takes credit for it


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Typical Leftist. And his bobble head cheerleaders celebrate.

Joe didn’t like the deal? He could have declared it void. He could have pointed out the Taliban didn’t meet the requirements of the deal, he could have set a date that allowed the safe withdrawal of Americans and our allies.

But now Joe says he’s a hero for doing what Trump said we should eventually do.

If republicans want a chance to hold anyone accountable they better start organizing protests, rallies, demonstrations or whatever, because the liberal MS/Social/M is going to bury the facts on what happened.
There is little credit for anything the U.S. has accomplished over in that part of the world. I thought Bush handled things well for the first few months but I never bought into the neo-conservatives' nation building dreams. The only other thing I've found credit worthy in that region of the globe was the killing of bin Laden. Bush, Obama and Trump failed to get us out and as for Biden, it was the Taliban that finally made that decision for him.
There is little credit for anything the U.S. has accomplished over in that part of the world. I thought Bush handled things well for the first few months but I never bought into the neo-conservatives' nation building dreams. The only other thing I've found credit worthy in that region of the globe was the killing of bin Laden. Bush, Obama and Trump failed to get us out and as for Biden, it was the Taliban that finally made that decision for him.
As with many things in life, this is a complicated situation. Many want to make it simple -- that's the frequency at which they operate -- but a 20-year war is not simple, nor could it possibly be. And leaving was always going to be rough, given the situation there.

This clearly wasn't handled well, and I'm very much looking forward to understanding the whole story when it's made available. Weeks, months. Until then, the flame throwers are going to do all they know how to do.
I'm no different. In most simplest terms here is how I see these things:
  • Vietnam - LBJ
  • Afghanistan/Iraq - George W Bush
If you're looking at one person is most responsible, fine. I'd agree with those. But the run-up to it, the way it is carried out, and the way it is ended are not simple things where one person is to blame.
As with many things in life, this is a complicated situation. Many want to make it simple -- that's the frequency at which they operate -- but a 20-year war is not simple, nor could it possibly be. And leaving was always going to be rough, given the situation there.

This clearly wasn't handled well, and I'm very much looking forward to understanding the whole story when it's made available. Weeks, months. Until then, the flame throwers are going to do all they know how to do.
An organized military withdrawal is not complicated. It’s been successfully accomplished over and over for 6,000 years. Biden’s surrender gave the enemy the largest cache of weapons in history and left behind thousands of Americans and allies to be tortured and murdered.
Biden made Dunkirk look like an organized withdrawal.
As with many things in life, this is a complicated situation. Many want to make it simple -- that's the frequency at which they operate -- but a 20-year war is not simple, nor could it possibly be. And leaving was always going to be rough, given the situation there.

This clearly wasn't handled well, and I'm very much looking forward to understanding the whole story when it's made available. Weeks, months. Until then, the flame throwers are going to do all they know how to do.
Pelosi denied the names of the 13 dead announced in the House of Reps...You know.. The Peoples House...bwhahaaaa! The Peoples House!...The Peoples House!....The 13 who died...not even having their names announced....The Peoples House! She needs to be exterminated.
If you're looking at one person is most responsible, fine. I'd agree with those. But the run-up to it, the way it is carried out, and the way it is ended are not simple things where one person is to blame.
And handing the terrorists the names of everyone the terrorists want to murder is icing on the cake.
Pelosi denied the names of the 13 dead announced in the House of Reps...You know.. The Peoples House...bwhahaaaa! The Peoples House!...The Peoples House!....The 13 who died...not even having their names announced....The Peoples House! She needs to be exterminated.
Democrats sure do hate accountability and critique when it comes to their own performance.
As with many things in life, this is a complicated situation. Many want to make it simple -- that's the frequency at which they operate -- but a 20-year war is not simple, nor could it possibly be. And leaving was always going to be rough, given the situation there.

This clearly wasn't handled well, and I'm very much looking forward to understanding the whole story when it's made available. Weeks, months. Until then, the flame throwers are going to do all they know how to do.
I find the corporate media’s response to this event instructive. I don’t watch it generally, but I had to see what ABC NBC and CBS News were spouting. It seems all have criticized old Joe for pulling out and botching the pull out.

One could conclude that the corporate media’s backing of old Joe only goes so far. Plus their long uncritical support of the MIC and the war machine comes before support of a D potus.
It's hard to defend the buffoons who voted for this American Marxism. Most of them are old rejects from the 60-70s and the rest seem to be the hoard of clueless fools that inhabit todays younger generation, ignoramuses that they are.
Typical Leftist. And his bobble head cheerleaders celebrate.

Joe didn’t like the deal? He could have declared it void. He could have pointed out the Taliban didn’t meet the requirements of the deal, he could have set a date that allowed the safe withdrawal of Americans and our allies.

But now Joe says he’s a hero for doing what Trump said we should eventually do.

LOL. penguin Icon is the perfect Icon, for that comment. Biden: he contradicts himself. Trump did it,...No, I did.
What an imbeciles. All he had to do was follow the plan and he would have been a hero. He ignored the plan and his Generals.

The fuckup is all on his stupid ass.

Regardless of cognitive decline, Xiden has one up on the majority of his supporters. The OP only represents a small tiny fraction of this, Xiden has made a career of it. First out of his mouth is a lie, and then he contradicts his last statement & boasts. He has the mentality of a used car salesman, the bad kind but successful. He pitches, his people swing and miss only to buy it anyway.

People hated Trump because he thinks he's smarter than most, which he is BTW. To suggest otherwise is saying you've never seen or imagined someone in his shoes, I've known guys like him, they sure as fuck aint dumb. Trump's problem is he talks too much, eventually you say something dumb.

Xiden on the other hand knows how stupid people are, and to this day he plays that hand, with dementia, it's in his blood. He's the real crook, plagiarizing and blatant fucking lies about his past, surely present too.

Obama talks down to people as though everyone is dumber than he is. But nah O'bummer is just twisted is all, I know his type, the eyes don't lie, for starts.
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