America is land of progress

Empty words. Recently they said that fags will not marry.
Not too recently. They said fags could marry a while back, and I have no issue with that.

As long as it doesn't involve making out in front of kids and things like that. However, in practice, and I'd bet it's

not the married homosexuals, but some kind of homosexual lobby has been pushing things further and further.

Into fucked-up land.

They're not doing the guys that wanted to marry any favors, I'll tell you that.
Good theory, from what I remember.
Idk but, if an Angel came and visited me, rapin' 'em would be about the last thing on my mind.

Even if it was a she and was smokin' hot. Seducin' may cross my stupid noggin, but not rapin'. What the actual fuck?

I think God made the right call with them.
So it was and so it will be.
Therefore, there can be nothing but the ideology of progressivism in American politics.

No left expansion!

No to treacherous trumpism!

No to decadent homosexuality!

No alcohol!

No collectivist slave system of corporatism! No monopolism!

No to the dictates of a strong federal government!

No Eurocentrism!

None of the modern political parties follow the path of progress, both parties are not suitable for America.

No trumpism? Well, that's a group of people who want the same things as the rest of your list. Trumpism is a word and intent invented by people who don't believe in American morals, standards and pride and values is all. The left progressive liberal democrats came up with that phrase. Trump wanted to literally make America great again and all the "trumpists" are just Americans that rallied behind him that wanted America to be great again also. By what I see 95% of what you want trump and his people also want.

But no to alcohol? Now that's just ridiculous. Alcohol has been around for centuries allover the world. And considering the ungodly amount of people who consume it every day it has little negative impact on society at all. Very few people have true problems with it so why ban something just because a minority has issues with it? I love to drink beer, sake, and the occasional mixed drink and it's never been a negative in my life.

The rest I can get behind.
No trumpism? Well, that's a group of people who want the same things as the rest of your list. Trumpism is a word and intent invented by people who don't believe in American morals, standards and pride and values is all. The left progressive liberal democrats came up with that phrase. Trump wanted to literally make America great again and all the "trumpists" are just Americans that rallied behind him that wanted America to be great again also. By what I see 95% of what you want trump and his people also want.

But no to alcohol? Now that's just ridiculous. Alcohol has been around for centuries allover the world. And considering the ungodly amount of people who consume it every day it has little negative impact on society at all. Very few people have true problems with it so why ban something just because a minority has issues with it? I love to drink beer, sake, and the occasional mixed drink and it's never been a negative in my life.

The rest I can get behind.
It's all nonsense.

The progressives were right-wing, and trump is not right-wing in the American sense, he is Eurocentric and anti-American.
He started by destroying the Monroe Doctrine and licking the ass of his German masters.

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