“Americans Must Stand Up to the Fraud. Kari Lake Did that. Thank God for Kari Lake!”


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Good for Kari, she's not going to back down.

---On Friday night Kari Lake filed a 70-page lawsuit against Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, Maricopa County Board Members Bill Gates, Clint Hickman, Jack Sellers, Thomas Galvin, Steve Gallardo, and elections director Scott Jarret in the Superior Court for the state of Arizona.
The lawsuit alleges HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of illegal votes were counted in the election---

There's the Gateway Punditry, the kind that says…...

Another whiny-bitch MAGA snowflake that simply cannot accept that more people voted against her than for her... :auiqs.jpg:

Real men - and women - running for office in this country have the common decency and love of the Republic and our Constitution to concede gracefully.

Now... some of these MAGA pu$$ie$... from the top on-down... lack such commonplace courage, dignity, grace, and love of country and its traditions and laws.

Such whiny-bitch losers are scum and should be treated as such.

Phukk 'em.
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Another whiny-bitch MAGA snowflake that simply cannot accept that more people voted against her than for her... :auiqs.jpg:

Real men - and women - running for office in this country have the common decency and love of the Republic and our Constitution to concede gracefully.

Now... some of these MAGA pu$$ie$... from the top on-down... lack such commonplace courage, dignity, grace, and love of country and its traditions and laws.
Show us a Democrat who does not badmouth America and I'll let you ride my Unicorn.
Show us a Democrat who does not badmouth America and I'll let you ride my Unicorn.
We're not talking about bad-mouthing America... we're talking about loving one's country enough to concede gracefully when you've been out-voted.

Stop trying - and failing - to deflect attention away from the abominable and divisive moral character failings of some of your star candidates.

If you ever hope to overwhelm the idiot Democrats you(r candidates) have to be better than them - not worse.

Hint: the "Other Guys Do it Too" and the "Other Guys Do Stuff Just as Bad" are juvenile or simpleton defenses, best left behind on the 5th grade recess-yard.
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I guess Kondor3 doesn't know what voter fraud is.
I've lived my entire life in the Chicago metro area and am well-versed in Democrat chicanery in the City of Chicago stretching back a century or more.

With the possible exception of New York City or Boston, the Democrat Machine in Chicago is a poster child for Organized Corruption and Fraud, stretching back into history.

You MAGA tools have been bleating Rump's Big Lie for a long time now and it's been discredited over and over and over again - by logic, and in law courts, 62 times over.

Ditto for Arizona... there is no "there" there... there is no evidence of fraud on a scale sufficient to overturn the outcome of the election... and the whiny MAGA bitch knows it.

MAGA Republicans have been proven to be liars on this subject... led by the Little (Orange) Boy Who Cried Wolf Once Too Often... nobody outside your circle believes you now.

That profound loss of credibility was your (collective) doing... nobody to blame but yourselves.

Most Americans outside of your rapidly diminishing circle are sick and tired of listening to you whine about it with your Big Lie and want you to just shut-the-phukk-up.

Field better candidates... package and sell your ideas better... out-perform the Other Guy... stop the crybaby $hit... do better next time... grow-a-pair... grow up.

Next slide, please.
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We're not talking about bad-mouthing America... we're talking about loving one's country enough to concede gracefully when you've been out-voted.

Stop trying - and failing - to deflect attention away from the abominable and divisive moral character failings of some of your star candidates.

If you ever hope to overwhelm the idiot Democrats you(r candidates) have to be better than them - not worse.

Hint: the "Other Guys Do it Too" and the "Other Guys Do Stuff Just as Bad" are juvenile or simpleton defenses, best left behind on the 5th grade recess-yard.
I pity anyone who can't (or won't) see the cheating by the Democrats.
Good for Kari, she's not going to back down.

---On Friday night Kari Lake filed a 70-page lawsuit against Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, Maricopa County Board Members Bill Gates, Clint Hickman, Jack Sellers, Thomas Galvin, Steve Gallardo, and elections director Scott Jarret in the Superior Court for the state of Arizona.
The lawsuit alleges HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of illegal votes were counted in the election---

All anyone needs to do is pull mail in ballots and confirm from the voting roll, pattern voting from names of ballots received and any ballots from people who haven’t voted for two past elections and confront them to confirm they voted by mail

We're all waiting for you to serve-up evidence of cheating in the Arizona election on a scale sufficient to overturn the outcome.

The floor is yours.
All the cheating has been exposed on newscasts for the past two years and the people just shrug it off. Video after video of people brazenly cheating and the Demofarts explain it away. "Oh, can't you see she wasn't recounting the stack of ballots 19 times." "Oh, we sent the Republicans home and then found those sacks of ballots under the tables." "Oh, we got those 3 truckloads of ballots at 3 AM because they all ran out of gas at the same time on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Must have gotten some bad gas when they filled up in Elmira, NY. It's just a co-incidence they were all for Biden! "
Good for Kari, she's not going to back down.

---On Friday night Kari Lake filed a 70-page lawsuit against Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, Maricopa County Board Members Bill Gates, Clint Hickman, Jack Sellers, Thomas Galvin, Steve Gallardo, and elections director Scott Jarret in the Superior Court for the state of Arizona.
The lawsuit alleges HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of illegal votes were counted in the election---

Can't back down from the made up claims Republicans make EVERY TIME they lose and election.....
Such whiny-bitch losers are scum and should be treated as such. Phukk 'em.
I ain't ready to go quite that far; however, I could be persuaded that these are victim-wannabees wallowing in their customary grievance-burdened life-view. It's sad. Really.

Bless Kari! I pray she wins this fight against corruption!
She's got a good chance there poster Skye.
She need only put on retainer the experienced trial lawyers and election law experts....Rudy Giuliani, Krakenpot Powell, and Jenna Ellis.
Or as they, or Trump(?)..described 'em: 'an elite strike force team'.
THAT sounds daunting.
So Kari could do worse.
So send Kari some money Skye. Those 'strike force teams' don't come cheap.

I guess Kondor3 doesn't know what voter fraud is.
I can't speak for Kondor, but.....but I'd bet Lenny that your favs....the Cyber Ninjas do.
I don't mean to intrude on your business....nor how you spend your money.....but I would suggest you may consider writing more checks to the Ninjas, so they can get their azzes down to Arizona again. And get to the bottom of this. Again.

"Oh, can't you see she wasn't recounting the stack of ballots 19 times."
"Oh, we sent the Republicans home and then found those sacks of ballots under the tables." "
Oh, we got those 3 truckloads of ballots at 3 AM because they all ran out of gas at the same time on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Must have gotten some bad gas when they filled up in Elmira, NY. It's just a co-incidence they were all for Biden! "

Golly, poster Hossfly, I haven't seen any of that in the rightwing or leftwing media. Nor ruled upon in a court of law. So, can we ask you which jurisdictions?
How do you know?
Has there been any official action on any of those scenarios?
If not, why not?
How do you know?

I ask that not because I think you are ChickenLittle fearing gravity and the sky......but if it is true then that is serious. And I would expect that you would have personally alerted authorities....either the jurisdiction's Secretary of State, or the local FBI.....or hell, your local county sheriff.
Sincere responsible patriots do that kind of thing.
Have you done any of that?
If not.....why not?
Exactly. It's right in front of our faces.
THAT.....should make it really really easy for your favs, the Cyber Ninjas, to get to the bottom of it. Eh, Lenny?
If so, you may not need to send as many checks to 'em as last time.
Give poster Skye a heads up on that too. K?

A penny saved is a penny earned.

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