Americans Very Optimistic for 2020, Citing the Economy, and Often Crediting Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
I’m sure Nancy coming up with a few more impeachment’s will make Trump lose.

Said no one ever.

What’s really hilarious is watching the left trying to convince people the economy is bad. The economy is the one thing politicians can’t BS voters about - people know their situations and that of their neighbors.

A USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll this month asked Americans if they thought things would get better or worse in their own lives in 2020. By an overwhelming 80% to 11%, they predicted their lives would be better. That optimism stretched across demographic lines, although men had a more positive outlook than women (83% vs. 76%) and Southerners a more positive outlook than Midwesterners (84% vs. 74%).


By about a 3-to-1 ratio (63% vs. 22%), those surveyed also predicted things would get better next year for their communities.

Poll: Americans optimistic for 2020 in their own lives, less for US
I am not optimistic about 2020 and i sure don't think tRump is doing anything to make it better.
I am not optimistic about 2020 and i sure don't think tRump is doing anything to make it better.

Got any reasons for your pessimistic opinion?
Most of us like a great economy and the US moving in the right direction.
You prefer "those jobs are not coming back"?

Trump is making barry soetoro look like a gender-confused community agitator... it's almost criminal the way DJT is raping hussein zero's horrible legacy. Thank God this idiotic impeachment schtick has guaranteed Trump 4 more years.
Right track Wrong track.png
I am not optimistic about 2020 and i sure don't think tRump is doing anything to make it better.

Got any reasons for your pessimistic opinion?
Most of us like a great economy and the US moving in the right direction.
You prefer "those jobs are not coming back"?

Having seen this kind of auto erotic response to politicians and the economic growth before and the resulting crash that wiped out so many people is my main concern. That trump is so closely aligned with Putin and against his own people causes me concern also. I have seen the midway barker and he is rump.
I am not optimistic about 2020 and i sure don't think tRump is doing anything to make it better.

Got any reasons for your pessimistic opinion?
Most of us like a great economy and the US moving in the right direction.
You prefer "those jobs are not coming back"?

Having seen this kind of auto erotic response to politicians and the economic growth before and the resulting crash that wiped out so many people is my main concern. That trump is so closely aligned with Putin and against his own people causes me concern also. I have seen the midway barker and he is rump.

In support of your concerns is the fact that Trump and apparently Nancy and the democrats, are not addressing the $23T Debt, but are funding their pet projects with deficit spending. I was hoping that Nancy would at least try to cut into the $1T Budget Deficit?! Trump and the GOP are trying to "grow the US economy out of the deficit with unrealistic growth assumptions", but that never works in the long run.

So I'm not sure that disaster can be avoided since neither party has any adults.
I think Trump's approval is about twice that of Congress' and it of course America is pleased with his brilliant work on the Economy. We knew he would be good, but we didn't know he would be this good!

Trump is holding all the cards this November.

He has the ability to thoroughly dominate media coverage with one 280-character tweet.

No matter what reporters want to report on, from impeachment to the Emoluments Clause, Trump can change the subject to what he wants to talk about.

He ups the ante with each tweet, making grandiose and often ridiculous statements.

The whole controversy over the supposed targeting of Iranian cultural sites is a case in point.

Nobody seriously thinks that the American people (or the military) would allow the president to target historically or religiously significant sites to punish the Iranians.

And yet the president mentions it, and the media goes nuts.

Trump baited the press all the way to the White House, yet they still fall for it every single time.​

Not very bright, are they?
Republican leaders will have to acknowledge that market capitalism is not a religion

You’d have to be a fool to worship it
why, when GDP is rising and America is immensely rich, are so very many of our fellow citizens dying deaths of despair?

Anyone who thinks the health of a nation can be summed up in GDP is an idiot

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