Sucessful Hacking of California Primary

Successful hacking attempt? In what way? The alleged victim Dr. Kierstead admits that the hacking had nothing to do with him losing the primary. Is the crazy left trying to build an excuse for why democrats lose the November elections?
Our federal law makers should be working on keeping our voting systems secure from hacking to begin with, instead of crying about being hacked
Just aying the ground work for a democratic loss in November so they can take it to court and appeal their loss. This will happen in any contested election no matter the state,
I really do wish I could trust Rolling Stone as a credible News source... What next? Back to paper ballots? Why is the political system more hackable than the Financial system?

Documents Reveal Successful Cyberattack in California Congressional Race – Rolling Stone

It only shows how bad Intel has been working. They must have been too busy blaming Russians for their own faults. Meanwhile Intel (not Russians!) are those whom American taxpayers are paying billions of dollars.
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It is sad that our country is so partisan that even an overt attempt to hack an election is still not enough to put aside partisan bickering for 2 minutes.

I have been saying for years, partisanship is the biggest threat to the US right now.

Too many of you people put party before country.
It is sad that our country is so partisan that even an overt attempt to hack an election is still not enough to put aside partisan bickering for 2 minutes.

I have been saying for years, partisanship is the biggest threat to the US right now.

Too many of you people put party before country.
When the other side put communism above the American Way, there is only one side that is potting America first
It is sad that our country is so partisan that even an overt attempt to hack an election is still not enough to put aside partisan bickering for 2 minutes.

I have been saying for years, partisanship is the biggest threat to the US right now.

Too many of you people put party before country.
When the other side put communism above the American Way, there is only one side that is potting America first

Neither side is putting America first, it is always party then country.

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