Amy Barrett and Thomas Harman rising as Trump readies Supreme Court pick -maybe

Amy Coney Barrett is the one you should be hoping for, she thinks the American Constitution should be used as it was written during the time of America's Founding Fathers, she is pro-Second Amendment, she is anti-Abortion on Demand, she is anti-DACA and anti-Sanctuary Cities, she worked for a year for Antonin Scalia, she was nominated by The Donald previously and was approved by The Senate as a Federal Judge.

Amy Coney Barrett - Wikipedia
Dana Loesh (not sure if you know who she is), agrees with you. She says picking her will ignite a culture war that the left WILL NOT WIN.
.She said Trump won primarily because he stood strong on the SOCIAL issues that the rinos flee from. I agree. Interesting to see that the two top contenders in the Republican primary were the two strongest on the social issues. The People are tired, and they want people who are willing to fight for them.

Trump displayed that courage, and Amy Barrett, it seems, will too.
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Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said late Monday that he had spoken with Trump and did not think Barrett was the choice. Indeed, she was seen still at her home in Indiana.

Hatch said, “I don’t think she’s going to be the one who’s chosen this time. But I assume she will be next time.”
Trump announcing his high court 'reveal' in prime time

I would love to see her replace Ginsburg or any other 'tard choice

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