'America Was Never That Great’

Thank Bill DeBlasio for the new Democrat motto. Democrats claim they are patriots who love America, but every now and then they tell the truth. Republicans will enjoy rubbing Dim noses in DeBlasio's faux pas.

Audience Awkwardly Reacts When Cuomo Slams Trump’s MAGA Slogan, Says America ‘Was Never That Great’

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) slammed President Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan on Wednesday, saying the country was "never that great" in the first place.

Speaking at an event for women and girls, Cuomo appeared to stun the crowd when he made the remark.

"We're not going to make America great again," Cuomo said. "It was never that great."

Some in the audience gasped and laughed in surprise.
You must not have experienced Detroit, flint and Saginaw before republicans sent jobs overseas to break the unions. Gm ford and Chrysler were the biggest employers not Walmart. The world never had such a successful middle class. The ceo made 30x the workers not 300.
Detroit was successful until the Democrats took it over. Blaming the Republicans is pathetic. Why didn't Dallas, Los Angeles and Miami also go down it?
They did. It was a global recession.

And if those places have good paying non union jobs it was to convince the workers not to unionize.

And they had to threaten if they unionized those jobs would go to Mexico. Still many have. And those companies hire a lot of temp workers.

Don’t get me started
You didn't explain why it affected Detroit but not other cities that weren't run by Democrats. I know it's all some huge nefarious Republican plot to impoverish Democrats, but you'll have to come up with a better explanation.
Because Detroit had high paying union jobs. The best jobs.
Thank Bill DeBlasio for the new Democrat motto. Democrats claim they are patriots who love America, but every now and then they tell the truth. Republicans will enjoy rubbing Dim noses in DeBlasio's faux pas.

Audience Awkwardly Reacts When Cuomo Slams Trump’s MAGA Slogan, Says America ‘Was Never That Great’

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) slammed President Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan on Wednesday, saying the country was "never that great" in the first place.

Speaking at an event for women and girls, Cuomo appeared to stun the crowd when he made the remark.

"We're not going to make America great again," Cuomo said. "It was never that great."

Some in the audience gasped and laughed in surprise.

Most Democrats, liberals and Leftists really do think that. Now the real mystery is: how do they square that with the onslaught of illegals risking life and limb to get here?

OH wait, if they could master rational thinking, they wouldn't be Democrats. At least not past age 30 or so.

Liberals and leftists, have indeed always believed this. Mainstream Dimocrat politicians however would have never in a million years came out publicly and said this.
We have now crossed that line, and going forward, you can expect this kind of public denouncement of our country from Dimocrats.

I gave you a winner rep not only for post content but because your avatar makes me laugh every time I see it. What in the world was he thinking, choosing an official portrait like that? Sheeeeeesh
Thank Bill DeBlasio for the new Democrat motto. Democrats claim they are patriots who love America, but every now and then they tell the truth. Republicans will enjoy rubbing Dim noses in DeBlasio's faux pas.

Audience Awkwardly Reacts When Cuomo Slams Trump’s MAGA Slogan, Says America ‘Was Never That Great’

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) slammed President Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan on Wednesday, saying the country was "never that great" in the first place.

Speaking at an event for women and girls, Cuomo appeared to stun the crowd when he made the remark.

"We're not going to make America great again," Cuomo said. "It was never that great."

Some in the audience gasped and laughed in surprise.

This is an awesome OP. You seem to have trouble with those Italian names all sounding the same. Moron.
In electing Trump, we showed the world we are not great
What point in American history would you or,Trump prefer to return to? When was America's greatness at its zenith?

Probably back in the '50s.

You know, stay at home moms, lot's of those high paying union jobs, and a 90% tax bracket on the wealthiest.
Thank Bill DeBlasio for the new Democrat motto. Democrats claim they are patriots who love America, but every now and then they tell the truth. Republicans will enjoy rubbing Dim noses in DeBlasio's faux pas.

Audience Awkwardly Reacts When Cuomo Slams Trump’s MAGA Slogan, Says America ‘Was Never That Great’

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) slammed President Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan on Wednesday, saying the country was "never that great" in the first place.

Speaking at an event for women and girls, Cuomo appeared to stun the crowd when he made the remark.

"We're not going to make America great again," Cuomo said. "It was never that great."

Some in the audience gasped and laughed in surprise.
/——/ That is the full context unless you have a link proving he meant the opposite. Do you even know what context means?
Yes. I know what context means. And so do you. That's why you didn't provide context until prompted.
It's very common for the Left Wingers to loath America, it's what defines them.
The Obama Lesson: You don't want people who hate your country to run your country.
"We have not reached greatness," he said. "We will reach greatness when every American is fully engaged. We will reach greatness when discrimination and stereotyping against women, 51 percent of our population, is gone, and every woman's full potential is realized and unleashed, and every woman is making her full contribution."

A more perfect union.
Never, in other words. Trump's motto is "Make America Great Again," not make American perfect.

Yes lets go back to the days of when husbands beating and raping their wife was ok. I wonder when he thought America was great, when he was a young buck , bucking VD's. LOL.
America has pretty much always been great.

You idiots on the left are pathetic
Trumps campaign slogan "make America great again" was about Obama's far left wing abuse of power and detrimental policies that hurt our country.
"We have not reached greatness," he said. "We will reach greatness when every American is fully engaged. We will reach greatness when discrimination and stereotyping against women, 51 percent of our population, is gone, and every woman's full potential is realized and unleashed, and every woman is making her full contribution."

A more perfect union.
You women are proud and loud about killing your babies. Fuck off!
Thank Bill DeBlasio for the new Democrat motto. Democrats claim they are patriots who love America, but every now and then they tell the truth. Republicans will enjoy rubbing Dim noses in DeBlasio's faux pas.

Audience Awkwardly Reacts When Cuomo Slams Trump’s MAGA Slogan, Says America ‘Was Never That Great’

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) slammed President Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan on Wednesday, saying the country was "never that great" in the first place.

Speaking at an event for women and girls, Cuomo appeared to stun the crowd when he made the remark.

"We're not going to make America great again," Cuomo said. "It was never that great."

Some in the audience gasped and laughed in surprise.
/——/ That is the full context unless you have a link proving he meant the opposite. Do you even know what context means?
Yes. I know what context means. And so do you. That's why you didn't provide context until prompted.
/----/ WTF does that mean? Are you claiming Fredo didn't say it or that he said it but because it was taken out of context it means something different? If the later then provide a link proving it.
So many on the left are simply despicable
So when was it great LOL? When we had slavery or Jim Crow? Or now, when we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility in our history and none of the benefits all all other modern countries have? We have the potential. And no I am not leaving, brainwashed functional assholes...
We were great before Obama, you know the one that transformed america and divided us.
"We have not reached greatness," he said. "We will reach greatness when every American is fully engaged. We will reach greatness when discrimination and stereotyping against women, 51 percent of our population, is gone, and every woman's full potential is realized and unleashed, and every woman is making her full contribution."

A more perfect union.
Never, in other words. Trump's motto is "Make America Great Again," not make American perfect.

Yes lets go back to the days of when husbands beating and raping their wife was ok. I wonder when he thought America was great, when he was a young buck , bucking VD's. LOL.
America has pretty much always been great.

You idiots on the left are pathetic

I know when he was fighting the Vietnam war, not getting a VD was his main goal.
Trumps campaign slogan "make America great again" was about Obama's far left wing abuse of power and detrimental policies that hurt our country.
We demonstrated to the world we are no longer great when we elected Trump

We showed our cruel side, our indifferent side and our selfish side
So, the consensus among the Trump sheep is that wee were great until we elected a black man as president.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
What did it have to do with de Blasio?
Hey, so there's no sugar coating this one. Cuomo stepped in a big ol' pile. Not real sure why he couldn't have just said ...
America is now and has always been great. But it could be a whole lot GREATER.
He could have even said that the Orange Clown in the White House is F-ing things up bigly ... True!
I sort of get where he was going and RW sites and Fox are snatching the whole deal out of context -
But Andy sure took the wrong offramp. :rolleyes-41:
""We have given you a Republic, Madam, if you can keep it"
Benjamin Franklin

We WERE a great nation, a shining light and then the Banks took over. We gave it over t the money changers and we have been used and played ever since.

No, it isn't a Dem or Pub thing.

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