Americans are eager for a day when the news is real and relevant


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Instead of yapping my share on this, here goes:

How are things in Houston or Florida? What are the conditions in Puerto Rico? How are those effected by the wildfires in California faring?

What is the latest on the Las Vegas shootings? What is happening on our southern border? How is the investigation into Russian involvement

in our elections proceeding? Where is Frederica Wilson? Has the NFL kneeling story finally petered out? Where is ISIS and what are they up to?

How crazy is Kim Jong-un? What real dangers does he pose? How are things in Venezuela? Has patient care improved in the VA system?

These are just a few of the unfinished stories that have fallen off the radar. Instead we are subjected to lurid and salacious stories about

the sexcapades of the rich and powerful. We already know there will be a lot of bluster and no consequences-can you say Bill Clinton? We already

know that there is a special set of rules for those folks. We already know that they feel entitled and privileged. We already know that they are

not who we hold up as role models. We already know that most of this is for money, for 15 minutes of fame or is politically motivated. And we

already know that all of the above will be reported with a deep bias.

Americans are eager for a day when the news is real and relevant. We need to hear the rest of the story not just the sensational, headline grabbing

beginning, in order to be fully informed.
Let's ban the 24 hour news stations and go back to when the news each day was only 30 to 60 minutes long.....unless it's in a news paper. Then restrict the opinion to the editorial sections. The news section simply reports the facts... the 5 Ws and the how?

I know... It ain't going to happen.
Let's ban the 24 hour news stations and go back to when the news each day was only 30 to 60 minutes long.....unless it's in a news paper. Then restrict the opinion to the editorial sections. The news section simply reports the facts... the 5 Ws and the how?

I know... It ain't going to happen.

Well for $10,000 a year/Reuters or 25K/Bloomberg you can have reporters and columnists out the wazoo 24/7
Let's ban the 24 hour news stations and go back to when the news each day was only 30 to 60 minutes long.....unless it's in a news paper. Then restrict the opinion to the editorial sections. The news section simply reports the facts... the 5 Ws and the how?

I know... It ain't going to happen.
Let's not forger double and triple sourcing stories/angles rather than today's "someone said" b.s.

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