American Patriot Donald Trump: Let in more White Immigrants (This Is Great, He Has White Pride)

Finally, a candidate who understands this country was created by our founders for free white people. Trump knows in order to make America great again, you have to have the best and brightest as citizens. Who will make up those best and brightest? White people.

Trump Let In More White Immigrants

I linked this a while ago and got a lot of positive feedback from Republicans on this board, all of whom are White but a little timid in voicing their support for greater immigration from Western Europe. Now that Mr. Trump is saying it on the mainstream media, people will be more relaxed about echoing the same sentiment. In spite of what a load of Neo-con Zionists would have you believe, the United States was founded by Englishmen/Europeans and the culture reflects that, which is probably why most White people, deep down, would be comfortable with hearing an increase in British, Irish and Continental accents spoken by people who look like them.

Is that his stupid statement for the day, or the week?

(I have to go with day myself. He runs his mouth too much to prove himself an idiot only weekly)
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Is that his stupid statement for the day, or the week?

(I have to go with day myself. He runs his mouth too much to prove himself an idiot only weekly)
Saying America needs more white immigrants is not stupid but rather smart.
White supremacists are always so damn dumb, they'll fall for just about anything that feeds their sick agenda. If the OP had a brain, he would know that we already DO let white immigrants into the country. He would also ask WHY we let certain immigrants in and why Drumpf thinks we don't or should.

So far, Drumpf the Bloviator has not said even one thing that addresses the FACTS about even ONE issue. If the ignorant, trailer trash cracker OP were smart enough, he would know that as well.
What about White Hispanics and people that are part European?
America is for them too, right?

Is that his stupid statement for the day, or the week?

(I have to go with day myself. He runs his mouth too much to prove himself an idiot only weekly)
Saying America needs more white immigrants is not stupid but rather smart.

No, actually its not smart at all.

Smart would be to address issues facing US citizens before bringing in immigrants of any color.
Smart would be to educate our own citizens so we did not have to go outside the country to fill certain high tech jobs.
Smart would be to look at the person rather than the color when making that decision. The dumb white trash OP is the perfect example of anti-American kkk stupidity in that regard. The same dumb white trash OP couldn't qualify for a ditch digging job.

Is that his stupid statement for the day, or the week?

(I have to go with day myself. He runs his mouth too much to prove himself an idiot only weekly)
Saying America needs more white immigrants is not stupid but rather smart.

We need more LEGAL immigrants, of ANY color, that are willing to work.

Trump is obviously pandering to idiots that believe WHITE is RIGHT.

Is that his stupid statement for the day, or the week?

(I have to go with day myself. He runs his mouth too much to prove himself an idiot only weekly)
Saying America needs more white immigrants is not stupid but rather smart.

No, actually its not smart at all.

Smart would be to address issues facing US citizens before bringing in immigrants of any color.
Smart would be to educate our own citizens so we did not have to go outside the country to fill certain high tech jobs.
Smart would be to look at the person rather than the color when making that decision. The dumb white trash OP is the perfect example of anti-American kkk stupidity in that regard. The same dumb white trash OP couldn't qualify for a ditch digging job.

I may shoot myself.

I agree with you.
Finally, a candidate who understands this country was created by our founders for free white people. Trump knows in order to make America great again, you have to have the best and brightest as citizens. Who will make up those best and brightest? White people.

Trump Let In More White Immigrants

I linked this a while ago and got a lot of positive feedback from Republicans on this board, all of whom are White but a little timid in voicing their support for greater immigration from Western Europe. Now that Mr. Trump is saying it on the mainstream media, people will be more relaxed about echoing the same sentiment. In spite of what a load of Neo-con Zionists would have you believe, the United States was founded by Englishmen/Europeans and the culture reflects that, which is probably why most White people, deep down, would be comfortable with hearing an increase in British, Irish and Continental accents spoken by people who look like them.
That's funny considering how poorly republicans view Europe
Come on folks.....lets not twist things. The EU is very culturally diverse. Does everyone gets their news from headlines nowadays?
That's funny considering how poorly republicans view Europe

That's right. Let's bring in a buncha atheist socialists who are accustomed to single payer healthcare, 30 hour work weeks, paralyzing labor union strikes, retirement at 50, $7.00 a gallon gasoline, taking all of August off, the metric system, 60 percent income tax, and a huge government safety net who coddle Muslims!
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Finally, a candidate who understands this country was created by our founders for free white people. Trump knows in order to make America great again, you have to have the best and brightest as citizens. Who will make up those best and brightest? White people.

Trump Let In More White Immigrants
They need to stop the flow of illegal white immigrants first.
All else being equal I have less problem with an immigrant gardener than I do with an immigrant doctor.

I'd rather have one less gardening job for an American already here than one less doctor's job.
Let's not go overboard here

We are talking about white, Christian, heterosexuals
Also, nobody from Eastern Europe

Is that his stupid statement for the day, or the week?

(I have to go with day myself. He runs his mouth too much to prove himself an idiot only weekly)
Saying America needs more white immigrants is not stupid but rather smart.

No, actually its not smart at all.

Smart would be to address issues facing US citizens before bringing in immigrants of any color.
Smart would be to educate our own citizens so we did not have to go outside the country to fill certain high tech jobs.
Smart would be to look at the person rather than the color when making that decision. The dumb white trash OP is the perfect example of anti-American kkk stupidity in that regard. The same dumb white trash OP couldn't qualify for a ditch digging job.
He would have made excellent canon fodder for the confederacy!
Finally, a candidate who understands this country was created by our founders for free white people. Trump knows in order to make America great again, you have to have the best and brightest as citizens. Who will make up those best and brightest? White people.

Trump Let In More White Immigrants

I can't say which I am more pleased by
That the USMB racists are such big Trump supporters or
That Trump is the front runner and current face of the Republican Party.

Like winning a double header.
Finally, a candidate who understands this country was created by our founders for free white people. Trump knows in order to make America great again, you have to have the best and brightest as citizens. Who will make up those best and brightest? White people.

Trump Let In More White Immigrants

I can't say which I am more pleased by
That the USMB racists are such big Trump supporters or
That Trump is the front runner and current face of the Republican Party.

Like winning a double header.
What's wrong being proud of your race and wanting to preserve it?
Finally, a candidate who understands this country was created by our founders for free white people. Trump knows in order to make America great again, you have to have the best and brightest as citizens. Who will make up those best and brightest? White people.

Trump Let In More White Immigrants

I can't say which I am more pleased by
That the USMB racists are such big Trump supporters or
That Trump is the front runner and current face of the Republican Party.

Like winning a double header.
If that's true then why aren't you supporting Trump?

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