America is land of progress

Because they wanted more armed federal forces? Or because they were needed to curtail the massive criminal enterprises that came about through Prohibition?
I move it was the former.

Tobacco? Really?

Alcohol? Really?

Firearms? What about the 2nd Amendment?
Coca Cola is a tasty drink. But should only be consumed in moderation.

The picture of the little girl holding beer & liquor bottles is child abuse.
To end child abuse, the 21st amendment should be repealed. Children suffer from childhood alcoholism and they suffer from the abuse of adult alcoholics
Firearms? What about the 2nd Amendment?
This is the next target of the Eurocentrists, the federal servants.

The lifting of the same-sex marriage ban has already happened.

Slaves do not need weapons, otherwise there is a danger of rebellion.
This is the next target of the Eurocentrists, the federal servants.

The lifting of the same-sex marriage ban has already happened.

Slaves do not need weapons, otherwise there is a danger of rebellion.
Not gonna happen in America, bubba. At least not for me.

I grew up walking down the street with a .22 right past police, and they were jealous because they had to sit in that car, and were not me. Oh, they were me when they were my age, but they're older now, and sitting in a police car while I'm gonna go shoot some things in the woods. And they told me so, and told me to be sure of what's behind what I'm shooting at, which is good stuff. :dunno:
11 year old me might would get killed for that these days, because it's all kinds of fucked up now. :cuckoo:
That's not the America I grew up in.
Not gonna happen in America, bubba. At least not for me.

I grew up walking down the street with a .22 right past police, and they were jealous because they had to sit in that car, and were not me. Oh, they were me when they were my age, but they're older now, and sitting in a police car while I'm gonna go shoot some things in the woods. And they told me so, and told me to be sure of what's behind what I'm shooting at, which is good stuff. :dunno:

I am glad I grew up on the time that a young man with a .22 was a common sight.
I am glad I grew up on the time that a young man with a .22 was a common sight.
What is this crap that's going on nowadays? Teach the kids gun safety and..

Idk. I really don't. I know a part of it has to do with a change in the police force.

They changed from "Protect and Serve" to "Law Enforcement".

Another thing has to do with milquetoast parents, I guess.

I liked the police when I was younger, they were guys around the neighborhood doing good things.

Now? You better have your seatbelt on or they'll give you a ticket. :uhoh3:

I used to ride on a milk crate on the passenger side of my grandma's van. There was no seat there.

There was a couch in the back, but if I wanted to see where we're going, it's the milk crate.

I could drive that van, too. 3 on a tree.
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Not gonna happen in America, bubba. At least not for me.

I grew up walking down the street with a .22 right past police, and they were jealous because they had to sit in that car, and were not me. Oh, they were me when they were my age, but they're older now, and sitting in a police car while I'm gonna go shoot some things in the woods. And they told me so, and told me to be sure of what's behind what I'm shooting at, which is good stuff. :dunno:
11 year old me might would get killed for that these days, because it's all kinds of fucked up now. :cuckoo:
That's not the America I grew up in.
Empty words. Recently they said that fags will not marry.
What is this crap that's going on nowadays? Teach the kids gun safety and..

Idk. I really don't. I know a part of it has to do with a change in the police force.

They changed from "Protect and Serve" to "Law Enforcement".

Another thing has to do with milquetoast parents, I guess.

Gun safety was always first and foremost when I went shooting with my Dad or my Grandfather. And when I took my 10 year old step-daughter shooting it was harped on again and again.

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