America's last free election?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Part 8--2012: America's last free election?

By Wes Vernon


That has been the norm. It has worked reasonably well in our previous 56 presidential elections (or maybe 55 if we don't count 1788-1789 when George Washington ran unopposed for his first term). Until now, no major party candidates awoke each morning with a chip on his shoulder that would encourage him to dream up one more way to take this nation down.

Not this time

2012 presents us with a scenario quite different from all the others. This time, there is reason to consider that an incumbent whom few of us had heard of prior to his candidacy in 2008 was mentored by a Communist, in addition to being raised by pro-Communist parents; made it a point to seek out Marxist professors on campus; befriended and was supported by terrorists, including one credibly accused of being a cop-killer and another who lamented not having terror-bombed "enough"; a candidate whose education included considerable time in a Muslim school; whose extreme and persistent class hatred is right out of the playbook of Karl Marx; who routinely reaches for powers not granted him either by law or the Constitution; who caters to the Muslim community with no distinction between those on the one hand who are trying to get away from the anti-American Shariah law, and those on the other hand who intend to take control of this country by jihad — whether by stealth, violence, or a combination thereof.

Adding up the foregoing prompts the logical question as to whether our White House — and it is ours, not his — is occupied by someone whose very loyalty to the nation that accorded its highest honor — is suspect. Judging by his conduct in office, it is reasonable to wonder if he has read either the Federalist Papers or even the entire Constitution.

Bear in mind all this is symbolic of respect (or lack thereof) for the values of America on the part of the President of the United States. And since this is his record before the voters decide whether to renew his contract, one can be excused for any pessimism as to what he will do once that hurdle is behind him.


Equal justice under the law

Almost as soon as this administration assumed office, its Justice Department (DOJ) boss Attorney General Eric Holder described his fellow countrymen as "a nation of cowards" on racial matters. He soon exhibited with that personal obsession a visceral disdain for color-blind injustice.

Federalism/states rights

The Department of Justice has been suing states — mainly Arizona — for pursuing violators of federal laws that the president and his attorney general don't like and therefore will not enforce, and will furthermore sue any state that tries to enforce federal laws duly passed by Congress and signed into law but with which the administration disagrees.

The administration has shown little regard for the security and safety of Americans from attacks by this nation's enemies. It has undermined efforts by the previous administration to treat terrorist attacks as war. Court decisions as early as 2004 did begin to rule that such attacks constituted a crime wave, subject to the same laws that apply to burglars and jewel thieves. Clearly, they should have been categorized as enemy combatants in a war.

The Obama administration has doubled down on that policy, for example by defining the 2009 Fort Hood murder of 13 military people and the injuries of others as "workplace violence," rather than a terrorist attack by an enemy of the United States.

Never mind that the gunman, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, an Islamist, shouted Allahu Akbar [God is great]" as he fired away. Other silly administration avoidances of reality in the War on Terror include Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano's insistence on defining terrorist attacks as "man-made disasters."

Freedom of expression

The Obama regime looks the other way as pressure mounts to insert Shariah Law into our jurisprudence. Shariah Law — dominant in Muslim societies — including our "friend" Saudi Arabia — forbids free expression on penalty of death.

The rest of us are threatened with all kinds of opprobrium if we don't support same-sex marriage (witness the recent Chick-fil-A controversy). But under Shariah Law, homosexuals have been put to death.

You and I are warned to observe the politically-correct jargon of feminism, but under Shariah Law, a woman is accorded no "equal rights" if she refuses to obey her husband.


And if you think all this is bad now — wait until he's re-elected and won't have to worry anymore about your vote.

Part 8--2012: America's last free election?
That pretty much says it all, but the media has no interest in further investigation, journalism in the US is dead.
I am always confused by the left's adamant defense of all things Islam considering that Sharia law would shoot down virtually every belief of the left and right in this country. While they bash the right for not forcing religious organizations to provide birth control and abortions, they don't care that Sharia law would not even allow them to vote, speak to other men or go out in public without a chaperone. The left, and many on the right, support gay rights, though as the article pointed out, that is a crime punishable by death in countries ruled by the archaic and oppressive Sharia law.

Islam is the first religion that the left ever stood up and defended. I suspect it's because they like it that so many Muslims hate America and our ways or maybe it's because of Obama and they would never say anything against their dear leader.

I also realize that many Obama supporters haven't learned anything from history. People are blindly following Obama, knowing little about him and completely ignoring the glaring facts about who he is and what he's really about. This exact same phenomenon came before the destruction of many countries in the past. Historians will look back at this and ask why didn't the people realize what was happening.

Obama is not even the first black president. His father was Arab with some black and his mom was white, so he is the first mixed race president, and Arab-American would be the most accurate way to describe him.

Herman Cain could have been the first real black president, though we know the left isn't ready for that yet. Of course, Herman wasn't going to play the class warfare game and promise redistribution of wealth, so he was no fun.

Obama has all these czars who are creating regulations and pushing things through that would never see the light of day in congress, like cap and trade.

He has the most radical czars ever in our nation's history. He has czars that are communists, one that wants to put sterilization agents in our drinking water to control the population and all of them are anti-capitalist Marxists, socialists and communists. A person doesn't surround himself with radicals like these unless they have the same mindset as he does. And it's all bad for freedom loving people.

I wish more people would wake up. Either people like being taken care of and don't care about all that economy, national security, constitution stuff or they think they'll be part of the dicatatorship that will control us. Whenever I hear someone all for socialism, they are either a taker or someone who fancies themselves as a leader. Leaders in socialist and communist countries live like kings.

It's sad that it is so easy to imagine Obama appearing on the television a week before the election and telling us that it's called off because of a law he passed through executive order or through one of his many czars. He'll tell us that the new One World Order is established and now a select group of people are in charge of all countries and that he will be grand poobah of the U.N., but we can just call him King of the World.
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Part 7--2012: America's last free election?

By Wes Vernon

"This is my last election. After my election I'll have more flexibility."

That is an exact quote from the mouth of President Obama, unaware that the confidence (infamously shared with then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev) was picked up by microphones and transmitted into America's living rooms, where millions of Americans heard the president's hushed tones.

Americans devoid of early-20th-century innocence might be content to shrug their shoulders and chuckle at another "oops" by a politician caught in the rushed flow of his own spilled beans. They need to check out "Fool Me Twice: Obama's Shocking Plans for the Next Four Years Exposed."


BOOK REVIEW: 'Fool Me Twice'

If it was going to be our last election, why even have an election right now?

If Obama can seize power and become a dictator like you said, why doesn't he just do it now?

Come on, admit it, you're being pathetic.
If it was going to be our last election, why even have an election right now?

If Obama can seize power and become a dictator like you said, why doesn't he just do it now?


We still have our guns, when they order us to turn in our guns we will comply,
when they come to take them away will give them the ammo first...

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What's that supposed to indicate?

Because I just view it as an "I have nothing so I'm just going to post a threatening image hinting at murder instead."

Man up, pussy boy. Why hasn't Obama just shut down these elections and declared himself dictator for life?

Could it be because he's participating lawfully in a free election?
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He even edited it to add the text and the smiley, just to show he's not just posting threatening imagery. Before it was just the image.
This election is costing around $2 billion dollars.

There is nothing free about this election.
I wonder if there really is anyone in American who believes this horseshit about communist takovers.

My guess is that there probably aren't - at least not outside the psyche ward.
I wonder if there really is anyone in American who believes this horseshit about communist takovers.

My guess is that there probably aren't - at least not outside the psyche ward.

It's just a technique to try and get back in power.
Cowman -

Probably, but I think it has the opposite effect in reality.

Pretending that there is a communist threat to America only reduces peoples awareness to real threats in a 'boy who cried wolf' kind of way.

It is also increasingly seeing the GOP portrayed internationally as gun-waving lunatics.
America's last free election?

If Obama is a "communist" what does that make the vast majority of America's allies that have public healthcare and social programs that are much farther to the "left" than anything this Administration has proposed?
The wingnuts are looking at a lost election, so once more they are yapping about 'second amendment' solutions. Really pathetic to see people mouth patriotism all day, then advocate the violent overthrow of a legally elected government.

They cry Constitution, then do everything in their power to prevent people from exercising the rights given to them in the Constitution.

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