America Is Being Systematically Transformed Into A Totalitarian Society


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
America Is Being Systematically Transformed Into A Totalitarian Society
Right Side News ^ | January 7, 2013 | American Cream

America Is Being Systematically Transformed Into A Totalitarian Society

If someone were to ask you for an example of a “totalitarian society”, how would you respond? Most Americans would probably think of horribly repressive regimes such as the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Communist China, East Germany or North Korea, but the truth is that there is one society that has far more rules and regulations than any of those societies ever dreamed of having.

In the United States today, our lives are governed by literally millions of laws, rules and regulations that govern even the smallest details of our lives, and more laws, rules and regulations are constantly being added. On January 1st, thousands of restrictive new laws went into effect all over America, but most Americans have become so accustomed to the matrix of control that has been constructed all around them that it does not even bother them when even more rules and regulations are put into place.

In fact, a growing number of Americans have become totally convinced that “freedom” and “liberty” must be tightly restricted for the good of society and that “the free market” is inherently dangerous. On the national, state and local levels, Americans continue to elect elitist control freaks that are very eager to tell all the rest of us how to run virtually every aspect of our lives. According to Merriam-Webster, the following is one of the ways that the word “totalitarian” is defined: “of or relating to a political regime based on subordination of the individual to the state and strict control of all aspects of the life and productive capacity of the nation especially by coercive measures”.

And that is exactly what we are witnessing in America today – nearly all aspects of our lives and of the economy are very tightly controlled by a bunch of control freaks that just keep tightening that control with each passing year. We still like to call ourselves “the land of the free”, but the truth is that we are being transformed into a totalitarian society unlike anything the world has ever seen before.

Where will we end up eventually if we keep going down this road? If you still believe that America is “free”, just consider some of the things that are illegal in America today…

-Starting on January 1st, it is now illegal to make or import 75 watt incandescent light bulbs anywhere in the United States.

-In Oregon, it is illegal to collect rainwater that falls on your own property.

-In New Jersey, it is illegal to have an “unrestrained” cat or dog in your vehicle while you are driving.

-If you milk your cow and sell some of the milk to your neighbor, you could end up having your home raided by federal agents.

-In Miami Beach, Florida you must recycle your trash properly or face huge fines.

-All over the United States, cops are shutting down lemonade stands run by children because they don’t have the proper “permits”.

-Down in Tulsa, Oklahoma one unemployed woman had her survival garden brutally ripped out and carted away by government thugs because it did not conform to regulations.

-Over in Massachusetts, all children in daycare centers are mandated by state law to brush their teeth after lunch. In fact, the state even provides the fluoride toothpaste for the children.

-At one public school down in Texas, a 12-year-old girl named Sarah Bustamantes was arrested for spraying herself with perfume.

-A 13-year-old student at a school in Albuquerque, New Mexico was arrested by police for burping in class.

-All over the United States cities have passed laws that actually make it illegal to feed the homeless.

With each passing year, the number of decisions that we are allowed to make for ourselves gets smaller and smaller.

This includes some really fundamental things such as basic health decisions.

For example, the CDC will soon be recommending that nearly every single American be vaccinated for the flu every single year. The following is from a recent Natural News article…

An advisory panel to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended that every person be vaccinated for the seasonal flu yearly, except in a few cases where the vaccine is known to be unsafe.

“Now no one should say ‘Should I or shouldn’t I?’” said CDC flu specialist Anthony Fiore.

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices voted 11-0 with one abstention to recommend yearly flu vaccination for everyone except for children under the age of six months, whose immune systems have not yet developed enough for vaccination to be safe, and people with egg allergies or other health conditions that are known to make flu vaccines hazardous.
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I am not a proponent of Biblical prophecies, but the s**t seems to be getting awfully close to the fan.
As a liberal, I would tend to agree with the OP. We are living in a highly authoritarian society, based upon systems of government and economics.
Personal safety and individual freedom have always been inversely proportional to each other.

Barack Obama is and has always been a bigger threat to our individual freedoms than Adam Lanza ever was to our safety. With a police response time of 11 minutes from a distance of 2.3 miles away, or 20 minutes from 5.5 miles away, how in God's name could you feel safe at anytime? You're only as safe as you make yourself, no matter how safe the Libtards promise you you'll be if you do what they tell you.

But that's alright, you just go ahead and believe that man selling snake oil from the back of that Democratic covered wagon. 'Yessiree Bob. I've got the answer to all your prayers right here in this little bottle here. Cures hangovers, hangnails, gout, bunyons, DT's, the consumption, inequality, poverty, deafness, dumbness, boredom, opium withdrawal, lackomoney, lackowoman, loneliness, lackoman, hemmorhoids, rectal and vaginal itching.... You name it,the cure's right in here. Step right up and buy a bottle of my supersized Liberalism Cures All Tonic... Look what it did for Michael Moore!"
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Personal safety and individual freedom have always been inversely proportional to each other.

Barack Obama is and has always been a bigger threat to our individual freedoms than Adam Lanza ever was to our safety. With a police response time of 11 minutes from a distance of 2.3 miles away, or 20 minutes from 5.5 miles away, how in God's name could you feel safe at anytime? You're only as safe as you make yourself, no matter how safe the Libtards promise you you'll be if you do what they tell you.

It's not just "libtards" that are more than happy to put laws, rules and regulations in place. The GOP is just as guilty as being authoritarian fuck wads.
Personal safety and individual freedom have always been inversely proportional to each other.

Barack Obama is and has always been a bigger threat to our individual freedoms than Adam Lanza ever was to our safety. With a police response time of 11 minutes from a distance of 2.3 miles away, or 20 minutes from 5.5 miles away, how in God's name could you feel safe at anytime? You're only as safe as you make yourself, no matter how safe the Libtards promise you you'll be if you do what they tell you.

It's not just "libtards" that are more than happy to put laws, rules and regulations in place. The GOP is just as guilty as being authoritarian fuck wads.

Mindless Knee Jerk response: Everybody's to blame, so no one is ever held responsible.
America Is Being Systematically Transformed Into A Totalitarian Society

In the author’s ignorant, subjective opinion, perhaps – but not in fact.

In fact, Americans enjoy greater freedom today than at any time during our Nation’s history – particularly for women, homosexuals, immigrants, and persons of color.
America Is Being Systematically Transformed Into A Totalitarian Society -

I have to agree with the OP.

Slowly but surely America is changing.... for the worst, all thanks in great part to Emperor Obama Hussein, one of the most left of centre Presidents USA has ever seen! Scary stuff!
Let the party of the Department of Homeland Patriot Act be the last to throw stones!

In some regards I need the government to force my neighbors not to heat their homes directly with dirty coal furnaces.

In some cases legal wire taps catch criminals and terrorists.

But man, you are right. Folks in Washington care if a doctor helps a man end his life in peace in Oregon. Folks care if I can get legally married in another state. Its kinda crazy.

Perhaps it was to pick a candidate who was strong enough against terrorism to catch some wavering republicans but the democrats have not helped with the Patriot Act nonsense.

is this post a thread if you are basically close to being in a coma day?
Jesus christ on a stick you people are on a roll today.
I wish the right would stop voting almost unamimously for renewing the Patriot act...

Which is amazing.

It's funny what conservatives fret over.

The government over the last few years:

-Used the AUMF to create a defacto state of perpetual war.
-Created secret prisons around the world.
-Created a prison in Cuba to be used for indefinite detention.
-Completely hobbled FISA.
-Participated in torture.
-Has granted itself the power to spy on the private communications of American citizens.
-Has unilaterally invaded countries for reasons that change dramatically from week to week.
-As created a pretty unique class of person, "the enemy combatant".
-Has made use of a force of defacto mercenaries.
-Has privatized many of the functions of the military.
-Is spending more money then the next 10 or so countries combined, most of which are allies, on the military.

And all conservatives seem worried over is their guns, lightbulbs, taxes on rich folks, regulations on corporations that robbed this country and their access to fattening foods.

Go fig.

I wish the right would stop voting almost unamimously for renewing the Patriot act...

Which is amazing.

It's funny what conservatives fret over.

The government over the last few years:

-Used the AUMF to create a defacto state of perpetual war.
-Created secret prisons around the world.
-Created a prison in Cuba to be used for indefinite detention.
-Completely hobbled FISA.
-Participated in torture.
-Has granted itself the power to spy on the private communications of American citizens.
-Has unilaterally invaded countries for reasons that change dramatically from week to week.
-As created a pretty unique class of person, "the enemy combatant".
-Has made use of a force of defacto mercenaries.
-Has privatized many of the functions of the military.
-Is spending more money then the next 10 or so countries combined, most of which are allies, on the military.

And all conservatives seem worried over is their guns, lightbulbs, taxes on rich folks, regulations on corporations that robbed this country and their access to fattening foods.

Go fig.


Where are the Democrats that oppose it?
In fact, Bob Barr and many other Republicans DID NOT support the Patriot Act.

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