America Freaks Out

It appears that Duncan was in the general population for a few days at the hospital and those that cared for him also cared for others. It's actually more surprising that more people haven't come down with ebola from what I've read of what went on in the hospital.

Looks like we move you into the hysteria category.

Would you fly/ride a bus/car with someone who had ebola?
Yes or no?
For R.D.:

If you do not realize that Halloween is a high holy day for Satanists and blood sacrifice is taking place on that night - humans sacrificed to Satan you must be living in a cave, R.D.

Seriously. Do not be so naive. Anyone can google satanists celebrate Halloween with human sacrifice or look up Satanic holidays online like forbidden truth website - it's all there. Do not be ridiculous. The truth has been out for some time - in fact Anton Lavey taught if the Satanists murdered someone on their own birthday it would make them a "god".... which is while the Craigslist killer Barber murdered that man on her birthday - that was her intention - did she sacrifice to Satan as she claimed she did? Of course she did. So many she lost count at number 20........ she started at age 13 - how old is she now? Look up all the Satanic holy days - blood sacrifice throughout the year - they earned the name Serial Killer and love hiding in plain sight. Right in front of you.

The FBI never even searched the locations Craigs list Killer - Barber - told about. It was all covered up. Why would anyone expect a different outcome to that story? Listen, the girl was a Satanist and joined the coven in Alaska at age 13 just as she said she did.

The fact that the news media portrayed her as mentally unstable is not surprising. Still - the truth is the truth and these days - the Satanists have infiltrated the churches as well. It is time the American people woke up and refused to have any part of Halloween or anything to do with the works of the devil. Judgment is already being poured out on America now. How much longer will people wait?

Psalm 91 is the Word of God. What does the bible say? It says let the Word of God be true and every man a liar (found a liar that opposes Gods truth! ) You see? It is so simple even a child could understand it! Repent of your sins and call upon Jesus Christ to save you. Romans 10:9,10.
"Hysteria" ? Where ? I just see people asking questions. It's a hot topic in the media right now, and on this message board, but where I live family, friends, and coworkers have barely brought it up.
I do think we should ban flights from parts of Africa, and I do believe we should be strengthening our southern border, but I don't view that as hysteria. It's rational logic.
They have to mischaracterize and exaggerate.

If they get to frame the discussion and define the terms however they want they know they can always wriggle out of any ridiculous things they say by playing word games and using semantic distortions.
A page right out of Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals"
3 people, all of whom had contact with each other, out of 310 million in this country have gotten Ebola and you're all acting like it's the end of days. Stop being a bunch of pussies.
3 people, all of whom had contact with each other, out of 310 million in this country have gotten Ebola and you're all acting like it's the end of days. Stop being a bunch of pussies.

Would you ride in a car/bus/plane with someone who had ebola?
Are you nuts that are melting down over ebola serious or is just politics for you?

I can't believe the level of hysteria out there. This is the US for God's sake. Quit acting like hysterical school children.

Havnt see anybody freaking out. But have seen a lot of people express concern. The fact that the CDC could not contain the disease when one man had it, and he was brought here to a hospital with the foreknowledge. They obviously havnt written up the protocol correctly yet, Im sure they will eventually get it right,
but in the mean time the concern is the desease doesnt go to the rest of the world. Im not so convinced that our authorities have a handle on that when they cannot take care of one person in a controlled environment. Its just simple logic.
How fast do you think that disesae would spread if it ever hit India, or Indonesia, or Mexico ?
Are you telling me that God is not able to protect His Own People who call upon Him to do so? Ha! Ha! You must be kidding me!!!! Of course God can protect His Own Children! Do not be so silly! Seriously. The Word of God is true. Look up Psalm 91. It is for anyone who is willing to repent of their sins and live holy unto the LORD. I'll have to do a thread on Psalm 91 today. You obviously have not a clue of what 1 Peter 2:24 says nor what Psalm 91 says! Look it up!
Protect us from death? Really?

Those pumkins you are celebrating for Halloween are satanic - Halloween is one of the most high holy days to Satan when Satanic rituals are going on - people are being kidnapped between middle of October up to 31st to be sacrificed to Satan - read Johanna Michaelson's book - Beautiful Side of Evil - or Rebecca Browns' book - Prepare for War or Set the Captives free and get educated. No God fearing human being on earth should have any part of Halloween - or May Day - April 30th / May 1st or December 21st - another high holy day to Satan - none of these days should be acknowledged by God fearing people - these are things to pray against - not join in and celebrate!

Churches should not be opting for a "harvest festival" on Oct 31st they should be having all night prayer vigils against the satanists out there celebrating the satanic holiday - it is time - high time that people woke up, R.D. No, God says my people perish for lack of knowledge. If you are foolish enough to celebrate a high holy day to Satan - the enemy of God by your pumpkin avatar you should not expect God to answer when you call upon him to save you from death. Nor should you expect to see him afterwards. All who lift up Satan and his holidays won't be entering the kingdom of heaven and ignorance is no excuse!!!

Wake up! Repent and call upon the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST to forgive you of your sins - pray Romans 10:9,10 and ask the LORD to be your Lord and Savior - to save your entire family - read the new testament and put down the remote control to godless television. Be holy says the LORD. Come out from among them and be ye separated - says the LORD. Come out of sin completely read Psalm 91 and claim it over your house. If you have halloween objects - any satanic objects in your house - get it off your property and burn it - anoint your home with oil and pray over it ever opening over the tops and sides a dot of oil will do - every window - every door - every opening your even over your fireplace - your vent over stove any opening or window in your house.

Whoa there ma'am. Halloween?

Again, is it really your take that you will be saved from death? Because that's what it. sounded like. Yes or no should suffice

If you do not realize that Halloween is a high holy day for Satanists and blood sacrifice is taking place on that night - humans sacrificed to Satan you must be living in a cave, R.D. Seriously. Do not be so naive. Anyone can google satanists celebrate Haloween with human sacrifice or li
Are you telling me that God is not able to protect His Own People who call upon Him to do so? Ha! Ha! You must be kidding me!!!! Of course God can protect His Own Children! Do not be so silly! Seriously. The Word of God is true. Look up Psalm 91. It is for anyone who is willing to repent of their sins and live holy unto the LORD. I'll have to do a thread on Psalm 91 today. You obviously have not a clue of what 1 Peter 2:24 says nor what Psalm 91 says! Look it up!
Protect us from death? Really?

Those pumkins you are celebrating for Halloween are satanic - Halloween is one of the most high holy days to Satan when Satanic rituals are going on - people are being kidnapped between middle of October up to 31st to be sacrificed to Satan - read Johanna Michaelson's book - Beautiful Side of Evil - or Rebecca Browns' book - Prepare for War or Set the Captives free and get educated. No God fearing human being on earth should have any part of Halloween - or May Day - April 30th / May 1st or December 21st - another high holy day to Satan - none of these days should be acknowledged by God fearing people - these are things to pray against - not join in and celebrate!

Churches should not be opting for a "harvest festival" on Oct 31st they should be having all night prayer vigils against the satanists out there celebrating the satanic holiday - it is time - high time that people woke up, R.D. No, God says my people perish for lack of knowledge. If you are foolish enough to celebrate a high holy day to Satan - the enemy of God by your pumpkin avatar you should not expect God to answer when you call upon him to save you from death. Nor should you expect to see him afterwards. All who lift up Satan and his holidays won't be entering the kingdom of heaven and ignorance is no excuse!!!

Wake up! Repent and call upon the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST to forgive you of your sins - pray Romans 10:9,10 and ask the LORD to be your Lord and Savior - to save your entire family - read the new testament and put down the remote control to godless television. Be holy says the LORD. Come out from among them and be ye separated - says the LORD. Come out of sin completely read Psalm 91 and claim it over your house. If you have halloween objects - any satanic objects in your house - get it off your property and burn it - anoint your home with oil and pray over it ever opening over the tops and sides a dot of oil will do - every window - every door - every opening your even over your fireplace - your vent over stove any opening or window in your house.

Whoa there ma'am. Halloween?

Again, is it really your take that you will be saved from death? Because that's what it. sounded like. Yes or no should suffice

Do you believe the bible or Satan, R.D.? You are celebrating his high holy day that Satanists celebrate. October 31st is a high holy day to Satan when human sacrifice happens. Are you telling me that you serve Satan?

Do you realize ignorance is no excuse for celebrating Halloween and that those who do it shall be judged? Who is in charge? God or Satan? Who sent the angel of death to bring the plague over Egypt?

Who kept His Own children alive by telling them to apply the Blood of the Lamb over the door posts and the sides? ( there were no windows )
Who told His own children to do that and did any of them die of the plague the Angel of Death delivered to Egypt for the judgment of Egypt. Why don't you answer the question?

Why are you celebrating Satan's high holy days? Do you serve the demons and Satan's angels or are you serving Jesus Christ? If you serve Satan's angels and demons then you are not a follower of Jesus Christ. All people must decide - serve God or serve Satan. Ignorance will not be an excuse. If you have celebrated Halloween in the past? REPENT.
Samhain Rocks!

Those who celebrate it shall be in hell tormented eternally - no exceptions - it is forbidden by God to celebrate demons, satanic angels and devil worship - it is forbidden by God to worship Lucifer - you must repent of your sins and call upon the name of Jesus Christ to save you. Demons may give you some limited powers here on this earth but at what cost? Becoming a serial killer? A murderer? Look at all that is being required and that Satan's goal is to destroy you and cause you to suffer the torments of hell eternally! You need to wake up before it is too late!
Are you nuts that are melting down over ebola serious or is just politics for you?

I can't believe the level of hysteria out there. This is the US for God's sake. Quit acting like hysterical school children.

Who is it that is freaking out?

Are you suggesting that Ebola, which is among the deadliest known viruses on earth... is something that is not worthy of serious concern, when the Socialist government presently running the United States goes out of their way to see that it ENTERS THE UNITED STATES?

I ask, because IF that is what you're driving at here, that would place you soundly centered in the middle of the group OKA: IMBECILES!
Thanks for stopping by and proving my point.

Consider this Ravi. Six months ago Ebola had never been seen in the USA. Now we have had multiple cases two of which were contracted by nurses who were suited up treating an Ebola patient and shouldn't have gotten sick at all and yet did. This Disease is more transmittable then our government wants to admit. Now considering Obama has done diddly squat to prevent this from happening, I'd say that Key's statement of the government going out of it's way to see Ebola enters the country not a fantastic statement. Even doing nothing AKA Obozo's Ebola policy and further proof of his incompetency as President, could be seen as actively trying to infect the population of the USA.
It appears that Duncan was in the general population for a few days at the hospital and those that cared for him also cared for others. It's actually more surprising that more people haven't come down with ebola from what I've read of what went on in the hospital.

Looks like we move you into the hysteria category.
The two nurses were suited up and treating directly Mr. Duncan and got sick, If they were suited up then they shouldn't have gotten sick at all. Ebola can take up to 21 days to incubate so it's kind of too soon to say whether anyone else will come down with it.

As far as the Yale student, I hope it's only a bad case of flu but considering Ebola has the same symptoms as other illnesses there is no way of knowing until blood work comes back. If our ancestors weren't afraid to quarantine people back in the days of Ellis Island, why should we? It's common sense, of course we should when there's a deadly disease going around. It's not as contagious as other diseases like the Spanish Flu which caused a pandemic in 1918, which was airborne. However as you can see by the counties in Africa, Ebola which is transferred by bodily fluids, is still pretty contagious and should be treated the same. It's not much to ask.
The chances of being gunned down in a public place are far greater than contracting Ebola. Americans are cool with being shot though. Go figure.
As it stands now, and we want to keep it that way. So stopping the chance of an ebola epidemic here should be of the highest priority.
That would only be common sense.
While there are folks that seem to have gone a bit over the edge, there is a need for concern. There is absolutely no reason that the second nurse should have been on a plane. At all.

The Spanish Influenza which has been dropped to a few sentences in text books, if mentioned at all, came through a military base. It killed over half of the soldiers in Europe during WWI. It killed (lowest estimate) 188,000 people here. Some cities couldn't make coffins fast enough to bury the dead. They didn't have enough people to continuously bury them.

It is not unreasonable for people to be concerned in regards to Ebola. This is compounded by the length of the wait until it is recognized or the fever.

It reminds me of the hysteria connected with AIDS and how some towns drove people away.
Yeah no big deal.

Hundreds of people exposed to a deadly virus. Move along nothing to see here

ZOMG!!! It's only 70% fatal! I mean it's not like being Obama's Benghazi Ambassador, there's a 30% chance someone can survive it!
There is an election coming up and we need a good crisis
Are you nuts that are melting down over ebola serious or is just politics for you?

I can't believe the level of hysteria out there. This is the US for God's sake. Quit acting like hysterical school children.

Havnt see anybody freaking out. But have seen a lot of people express concern. The fact that the CDC could not contain the disease when one man had it, and he was brought here to a hospital with the foreknowledge. They obviously havnt written up the protocol correctly yet, Im sure they will eventually get it right,
but in the mean time the concern is the desease doesnt go to the rest of the world. Im not so convinced that our authorities have a handle on that when they cannot take care of one person in a controlled environment. Its just simple logic.
How fast do you think that disesae would spread if it ever hit India, or Indonesia, or Mexico ?
Luckily the two ill nurses have been moved out of the hospital where policy wasn't followed. They have a much better chance of recovering now.
3 people, all of whom had contact with each other, out of 310 million in this country have gotten Ebola and you're all acting like it's the end of days. Stop being a bunch of pussies.

You're missing the point. The issue is that the sheer incompetence of our government is causing people to not trust the government to keep Ebola contained.
Those who celebrate it shall be in hell tormented eternally - no exceptions - it is forbidden by God to celebrate demons, satanic angels and devil worship - it is forbidden by God to worship Lucifer - you must repent of your sins and call upon the name of Jesus Christ to save you. Demons may give you some limited powers here on this earth but at what cost? Becoming a serial killer? A murderer? Look at all that is being required and that Satan's goal is to destroy you and cause you to suffer the torments of hell eternally! You need to wake up before it is too late!
Um, this thread isn't about Halloween. Please stop discussing it. Though I will say that after reading your posts I am going to dress up like a fundy, call myself Jeremiah, and go trick or treating on Halloween. Thanks for the inspiration!
Glory to God - the LORD is setting some people free today with the Truth! I praise Jesus! See you guys after my prayer meeting - God willing!

Remember this! no matter what you have done - no matter how much evil you have committed - Jesus stands at the door of your heart today - knocking,,, knocking,,, knocking,,, open your hearts to Jesus - cry out in repentance for your sins and ask him to come in and save you - the LORD is far more powerful than Satan and He is ready to forgive your sins and save you today! Read Romans 10: 9, 10 .

All who Call upon the Name of the LORD shall be saved. Amen.
"Hysteria" ? Where ? I just see people asking questions. It's a hot topic in the media right now, and on this message board, but where I live family, friends, and coworkers have barely brought it up.
I do think we should ban flights from parts of Africa, and I do believe we should be strengthening our southern border, but I don't view that as hysteria. It's rational logic.

Exactly. I bring it up because I live just outside New Haven and my family is in New Haven everyday. Of course I'm concerned. That said it's business as usual. My husband went to work, my kid to school. The person may just have the flu. Nobody's panicking as Ravi's implies. It's just normal concern and questions as to why a quarantine for people returning from infected countries isn't in place. There should also be concern why people in Dallas who were suited up still got sick because they should have. That means hospital precautions weren't good enough and need to be gone over. Again that's just common sense. Just because Obama chooses to ignore Ebola doesn't mean we all do.
Those who celebrate it shall be in hell tormented eternally - no exceptions - it is forbidden by God to celebrate demons, satanic angels and devil worship - it is forbidden by God to worship Lucifer - you must repent of your sins and call upon the name of Jesus Christ to save you. Demons may give you some limited powers here on this earth but at what cost? Becoming a serial killer? A murderer? Look at all that is being required and that Satan's goal is to destroy you and cause you to suffer the torments of hell eternally! You need to wake up before it is too late!
Um, this thread isn't about Halloween. Please stop discussing it. Though I will say that after reading your posts I am going to dress up like a fundy, call myself Jeremiah, and go trick or treating on Halloween. Thanks for the inspiration!

Talk to R.D. - he is the one who asked the question and I gave him a correct response, Ravi. I'll be praying for you today! God loves you! Me too!

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