American Government and The Mormon Conspiracy


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
American Government and The Mormon Conspiracy
American Government involvment by the Mormon Church is a plan to dominate America and is a conspiracy generally unknown by American Citizens. In the scholarly book The Mormon Conspiracy a summary is provided of the historical and current practices of the Mormon church. The LDS (Latter-Day Saints) church has plans to become a dominant force in the American government. Mormon Church leaders have probably ordained their President as the king of the new government to be established in the United States and eventually the world.American Government and The Mormon Conspiracy

The Mormon Corporate Empire"
The Mormon church is not above fleecing its poorest members. Recently, a prominent Mormon leader in a speech delivered worldwide to the church memberships titled "Tithing -- a Commandment Even for the Destitute," stated:
Quote: One of the first things a bishop must do to help the needy is ask them to pay their tithing. Like the widow if a destitute family is faced with the decision of paying their tithing or eating they should pay their tithing.
"Romney's Religion: The Mormon Corporate Empire" (LDS Church Owns 928,000 Acres In North America, Largest Ranch Land Owner In Wyoming, 2nd Largest Land Owner In Nebraska, Has Largest Cattle Ranch In 48 States, Largest Foreign Landowner In UK)
Yeah these Righties would rather vote for a Mormon ( Talking the Tea Party Folks) than a black man..It just burns them up that a Black man is running the country. They would vote for snoopy before Obama... Loosers
Mormon empire far more dangerous and controlling then the Jewish empire and radical Islam.
Lets have a little context shall we? A person that pays their tithe is going to get God's grace for following the Bible. Following God's law. The Church rightly believes that paying tithe ensures that blessings will fall on those that pay. So the poor person that pays thei 10 percent will receive back from God what is needed to live and continue to worship and follow God and the Bible.

There is no Conspiracy to take over the Government. Lets be real, in order to do that would require 75 Senators, 330 Congressman and 3/4's of the population of 37 States. IF that comes to pass then the Country is pretty much all Mormons anyway.

It is not very likely to happen. And it sure as hell won't happen anytime in the foreseeable future. It can not happen by electing Romney to the Presidency.

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