“America has turned Ukraine into a graveyard” - Colonel Douglas MacGregor…great breakdown and analysis of the US proxy war with Russia in Ukraine

If you feel that strongly about I'm sure Zelenski would love you to enlist.....oh wait no, you just want to sit there and type.
As I see it Ukraine is doing a pretty decent job (albeit with outside help. Given the fact that its opponent outmatched them militarily..for a while) of defending itself.
So basically, you'd like to just enable dictators and acquiesce? I'm putting together a play about the lead up to WW2. Can I interest you in the role of Neville Chamberlain? :)
Nice job by Ukraine, crippling another big Russian ship. In this case, it was a "large landing craft", about 4000 tons. You know, frigate-sized. It didn't sink, but it would take a year in drydock to fix it, and Russia doesn't have the money for that.
The lefties on this board have confirmed why they want war with Russia, because they hate White Christian nations.
Just when I thought this couldn’t get any more ridiculous.

I don’t hate “ white Christian nations”. However, I do not like nations thar attack and invade other sovereign nations, deliberate civilians, bomb schools, hospitals, kidnap civilians and children, commit war crimes and are bent on eradicating an entire culture in as Stalin once did.

Do you support that?
As I see it Ukraine is doing a pretty decent job (albeit with outside help. Given the fact that its opponent outmatched them militarily..for a while) of defending itself.
So basically, you'd like to just enable dictators and acquiesce? I'm putting together a play about the lead up to WW2. Can I interest you in the role of Neville Chamberlain? :)

If you think Putin is a war criminal, you must really hate Obama for starting 5 wars. How many countries has the US invaded?
As I see it Ukraine is doing a pretty decent job (albeit with outside help. Given the fact that its opponent outmatched them militarily..for a while) of defending itself.
So basically, you'd like to just enable dictators and acquiesce? I'm putting together a play about the lead up to WW2. Can I interest you in the role of Neville Chamberlain? :)
I do not understand why people here think Ukraine has no right to defend itself and should just give up it’s land, civilians, culture and autonomy to an agressor simply because…..why?
Isnt it interesting the US called Putin a war criminal for using cluster bombs….then Biden sent Ukraine cluster bombs.

So that makes Biden a war criminal.
5th post
If you think Putin is a war criminal, you must really hate Obama for starting 5 wars. How many countries has the US invaded?
By my quick count over the last 80 years...four. Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq. You wanna count the BOP debacle in Cuba, Grenada, and Kuwait, be my guest. But I'll laugh at those.
Two of those wars lasted almost 20 years. Who started those again? :)
If you think Putin is a war criminal, you must really hate Obama for starting 5 wars. How many countries has the US invaded?
Obama did not “start” five wars. As for what the U?S. did…Iraq? Who supported that? I opposed it. Afghanistan? A mess. But unlike Putin, we did not deliberately target civilians, hospitals, schools, fleeing refugees. Nor did we kidnap thousands of children and civilians promised “safe” passage“ and disappeared them into re-education camps, isolated parts of Russia (minus papers) and indoctrination centers (children).

You think that is ok?
By my quick count over the last 80 years...four. Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq. You wanna count the BOP debacle in Cuba, Grenada, and Kuwait, be my guest. But I'll laugh at those.
Two of those wars lasted almost 20 years. Who started those again? :)

You think I am going to defend Bush? Fuck him.

Under obama….

He started new bombing campaigns in Iraq.

Russia should have gone to war with us when we invaded these sovereign nations.
You think I am going to defend Bush? Fuck him.

Under obama….

He started new bombing campaigns in Iraq.

Russia should have gone to war with us when we invaded these sovereign nations.
Obama did not start those wars. The only recent wars we initiated were Iraq and Afghanistan.

For those of you who do not understand what is actually going on in Ukraine, watch this video. The Colonel breaks it all down very well.

Its a shame, this war was over in March 2022…then the US stepped in an convinced Zelensky to continue the war instead of signing the peace deal in Turkey.

Now, 17 months later…hundreds of thousands people have died and Ukraine is all but destrpyed,


It is Ukrainians who are willing to fight for their country. They do not want to turn over any part of their country to Putin. This colonel is a treasonous traitor.
It is obvious, this is a continuation of the War Obama and Biden started back when Obama was president. All the corruption with Burmisa and the Bidens. The building of US Naval base next to the Crimea peninsula. The rhetoric and hollow threats by the weak Obama administration.

Russia was waiting for a weak president, and he got Biden. The icing on the cake for Russia, is they get to exact vengeance on Biden/Obama.

This war is a personal fight between Putin and the Democrats.

Putin is losing the war. Biden is defeating them.
Putin is losing the war. Biden is defeating them.
Biden looks like the biggest loser, fighting for a country that has the evidence to sink Biden's and the Democrats power.

Of course Biden will do all he can for the country, that obeyed Biden when Biden ordered the prosecutor fired who was investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden. I am sure the Biden extortion, withholding billions, has turned the table so to speak. Now the Ukraine can extort Biden, threatening to expose the extortion Biden exerted as vice-president.

Who will win the Ukraine war? We may not know until the last Nuclear Bomb goes off.
You think I am going to defend Bush? Fuck him.

Under obama….

He started new bombing campaigns in Iraq.

Russia should have gone to war with us when we invaded these sovereign nations.
Hmmm. As I recall, those weren't "invasions". We did not supply an occupying force. Those were specifically tasked deployments..and then withdrawn.
You might have a case for Somalia, but how'd that end up again?
As opposed to just letting Putin walk in and take whatever country he wants. Think maybe this was tried before WW2 with the Germans.
How'd that work out?


First of all, the Ukraine is historically and ethnically Russia.
Read up.
Before the Mongol invasion of 1200, Kyiv was the capital of Russia.

Second is that the current government is not legitimate in any way.
The last fair and legal election was in 2010, and in 2014 there was an illegal military takeover bribed by the US.
All ethnic Russian politicians were either murdered or exiled.
That prevented any fair elections since then.

Third it that Zelensky deliberately started this war, (likely under US urging), by the treaty violation that amounted to an act of war, trying to join NATO.
Read up on the 1992 treaties with Gorbachev, and they emphasize "no alliances hostile to Russia".
The Ukraine joining NATO is worse then Russian nukes in Cuba (1962).
So this war was illegally and deliberately started by the US.
It was illegal for the US to arm the Ukraine.
The instant you said "proxy war", you revealed yourself as a Putin-lackey. If you're going to revise history, don't suck at it so badly. Russia invaded Ukraine. You can't lie your way out of that simple fact.

How does Putin tell you commie rumpswabs to respond to that? Any new talking points, or does he want you to just keep repeating the "proxy-war" BigLie?

Anyways, given how badly the war is going for Russia, I can see why Putin sent out his fifth columnists to post here. If you want that kind of filth pushing your agenda, you've got to be really desperate.

That is a lie, to claim "Russia invaded the Ukraine".
The Ukraine is and always has been part of Russia.
Kyiv used to be the capital of Russia.
The US taking over the Ukraine in order to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, is an illegal act of war.

Russia is going to win this, and has to win this, so will do whatever it takes, including nuking the US if we do not butt out.
We have been trying to stop the war. That’s what happens when you win. The war stops.

The US can NEVER win this war.
Kyiv used to be the capital of Russia, so this is like Pennsylvania claiming to be a sovereign nation and Russia putting nukes there.
The US will get nuked if the Ukraine does not surrender soon.
There is no way Russia can or will lose this war.

First of all, the Ukraine is historically and ethnically Russia.
Read up.
Before the Mongol invasion of 1200, Kyiv was the capital of Russia.

Second is that the current government is not legitimate in any way.
The last fair and legal election was in 2010, and in 2014 there was an illegal military takeover bribed by the US.
All ethnic Russian politicians were either murdered or exiled.
That prevented any fair elections since then.

Third it that Zelensky deliberately started this war, (likely under US urging), by the treaty violation that amounted to an act of war, trying to join NATO.
Read up on the 1992 treaties with Gorbachev, and they emphasize "no alliances hostile to Russia".
The Ukraine joining NATO is worse then Russian nukes in Cuba (1962).
So this war was illegally and deliberately started by the US.
It was illegal for the US to arm the Ukraine.
So what? Did I misremember the fall of the Soviet Union? Were these not supposed to be separate, individual countries? Are you stating that we needed to insert ourselves in Ukraine's elections? That smells like nation building.
WE started the war? Sorry, you're lost in nonsense and conspiracy theory. Again, these types of attitudes are exactly how the Germans were able spread as far and as fast as they did prior to WW2,

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