Americans becoming less tolerant of LGBT's ?

My opinion hasn't changed any. The homosexual lobby (not all the homosexuals) with Obama leading the charge, pushed too hard, and is rightfully experiencing some blowback. An equilibrium will be found soon.

I saw this was going to happen a few years ago.

The failed Chick-Fil-A boycott ought to have been a warning.

And this:

Target still facing backlash from transgender bathroom policy

And this:

Transgender hormone blockers are ‘institutionalized child abuse’: pediatrician
This idea that I require some sort of acceptance from people I’ve never met and don’t care about is absurdly arrogant. We have the love and support of my family and friends. The rest can get bent for all I care.

That may be you, but others seem to be caught in a sense of perpetual "look at me look at me I'm special" blathering that is making a lot of people just plain tired of it all.

It isn't just LBGTAXSIGFCA, its any form of identity politics that tries to gain an unwarranted advantage in politics and other areas.
My opinion hasn't changed any. The homosexual lobby (not all the homosexuals) with Obama leading the charge, pushed too hard, and is rightfully experiencing some blowback. An equilibrium will be found soon.

I saw this was going to happen a few years ago.

The failed Chick-Fil-A boycott ought to have been a warning.

And this:

Target still facing backlash from transgender bathroom policy

And this:

Transgender hormone blockers are ‘institutionalized child abuse’: pediatrician

Sure. We signed up for the Target boycott the day it started. There are two Targets in my county and I don't EVER expect to go to either again --- and I tell people why.

There were lines out the door with people supporting Chick-Fil-A. I went for the first time then; I've gone again. People had to park across the road, the parking lot filled up, when that homosexual attack on the chain started.

And then when all that transvestite business started, mostly men pretending they could turn into women ---- how far is the craziness going? Men who think they are really werewolves? Men who decide they are vampires and require legalized tolerance for sucking people's blood? Men who want the right to marry 7 women whenever they want, their choice? Men who want to marry teenage boys? Whoops, too late, they've already got that one.

The sexual perversion insanity needs to stop in this country.
Can't you be tolerant of the antics of a degenerate faction of society with accepting their lifestyle? Why can't sodomites enjoy the tolerance of the greatest Country in the world without whining about acceptance? Wouldn't it be refreshing if the sodomite community promoted tolerance for the 1st Amendment religious freedom of the rest of the Country?
Wouldn't it be refreshing if the sodomite community promoted tolerance for the 1st Amendment religious freedom of the rest of the Country?

And here I always think I'm being radical for saying "homosexual" instead of "gay" ---- guess I don't know radical. :)

Yes, that really would be refreshing, if they celebrated US for a change, instead of constantly complaining that we don't sufficiently appreciate everything they do --- walking around naked in San Francisco and such. Really, it's our turn. Let the weirdos be tolerant for a change.
Americans are becoming less tolerant of minorities in general. What do you expect? We have a Clown squatting in the Whitehouse who has shown them its it's OK to be bigoted.
"Born to Rule" Richkids Are a Cancer on the Nation

I'd rather be a big ot than a little snot. Only spoiled and bossy degenerate weaklings would tolerate these misfits.
Tolerance takes a hit: Americans less accepting of LGBT people in 2017, survey shows

Fewer than half of non-LGBT adults — 49% — said they were “very” or “somewhat” comfortable around LGBT people in certain scenarios, according to the Accelerating Acceptance report released Thursday at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. That number was down from 53% in 2016.

The survey, conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of LGBT media advocacy group GLAAD, reflects an about-face from positive momentum reflected in polls GLAAD has commissioned since 2014.

“We are surprised at the scale and the swiftness” in the erosion of tolerance in the course of one year, Sarah Kate Ellis, GLAAD president and CEO, told USA TODAY.

The minute, the very minute, that Americans felt they could safely stop pretending they believed the nonsense they had never believed at all, they stopped with the fake tolerance for perversion. Thank you, Trump!
What the hell are you people blathering about. If actually read the OP, you would know that support fro gay rights is steady. It just says that a slightly high percentage reported that they are " uncomfortable" around gay people. Safely stop pretending? Who the hell is or was pretending ? The bigots never pretended. But the law is the law and will remain the law despite the fact that we have a soulless pig in the WH
The minute, the very minute, that Americans felt they could safely stop pretending they believed the nonsense they had never believed at all, they stopped with the fake tolerance for perversion. Thank you, Trump!

Shame on those who were so cowardly and dishonorable that they ever allowed themselves to be shamed and intimidated into playing along with these lies in the first place. Some of us had the decency to stand by the obvious truth, even in the face of immoral, perverted LIbEral filth calling us names for doing so.
The minute, the very minute, that Americans felt they could safely stop pretending they believed the nonsense they had never believed at all, they stopped with the fake tolerance for perversion. Thank you, Trump!

Shame on those who were so cowardly and dishonorable that they ever allowed themselves to be shamed and intimidated into playing along with these lies in the first place. Some of us had the decency to stand by the obvious truth, even in the face of immoral, perverted LIbEral filth calling us names for doing so.
Like yours truly.

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