America's True Hidden Enemy: European Globalism Leading Leftist Doctrine


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
While much talk goes on about the threat of "White Nationalism" or "Supremacism," touting both as a radicalized element (and to some degree it is), in studying world religion, it hit me what Nationalism is the greatest threat to: GLOBALISM. And the seat of globalism is Europe.

NATIONALISM: the belief in putting one's nation first and remaining autonomous.

GLOBALISM: the desire to unify all countries under one central autocracy.

What could be a bigger concern to European globalist concerns than a US President whose campaign is about "making America great again" (ie: restoring America as a stand-alone independent super-power).

THEN IT HIT ME! Here was the driving force behind all the angst and attacks against conservatives and the Right Wing in general and Donald Trump in particular! The real enemy to America isn't Islam, terrorism or even the influx of aliens across the border, it was this slow, secretive takeover of our government and key sectors of our private sector by the Globalists of Europe infiltrating our country (ideologically if not physically) in the form of Globalist-Leftists.


It was very simple. In the article before was a map of world religion and it showed Europe as the world seat to ATHEISM. ATHEISM is the common element behind all globalist views. ATHEISM is the common element behind all American leftist views now taking over the Democratic Party. See the map here and look at the spread of the GRAY shaded areas from Europe to America and you will see the flow of globalist, leftist doctrine infecting the Democratic Party today:

World Map Religions.jpg

No where else is atheism more dominant except in Red China (remember when the Communist Chinese were the Red Threat? Better dead than red?)

If you think about it, the common denominator to all leftist issues and arguments in this country, be they anti-Trump, pro-left, pro-immigration, pro-LGBTQ, pro-Europe, pro-abortion, anti-GOP, anti-Electoral College, climate-change believer, anti-gun/2nd Amend., anti-Christian, anti-religion--- --- the list is endless, in virtually EVERY CASE, you will find that those promoting these views, promoting abandoning our fundamental principles and wanting wholesale change in this country in a direction more towards Europe, are------


Atheists then, are the real danger to this country. They have organized and mobilized as a pro-active organization in America. They have taken over the Democratic Party, they have taken over government. They run the schools that teach our children. They are attacking every time-honored tradition of this nation to distract attention away from themselves as the REAL problem. These are the people fighting to keep borders open, disarm our citizens, give sanctuary to criminals, and promoting a generally godless, state-run socialist agenda. They call themselves today the Democratic Party, but make no mistake about it: their goal is to subvert the USA into a European-controlled entity and white religious conservatives and Trump supporters STAND IN THEIR WAY. Anywhere you see these under attack you will see that behind it all is one common belief: ATHEISM.

The real, greatest secret war facing us today isn't Muslims against Christians in America, it is Atheists against Christians! Haven't you noticed they are attacking every form of God, from school to government, to buildings and statues, even trying to take 'In God We Trust' out of our money! Atheism is the secret new belief system under our radar seeking to undermine everything this country stands for in an attempt to make it a satellite of its European stronghold.

Map source:
These are all the world's major religions in one map
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While much talk goes on about the threat of "White Nationalism" or "Supremacism," touting both as a radicalized element (and to some degree it is), in studying world religion, it hit me what Nationalism is the greatest threat to: GLOBALISM. And the seat of globalism is Europe.

NATIONALISM: the belief in putting one's nation first and remaining autonomous.

GLOBALISM: the desire to unify all countries under one central autocracy.

What could be a bigger concern to European globalist concerns than a US President whose campaign is about "making America great again" (ie: restoring America as a stand-alone independent super-power).

THEN IT HIT ME! Here was the driving force behind all the angst and attacks against conservatives and the Right Wing in general and Donald Trump in particular! The real enemy to America isn't Islam, terrorism or even the influx of aliens across the border, it was this slow, secretive takeover of our government and key sectors of our private sector by the Globalists of Europe infiltrating our country (ideologically if not physically) in the form of Globalist-Leftists.


It was very simple. In the article before was a map of world religion and it showed Europe as the world seat to ATHEISM. ATHEISM is the common element behind all globalist views. ATHEISM is the common element behind all American leftist views now taking over the Democratic Party. See the map here and look at the spread of the GRAY shaded areas from Europe to America and you will see the flow of globalist, leftist doctrine infecting the Democratic Party today:

View attachment 252844

No where else is atheism more dominant except in Red China (remember when the Communist Chinese were the Red Threat? Better dead than red?)

If you think about it, the common denominator to all leftist issues and arguments in this country, be they anti-Trump, pro-left, pro-immigration, pro-LGBTQ, pro-Europe, pro-abortion, anti-GOP, anti-Electoral College, climate-change believer, anti-gun/2nd Amend., anti-Christian, anti-religion--- --- the list is endless, in virtually EVERY CASE, you will find that those promoting these views, promoting abandoning our fundamental principles and wanting wholesale change in this country in a direction more towards Europe, are------


Atheists then, are the real danger to this country. They have organized and mobilized as a pro-active organization in America. They have taken over the Democratic Party, they have taken over government. They run the schools that teach our children. They are attacking every time-honored tradition of this nation to distract attention away from themselves as the REAL problem. These are the people fighting to keep borders open, disarm our citizens, give sanctuary to criminals, and promoting a generally godless, state-run socialist agenda. They call themselves today the Democratic Party, but make no mistake about it: their goal is to subvert the USA into a European-controlled entity and white religious conservatives and Trump supporters STAND IN THEIR WAY. Anywhere you see these under attack you will see that behind it all is one common belief: ATHEISM.

The real, greatest secret war facing us today isn't Muslims against Christians in America, it is Atheists against Christians! Haven't you noticed they are attacking every form of God, from school to government, to buildings and statues, even trying to take 'In God We Trust' out of our money! Atheism is the secret new belief system under our radar seeking to undermine everything this country stands for in an attempt to make it a satellite of its European stronghold.

Map source:
These are all the world's major religions in one map
I don't accept Islam as being a religion.
Worthwhile and interesting, nevertheless.
It’s probably worth repeating here because socialism is a special case of religion. One based upon atheism.

Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership. Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.

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