CDZ American Exceptionalism?


Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2019
I argue that in my lifetime, the U.S. has done nothing that could or should inspire pride in anybody.

Millennials reached an age where they became politically aware around the turn of the century. 9/11 was a big kick-starter of that awareness for a lot of us. Since that event we have:

- sent soldiers to die for nothing for 20 years in Middle Eastern wastelands

- created a surveillance state

- made it legal for monopolies to funnel unlimited amounts of money towards installing politicians

- allowed the economy to crash and held nobody to account for it (in fact the ones responsible were bailed out and grew their wealth)

- massively enriched the ruling class

- grown to absolutely despise each other

- succumbed to a pandemic where the poor were labelled as "essential workers" so they could be forced to risk their lives to keep providing wealthy and educated remote workers with McNuggets

- learned that billionaires do not pay taxes

- learned that corporations do not pay taxes

- learned that we're about to have ANOTHER recession

There's a lot more that could be added to that list, of course. Can anybody argue that this country has lived up to its reputation during any of the last 3 decades? For extra credit, would you tell us what it was like to live in a country that accomplished amazing things?
I was from the first generation that was not considered baby boomers. The first generation that was told they had to settle for less than the generation before. Nothing major at first. Just the beginning of a general retreat from investing in the future. The boomers gradually dismantled the engine of progress. Now we are an optimism poor people who must pay the bill for the amazing and terrible 20th century. We're willing to do it but damned if the assholes are not trying to take it all with them when they go.
When people stopped voting for leaders, and started voting for actors and heads of crime syndicates...........yeah, it went to hell real fast.
Sometimes I wonder if your sentiment isn't just a cycle that happens over and over. Has it always been like this where we all hate each other? I mean there was a literal civil war here once. We decided at least once before in history that we should all kill each other. Are current times actually that bad or is it a normal period of the U.S. state of existence?
America is fine. You old people are just too obsessed with biggest, fastest, firsts, etc.
I argue that in my lifetime, the U.S. has done nothing that could or should inspire pride in anybody.

Millennials reached an age where they became politically aware around the turn of the century. 9/11 was a big kick-starter of that awareness for a lot of us. Since that event we have:

- sent soldiers to die for nothing for 20 years in Middle Eastern wastelands

- created a surveillance state

- made it legal for monopolies to funnel unlimited amounts of money towards installing politicians

- allowed the economy to crash and held nobody to account for it (in fact the ones responsible were bailed out and grew their wealth)

- massively enriched the ruling class

- grown to absolutely despise each other

- succumbed to a pandemic where the poor were labelled as "essential workers" so they could be forced to risk their lives to keep providing wealthy and educated remote workers with McNuggets

- learned that billionaires do not pay taxes

- learned that corporations do not pay taxes

- learned that we're about to have ANOTHER recession

There's a lot more that could be added to that list, of course. Can anybody argue that this country has lived up to its reputation during any of the last 3 decades? For extra credit, would you tell us what it was like to live in a country that accomplished amazing things?
U.S. Exceptionalism:
1. PC's.
2. Internet.
3. Mobile Phones.
4. DNA Testing and Sequencing.
5. MRI.
6. Microprocessors.
7. Fiber Optics.
8. Non-Invasive Laser and Robotic Surgery.
9. Photovoltaic Solar Energy.
10. Large Scale Wind Turbines.
11. Bio Fuels.
12. Lithium-ion Batteries.
Et cetera, et cetera.
China (as well as other Marxist nations) admit that they steal our innovations and adapt them to fit their needs. Reason: Marxist Socialism stifles innovation.
Throughout or nations history, we have demonstrated great innovations over other nations.
Are we a perfect nation? Of course not. No nation is. All nations have their faults. If you can think of a better one, pack up and go live in it for two to five years (on their dime, not yours), then come back and tell us all about how great that nation is and what makes it great.
We have an exceptional foundation. But we have forgotten it and allowed it to rot, and allowed it to be taken from it by those who don't understand or appreciate it.

It's all over now but the shouting. The shouting will be terrible. So be it.
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I argue that in my lifetime, the U.S. has done nothing that could or should inspire pride in anybody.

Millennials reached an age where they became politically aware around the turn of the century. 9/11 was a big kick-starter of that awareness for a lot of us. Since that event we have:

- sent soldiers to die for nothing for 20 years in Middle Eastern wastelands

- created a surveillance state

- made it legal for monopolies to funnel unlimited amounts of money towards installing politicians

- allowed the economy to crash and held nobody to account for it (in fact the ones responsible were bailed out and grew their wealth)

- massively enriched the ruling class

- grown to absolutely despise each other

- succumbed to a pandemic where the poor were labelled as "essential workers" so they could be forced to risk their lives to keep providing wealthy and educated remote workers with McNuggets

- learned that billionaires do not pay taxes

- learned that corporations do not pay taxes

- learned that we're about to have ANOTHER recession

There's a lot more that could be added to that list, of course. Can anybody argue that this country has lived up to its reputation during any of the last 3 decades? For extra credit, would you tell us what it was like to live in a country that accomplished amazing things?

It's just that you foreigners hate America so much, you can't see.

Stopped the Soviet Union from taking over the world.

They're all gone and we're still here.

Created the internet which is mostly good.

Rich people have always been rich.

Corporations are an imaginary person. Who cares if the imaginary person called "Google" pays taxes. The people who work for Google pay a shit load of taxes.

Created not one but three vaccines to stop CORONO virus.

We needed to ramp up security to combat terrorism. Terrorist attacks are way down.

Again, corporations are imaginary people who are protected by the First Amendment. They can spend money to exercise their Amendment Rights just like you can.

And I could go into more.

But your hatred of America is irrational, and nothing anyone can say can change that irrational hatred. The hatred has become who you are.

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