America Is A Tyranny How could anyone possibly believe that the United States is a free country?


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Oct 14, 2016
America Is A Tyranny -

May 15, 2018 | Categories: Guest Contributions | Tags: | Print This Article

America Is A Tyranny

How could anyone possibly believe that the United States is a free country?

Commentary: The Age of Petty Tyrannies

“Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military. Not the one facing us across the frontier of the battle lines, which is not so much our enemy as our brothers’ enemy, but the one that calls itself our protector and makes us its slaves. No matter what the circumstances, the worst betrayal will always be to subordinate ourselves to this apparatus and to trample underfoot, in its service, all human values in ourselves and in others.”—Simone Weil, French philosopher and political activist


But you can't tell the Saul Alinsky , Obama, Clinton lovers any of that. The dumbed down brainwashed think they live in a free nation.

SUre we are better than most but as liberal idiots strip away and strip away soon or at least by your grandkids life time this nation will look like a 3rd shit hole just like Europe is sliding into now.
I can just see you -

Down in the basement, the windows blackened so Saul Alinsky can't find you and force a living wage on you.

Step a way from the cheetos and read something besides delusional garbage like this and your hero, froot loop Alex Junes.

Seriously. Get a grip or you'll soon be posting from a padded cell.
So we are under attack by RT-supported demagogues.

Putin and Russia are the enemy.

The Alt Right is the enemy.

Americans who believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are the good guys and women.
Some of us realize that Freedom and Liberty have no place in a nation of sheep. They neither want nor deserve either.

1. The OP has raised an important point.

2. The United States has NEVER been a land of personal freedom. (That honor goes to a few enlightened European countries.)

a. In a short post, I cannot list all the laws against certain forms of personal conduct. (E.g., in the 1920s you were a criminal if you drank liquor; e.g., I have just read that prostitution in the United States is legal only in northern Nevada, and it seems that it soon won't be any longer; e.g., some states still make it very hard to get an abortion.)

3. We have, however, long been considered to be a relatively free nation when it comes to political freedom.

a. And, of course, the record has been far from perfect. (E.g., a presidential candidate was sent to prison because he had the temerity to oppose American involvement in World War One; e.g., during the 1950s, there was a witch hunt to smoke out Communists in the movie industry.)

b. Today even political freedom is in danger by people who label as "hate speech" any comment with which they disagree.

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