American's defense


Oct 12, 2014
American's defense budget is 612 billion dollars, Russia's defense budget is 76,6 billion dollars and China's defense budget is 126 billion dollars.

11 Most Powerful Militaries In The World - Business Insider

According to me the defense budget from US goes mostly to the airforce and infrastructure. Wouden't it be better to improve the tanks, personal and the vechicles? Becouse Russia can surely beat US in mark force.

US could introduce more personal and pay good salary to the personal. Improve tanks and mark force and so on.

US's military is good becouse it can spread it's power all over the world and keep the world safe but I think we need a strong America to defend threat from Russia and a strong military is possible.
Does the US Navy have 10 or 19 Aircraft Carriers The Diplomat

Business Insider is quoting our amphibious Ships as Aircraft Carriers. Currently we have 11 Air Craft Battle Groups which are listed as true Air Craft Carriers. The Amphibious Assault ships are not designated as True Carriers but do carry Aircraft and Helicopters.

To the quote of Russia could beat us in Mark Force, underestimates the capabilities of our present forces. We have some of the best equipment on the battle field in regards to Tanks and high tech equipment. We have killer drones which can make an armored column go away in a matter of hours should they be deployed full scale.

The battle field still requires control of the air and seas to win the war, and we maintain that edge by numbers with High Tech Military Equipment.
True, America controll the sea and air which is very important. Mostly of the carriers belong to the US. Still, I think Russia got 766000 soldiers across the frontline and US have max 400000 or something. Russia got almost the dobule of tanks.

US got much present forces and I think that the United States most be equipped to face Russia in mark forces. US equipment is High Tech, at the same time Russia got many good old tanks and soldiers.

I think a rearmament of the US defense is neccesary, to lead the world and destabilize Russia. 4 % of the economy is much but can be improved. Above all, tanks, active troops and mark force.
Need to stop thnking of defense from each other and worry more about defense from big rocks and snowballs. An asteroid doesn't give a shit whether you're democratic or communist and can wipe both out at the same time. How about we focus more on things like that? :)
I think America should focus on defense to maintain safety across the world, science and human progress.

Also, space program is relevant and should be treated as a common issue. I also think that America should take a leading roll in space progress.
Need to stop thnking of defense from each other and worry more about defense from big rocks and snowballs. An asteroid doesn't give a shit whether you're democratic or communist and can wipe both out at the same time. How about we focus more on things like that? :)

Why is the US Navy practising for war with China?

Yeah, I think US should maintain a strong defense and good relations with Russia och China. If any possible war is upcoming, they should invade Europe.

A strong defense should include a strong navy and airforce so US can spread the power easily and attack enemies. But also, a strong ground force to defend directly threat from Russia.
I think America should take stand for a military budget not higher than 600 billion dollars. These should include the same salary for the personel and around eight to nine carriers (which carry aircraft and helicopters). US should if possible buy tanks from Europe, Russia or China or whatever so they can carry up to 10000 tanks. Otherwise, they should begin to produce tanks themselfs. The personel should be up to a half million. The air force should carry max 3000 aircrafts. To achive this budget, I think America need strong ledarship and less High-Tech militray such as basic equipment for the personel, less aircrafts and carriers and own produced vechiles.

With this military America will be strong and will be able to defense directly threat from their enemies. America will also be able to spread it's power almost in the same scale as today around the world. I think US have to many carriers, aircrafts and so on.
America's military should be strong enough to uphold the values of equality under christinaty, human freedom and build a prosper and peaceful world. To achive this, America need strong leadarship, basic equipment, a strong navy and airforce, own produced vechile and a flexible military budget. America should be able to have a flexible, faborable and inviting education system's of marines and a strong enough air force to spread it's power around the world and at the same time defend US sky and values. US should sell carriars to Russia or Europe for their values, to Great Britain or France for uphold a strong navy to defend their borders and work for US values around the world. US should have an effective High-Tech military and at same time produces own vechile and tanks at full scale. Drones should be used effective and the air force should shrink and be strong enough. The budget should behold and the equipment and extent should change and should be reformed in a more effective way to create a strong national defense.

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