America Still just not ready to elect Barack Obama.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
America still has to many closet racists,in order for a Black Politician to be elected as President .It just won't happen!. I hate to tell all you Barack Obama supporters,but it just won't happen this year, or in the not to distant future.
America still has to many closet racists,in order for a Black Politician to be elected as President .It just won't happen!. I hate to tell all you Barack Obama supporters,but it just won't happen this year, or in the not to distant future.

I think you're right. I think there's a silent group that the polls aren't picking up. I really think a lot of whites will show up just to keep a black man out of office.

At the same time, I think a lot of blacks will show up to put a black man in office.

So we'll see what happens.
I think you are wrong.

Obama has touched a part of the American "soul" that goes beyond race.

He represents all that IS right with America and all that COULD be right again under the right leadership.
America still has to many closet racists,in order for a Black Politician to be elected as President .It just won't happen!. I hate to tell all you Barack Obama supporters,but it just won't happen this year, or in the not to distant future.

I have faith. I think the people saying racist things weren't going to vote for a democrat no matter what.

We'd be hearing the same thing about being ready to vote for a woman.

If the masses want to vote against their own best interests, fine. Obama will give the middle class 3 times the tax breaks McCain will give you.

Wages for the middle class will go down and gas will go up if McCain wins.

All you broke ass people voting for McCain because you are racists? You are shooting yourselves in the foot. Stop it.
The black racists will easily outnumber the white racists, so this is just a weak excuse that the Obamites are putting out ahead of time in an attempt to minimize mass suicide among Liberals when their Messiah loses. :badgrin:
I think you're right. I think there's a silent group that the polls aren't picking up. I really think a lot of whites will show up just to keep a black man out of office.

At the same time, I think a lot of blacks will show up to put a black man in office.

So we'll see what happens.

As jsanders said, there is silent group out there that is not participating in any of these polls. And they will make the difference come election day.

And this man Barack Obama could in fact be the Anti Christ in the fleash
The black racists will easily outnumber the white racists, so this is just a weak excuse that the Obamites are putting out ahead of time in an attempt to minimize mass suicide among Liberals when their Messiah loses. :badgrin:

How will he lose if the black racists outnumber the white racists? You have no logic. Your whole life is flawed.
I believe that evidence points strongly to the majority of Americans being more than willing to elect a qualified black president - in fact I would go one step further and say that the majority of Americans want very much to elect the first black President of the United States of America.

I simply think that Americans are not willing to vote for a president solely based on the color of his skin.

They are nervous about electing a man with such little experience in politics, such questionable acquaintances, and such a left-leaning agenda. Not to mention that while his "hope and change" message sounded lovely in the abstract, he has not yet been able to convert abstract to concrete - leaving many voters who had been considering him wondering if there is any "there" there.

This is a moment to move race relations in this nation forward - we have a strong, decent candidate running against another strong, decent candidate. One happens to be black, and one is white. People are making the decision to vote for one instead of the other based on the merits of their ideas. This is good news for our nation.

But so many seem intent on using it for their own race-baiting devices, trying desperately to portray Americans as closet racists...smiling and cheering for Obama (or calmly mentioning the numerous reasons why they do not support him for President - none of which have to do with his skin color), while secretly burning crosses in their backyards and praying that the "uppity" negoes get off their televisions as soon as possible.

This simply is not a true portrait of this country today...and people who choose to put forth that it is, are doing so to forward their own sad agendas.
I hope you are incorrect but I fear for that too. I am amazed at some people I have know for a long time who are racists deep down. But most people see life in a dichotomous us-them and racism is only one part of that. How can one vote for a party that has been a complete failure in every area I can think of. I defy anyone to tell me where they have been successful. But still they vote for a man and a party who represent the worst we have become, an illegal war and a economy that bails out only the rich as it argues against a living wage for the rest. Rather bizarre.

Ishmael Reed Politics of the Race Card: McCain Gurgles in the Slime
I believe that evidence points strongly to the majority of Americans being more than willing to elect a qualified black president - in fact I would go one step further and say that the majority of Americans want very much to elect the first black President of the United States of America.

I simply think that Americans are not willing to vote for a president solely based on the color of his skin.

They are nervous about electing a man with such little experience in politics, such questionable acquaintances, and such a left-leaning agenda. Not to mention that while his "hope and change" message sounded lovely in the abstract, he has not yet been able to convert abstract to concrete - leaving many voters who had been considering him wondering if there is any "there" there.

This is a moment to move race relations in this nation forward - we have a strong, decent candidate running against another strong, decent candidate. One happens to be black, and one is white. People are making the decision to vote for one instead of the other based on the merits of their ideas. This is good news for our nation.

But so many seem intent on using it for their own race-baiting devices, trying desperately to portray Americans as closet racists...smiling and cheering for Obama (or calmly mentioning the numerous reasons why they do not support him for President - none of which have to do with his skin color), while secretly burning crosses in their backyards and praying that the "uppity" negoes get off their televisions as soon as possible.

This simply is not a true portrait of this country today...and people who choose to put forth that it is, are doing so to forward their own sad agendas.

I love what you said! perfectly stated for sure!

My only question is based on Obama's "questionable acquaintances" remark. If Obama were a white man or even a Republican would his friendships, acquaintances or even passing knowledge of these men even be an issue? Are John McCain's friends and associates so squeaky clean that he has room to disparage Obama based on the words and/or actions of people he may or may not associate with? are ANY of ours?

As for the experience question, well I say this, perhaps someone who hasn't had the opportunity to become jaded and set in their ways with decades of experience will be more open the possibility that it's not Americans job to save the entire world and we should be working on saving ourselves first.

Fix our own backyard before we go putting up playhouses in someone elses'
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Silence wrote:
My only question is based on Obama's "questionable acquaintances" remark. If Obama were a white man or even a Republican would his friendships, acquaintances or even passing knowledge of these men even be an issue? Are John McCain's friends and associates so squeaky clean that he has room to disparage Obama based on the words and/or actions of people he may or may not associate with? are ANY of ours?

Of course if Obama were white or Republican there would be an issue. Candidates relationships with those close to them, or even not so close to them are always called into question during the election season. McCain has already had this happen to him as well - so there has not been special treatment given to one man or the other. Who they associate with has been examined.

There is a reason why the expression "lie down with dogs, get up with fleas" has remained such an axiom. It's because, like it or not, who you choose to associate with is one of the markers by which others judge you. My parents taught me that...I'd imagine most people here have learned that.

Obama, for many voters, has not done a whole hell of a lot politically on which people can look towards to see who he truly is as a candidate - and what kind of president he will be. Therefore, people have to look at what Obama HAS done, what he has said, and yes - who he has chosen to be close to in his life.

As far as ours (yours and mine) associations are concerned...well, I'm not running for office. If I ever decide to...I know that my past and present behavior, choices, and associations will come into question. If I am not prepared for that - then perhaps a life of politics isn't for me.

Silence Wrote:
As for the experience question, well I say this, perhaps someone who hasn't had the opportunity to become jaded and set in their ways with decades of experience will be more open the possibility that it's not Americans job to save the entire world and we should be working on saving ourselves first.

I think that this was the main positive that Obama had going for his campaign. The idea that we had chosen men with experience...and look where it got lets try someone with ideals...and see if that works better.

Unfortunately...I believe Obama kinda shot himself in the foot on that one by choosing Biden as his VP...hard to believe that he is comfortable as a "Washington outsider" who wants to "change" the tone of politics...when he runs to a man whose been inside Washington helping set the tone of politics since he was 29 years old.

Whether or not having an experienced candidate is important is an issue that I feel, will decide this election for many voters. I don't claim to know what the right answer is on that one. It could be that Obama will breathe new life into American could be that he will make dangerous blunders and mistakes in foreign and domestic issues due to his lack of experience. We'll just have to wait and see what Americans do.
People just don't want a socialist for a president. It's that simple. Amongst the democrats who like or don't like him, the reasons may vary. But for most Americans it's his socialist tendencies.
How will he lose if the black racists outnumber the white racists? You have no logic. Your whole life is flawed.

Wow nice insult. My whole life is flawed, eh? Obviously you have no argument or logic to have to resort to that. :cuckoo:

Blacks make up about 20% of the population, and 90% voted for Obama over Hillary, so therefore 40% made their decision based on race, or about 8% of the US population.

Whites make up about 60% of the US population, so it will take about 14% of them to be racist in order to equal the number of blacks that have already shown this tendency.

Good luck proving that 14% of whites are racist.
America still has to many closet racists,in order for a Black Politician to be elected as President .It just won't happen!. I hate to tell all you Barack Obama supporters,but it just won't happen this year, or in the not to distant future.

I tend to agree.

Of course the irony is that Obama is not black, he's beige.

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