America's sick with homophobia

America has homophobia, and it can be bad in parts. But there are a lot of countries allegedly 'more tolerant' than America, that have really brutal homophobic assaults.

One night I was walking home, and encountered on a homophobic group of youths, now since I was straight looking and acting I ended up okay. They were carrying baseball bats and other makeshift weapons.

But had I looked at them the wrong way I would have ended up in hospital. This was an upper middle class area I am taking about, right in New Zealand.

Haven't had any experience like that here, slurs are one thing, but physical violence is what I really worry about. As long as I can walk safe enough at night, with risk of being beaten up I am all good.
America has homophobia, and it can be bad in parts. But there are a lot of countries allegedly 'more tolerant' than America, that have really brutal homophobic assaults.

One night I was walking home, and encountered on a homophobic group of youths, now since I was straight looking and acting I ended up okay. They were carrying baseball bats and other makeshift weapons.

But had I looked at them the wrong way I would have ended up in hospital. This was an upper middle class area I am taking about, right in New Zealand.

Haven't had any experience like that here, slurs are one thing, but physical violence is what I really worry about. As long as I can walk safe enough at night, with risk of being beaten up I am all good.
That's not homophobia, that's something else. This thread is about real homophobia, not the word you Leftists have hijacked to apply to anyone who disagrees with the homosexual lifestyle. This thread is about actual fear of homosexuality inhibing natural, non sexual male to male intimacy.
Nah, America's sick of asshole Communists/Progressives and militant Gays forcing their agenda on others. It's old and tired. Enough is enough. America's over it.
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It's easy to tell when people didn't read the OP. They keep thinking the thread is about the fake homophobia of the Left. The thread is about real homophobia, something few people are comfortable discussing.
America has homophobia, and it can be bad in parts. But there are a lot of countries allegedly 'more tolerant' than America, that have really brutal homophobic assaults.

One night I was walking home, and encountered on a homophobic group of youths, now since I was straight looking and acting I ended up okay. They were carrying baseball bats and other makeshift weapons.

But had I looked at them the wrong way I would have ended up in hospital. This was an upper middle class area I am taking about, right in New Zealand.

Haven't had any experience like that here, slurs are one thing, but physical violence is what I really worry about. As long as I can walk safe enough at night, with risk of being beaten up I am all good.
That's not homophobia, that's something else. This thread is about real homophobia, not the word you Leftists have hijacked to apply to anyone who disagrees with the homosexual lifestyle. This thread is about actual fear of homosexuality inhibing natural, non sexual male to male intimacy.
It is homophobia, if you don't believe it move to Russia and see Russian homophobes force broken bottles up gay people's asses, punch them in the face, and put them in hospital, and put them in jail just for being gay.

Thanks for endorsing homophobic violence, as now I can ignore you totally from now on. Fly to Russia or better yet Uganda, and join the governments there, as politicians there get paid to hate on gays.
What do you think it is?
I'm seriously at a loss to answer that. This thread doesn't have an agenda. I really don't know why we're like this.

I was always pretty much a live and let live kind of guy until the faghadist started pushing their agenda in the schools, in scouting and other areas that had religious beginnings. Now I'm seriously thinking about insisting that they allow my hetro and proud float in the next gay pride parade. Or going all Al Sharpton on the sponsors of the gay pride parade and insisting they sponsor my heterosexual pride parade or threating a boycott.
There are many straight groups and organizations that march in Gay Pride parades...businesses, services such as the Red Cross, churches, temples, etc. politicians. They are not gay-identified groups....but they are welcome.
And for the record I feel Obama as well as the Dem congress as well as the Republican presidents and Republican congress have failed the gay community by doing just that.... Keeping them separate from the community of the rest of us. There should be no reason the Government does not allow gays to get married and then write tax code and laws benefiting those allowed to obtain a marriage licence.
It's a state issue, but I like how you blamed Congress thereby bolstering the error that regulating marriage is a power granted to the federal government.

It should be up to the individuals getting married.

Hey were you born somewhat retarded by any chance? Because I know I covered marriage should not be something Government (state or Federal) controls.... And yes, I'm honestly asking, are you retarded?
America has homophobia, and it can be bad in parts. But there are a lot of countries allegedly 'more tolerant' than America, that have really brutal homophobic assaults.

One night I was walking home, and encountered on a homophobic group of youths, now since I was straight looking and acting I ended up okay. They were carrying baseball bats and other makeshift weapons.

But had I looked at them the wrong way I would have ended up in hospital. This was an upper middle class area I am taking about, right in New Zealand.

Haven't had any experience like that here, slurs are one thing, but physical violence is what I really worry about. As long as I can walk safe enough at night, with risk of being beaten up I am all good.
That's not homophobia, that's something else. This thread is about real homophobia, not the word you Leftists have hijacked to apply to anyone who disagrees with the homosexual lifestyle. This thread is about actual fear of homosexuality inhibing natural, non sexual male to male intimacy.
It is homophobia, if you don't believe it move to Russia and see Russian homophobes force broken bottles up gay people's asses, punch them in the face, and put them in hospital, and put them in jail just for being gay.

Thanks for endorsing homophobic violence, as now I can ignore you totally from now on. Fly to Russia or better yet Uganda, and join the governments there, as politicians there get paid to hate on gays.
That's not homophobia that's just hate. If it wasn't you guys it would be Jews or someone else. Homophobia is a real word that has a real meaning alluded to in the OP. If you're uncomfortable discussing real homophobia I'll understand. From this thread I glean that everyone is uncomfortable with real homophobia.
And for the record I feel Obama as well as the Dem congress as well as the Republican presidents and Republican congress have failed the gay community by doing just that.... Keeping them separate from the community of the rest of us. There should be no reason the Government does not allow gays to get married and then write tax code and laws benefiting those allowed to obtain a marriage licence.
It's a state issue, but I like how you blamed Congress thereby bolstering the error that regulating marriage is a power granted to the federal government.

It should be up to the individuals getting married.

Hey were you born somewhat retarded by any chance? Because I know I covered marriage should not be something Government (state or Federal) controls.... And yes, I'm honestly asking, are you retarded?
I always find it funny when people claim 'the government shouldn't be involved in marriage' and then demand that a state or federal government authority 'protect the sanctity of marriage'; thus contradicting and undermining their whole argument.
What do you think it is?
I'm seriously at a loss to answer that. This thread doesn't have an agenda. I really don't know why we're like this.

I was always pretty much a live and let live kind of guy until the faghadist started pushing their agenda in the schools, in scouting and other areas that had religious beginnings. Now I'm seriously thinking about insisting that they allow my hetro and proud float in the next gay pride parade. Or going all Al Sharpton on the sponsors of the gay pride parade and insisting they sponsor my heterosexual pride parade or threating a boycott.
There are many straight groups and organizations that march in Gay Pride parades...businesses, services such as the Red Cross, churches, temples, etc. politicians. They are not gay-identified groups....but they are welcome.

Got a link?
Fist bumping leads to anal fisting,,true story,,bro...

It's so rare you post anything of substance that I'm not sure I have seen you post anything with substance. What made you crap out your mouth that fist bumps equal anal fisting?

You use an extreme to make 2 guys holding hands not seem extreme when in fact I can not want to hold a guys hand while walking through the fucking mall and not be a homophobe.

The problem here is you people hate logic and try and argue your points with emotion.
What do you think it is?
I'm seriously at a loss to answer that. This thread doesn't have an agenda. I really don't know why we're like this.

I was always pretty much a live and let live kind of guy until the faghadist started pushing their agenda in the schools, in scouting and other areas that had religious beginnings. Now I'm seriously thinking about insisting that they allow my hetro and proud float in the next gay pride parade. Or going all Al Sharpton on the sponsors of the gay pride parade and insisting they sponsor my heterosexual pride parade or threating a boycott.
Why don't you organize a straight pride day?

That would be an awesome parade.

You could have the divorce lawyer float, and the spousal abuse float, and the "married people have sex twice a year" float, and the $25,000 wedding float. Or you could just have people dress in outrageous and scant costumes, and have a good time, and some laughs

What you would find if you did not one gay couple coming out to tell you you're wrong, and not one complaint about how you're recruiting children to be straight.

Honestly because like being white we just don't need self glorification based on our sexuality or skin color.
So there are no St Patricks Day Parades self glorifying being Irish?
Why can't I just not want to jack a dude off and not get shit for it? Why do I have to be all huggy kissy with a male to not be considered non homo? Who is setting this invisible bar on what equals homophobia, why not draw the line at fucking another dudes ass ain't gay unless you give them a reach around.... I am not homophobic but I also don't want to hold a buddies hand while walking down the street. Fuck, I don't even hold me female friends hands, IT CROSSES A LINE FOR ME AND THEM, IS THAT OK WITH THE JUDGY HEDEAROPHOBIC OP?
^^^^^ case in point. Very uptight. It comes as a surprise to Americans that the rest of the world isn't like this.

I'm not uptight, I just dont wana hold another dudes hand... Your the one says
You also used to puke daily and crap yourself multiple times a day... So go ahead, start makin out with your guy friends and tell them "we didn't start out this way" when they tell you to get the fuck off them.

There is simply no reason someone should be forced to be touched by others as the OP and this dumb fuck I quoted seem to think. Some people don't want to be touched at all. Do you morons wana get scientific about it or do you hate science now and feel we should all fuck whatever we want and anyone not wanting in that pile of shit will be outcasted?

We are born, and as we mature we develop chemical releases in our bodies. In most cases as boys age if another man touches them it feels undesirable... When they were 6 maybe they wouldn't even take notice, but they are not mother fucking 6 anymore.

Some boys love being touched by other men, and thats great for them! But forcing others to be groped by them would be wrong. So how about you liberal dictator fucks go live your own confusing lives and not tell others what they should or should not be doing with theirs.
Forced? You missed the entire point of the OP.


Hollychit you're a small minded one.

Your point was if you don't feel "cool" with walking down the streets holding hands with your bro then you're homophobic....

My point is there is a line crossed once you touch someone else, male to male, female to female or male to female and female to male.

Do you walk down the street holding your females friends hand? Does this happen often? Are you full of shit?

To prove ones self as not homophobic the bar should not be to demand they have physical interactions with the same sex.

Hey ladies!!!!!!! To prove your not homophobic SMDT wants you to hold hands.... mmmm, maybe touch her boob.... Hmmm, maybe kiss, tough, fingers in her ass now or you're a homophone and the rest of the world hates you! YES THE REST OF THE WORLD HATES YOU!!!

I love the part where you speak for the other 6 billion people on planet earth, that right there seals the deal, you're a fucking moron. You know in some places in the world they still kill you for being gay, but I guess that does not count as "the rest of the world."
^^^^ So angry. So repressed.

I swear everyone, I didn't arrange this as a prop to prove my point. It just sorta happened.

I'm not angry, I think it's funny how much like a dictator you are and yet you prolly think you somehow espouse freedom. Yet here you are condemning people for freely not wanting to be gay.

Or how about this. What phisical action must I do with another male to prove I'm not homophobic?

Think REEEeeEeeeeEEeaalalllllly hard. You might just see how fucking stupid you have sounded in your thread.

Dude, you're an American. Americans need three feet of space. You're going to be fine.

Unless you're within three feet of SMDT.
I see it as a blowback from the Puritans.....
What do you think it is?
I'm seriously at a loss to answer that. This thread doesn't have an agenda. I really don't know why we're like this.

I was always pretty much a live and let live kind of guy until the faghadist started pushing their agenda in the schools, in scouting and other areas that had religious beginnings. Now I'm seriously thinking about insisting that they allow my hetro and proud float in the next gay pride parade. Or going all Al Sharpton on the sponsors of the gay pride parade and insisting they sponsor my heterosexual pride parade or threating a boycott.
There are many straight groups and organizations that march in Gay Pride parades...businesses, services such as the Red Cross, churches, temples, etc. politicians. They are not gay-identified groups....but they are welcome.

Got a link?
And for the record I feel Obama as well as the Dem congress as well as the Republican presidents and Republican congress have failed the gay community by doing just that.... Keeping them separate from the community of the rest of us. There should be no reason the Government does not allow gays to get married and then write tax code and laws benefiting those allowed to obtain a marriage licence.
It's a state issue, but I like how you blamed Congress thereby bolstering the error that regulating marriage is a power granted to the federal government.

It should be up to the individuals getting married.

Hey were you born somewhat retarded by any chance? Because I know I covered marriage should not be something Government (state or Federal) controls.... And yes, I'm honestly asking, are you retarded?
I always find it funny when people claim 'the government shouldn't be involved in marriage' and then demand that a state or federal government authority 'protect the sanctity of marriage'; thus contradicting and undermining their whole argument.

I agree, it was odd to get attacked for promoting "the federal Government" be involved in marriage when it was beyond clear I was against it, but then that same person who attacked me advocates states control marriage. What's the fucking difference? So 2 dude married in Oregon are now just buds in California? How does that effect taxes? What gives the states the rights to say who can and can't be married. Pretty much the same arguments I made against the federal government doing the same stupid chit.

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