America for Americans

Americans can't live abroad? Rights get in the way of punishing people?

I say we defeated your kind 65 years ago. But at least you're vocal enough that we recognize you for who you are.

No you didn't. My kind have existed for far longer than you think and we will continue to exist because we're RIGHT. We understand that Freedoms and Rights need to come with DUTIES and RESPONSIBILITIES. We understand that there are reasons Men and women were made differently and that to try and ignore or remove those differences is a ridiculous waste of time and energy. Unfortunately you folks have all bought into this new, touchy-feely, politically correct bologna and want to destroy everything good and decent in this world... or at least what used to be good and decent in this world.

Here's your basic problem. There are more of us than you, so we resist violently and you die. How does that work for ya?

That works absolutely fine for me. If I can't defend myself, I deserve to die. Besides, with the way this country is going..... "Better DEAD than Red." Also, you need to realize that those of us with my mindset are going to take more than a few of you with us when we go.

You can give it your very best shot.... but we have the USMC on our side. So, unless you think you can take on the USMC and live, run Forest, run.
I can't believe I am saying this, but America's day in the sun is over. This place will be over-run, it will become one more overpopulated Latin third world cesspit. Nothing will stop this. Look at the birth records, as well as the large number of Latino “immigrants”, and you can kiss diversity and American culture adios, amigo. And the youth of this country is being taught not to resist or criticize this trend. Aye carrumba!

Boy you really are a Gloomy Gus, aren't you?

So what if the American Children who lead this planet out to the stars are going to be varying shades of brown?

Isn't that somehow fitting, considering the place in history that America occupies as the oldest of the dysfunctional bastard spawn resulting from the rape of this planet by Western 'Civilization'?
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Ahhhh...revenge complex. Makes sense.

No. If was a revenge complex there'd be a whole lot of bodies buried in my backyard. It's simply a matter of realizing very early on in life that the only person looking out for my own best interests is ME; and that if I'm the only one doing that, then there's little to no time for me to be worrying about anyone else's best interests.

You grew up? Really? Prove it.... because right now, I'd say the evidence suggests you have not.

I would suggest that the Associates of Science Degree, the nearly two decades in the workforce, and the fact that I pay my own bills would suggest that I've grown up, CG. Now, on the emotional side.... as I said to Radioman, I learned early that I better look out for myself because nobody else was ever going to. That leaves me with really no time to be concerned with anyone else's feelings, interests, well being, etc....
I could eat a bowl of vegitable soup and shit a better thread than this.

Just sayin' :dunno:
Now, some of the land was occupied by Indian tribes some was not and the white man got greedy and wanted it all and now they are paying a big price for taking that land. There was enough land for the Indians and Whites but like I said the white man wanted it all. They also paid $13 million for the land they took from the Mexicans. Another story. Mexican don't have a claim on the southwest anymore either. If they want it they have to buy it back and it is not for sale.

REP sent !!!

Stop digging this old dead horse up and beating him over and over.:eusa_hand:
Do you suggest compensating Blacks for there 200 years of slave labor? And cheap illegal labor is not so cheap either.
Last edited: lost 65 years ago. Sorry if that stings. Truth hurts.

No, not at all. You seem to be under the utterly mistaken belief that I would have sided with the Nazi's. I wouldn't have. I'd have been more on the philosophical side of the Japanese if they'd just kept to themselves and not been stupid enough to poke a rather large dragon in the eye with a stick.

You can give it your very best shot.... but we have the USMC on our side. So, unless you think you can take on the USMC and live, run Forest, run.

I think you might be surprised how many US Service Members might not be as much on your side as you think. However, as someone who has the greatest of respect for members of the United States Marine Corps it would be an honor and a privilege to die at their hands if it came to that.

Right, that's it. You're on the Ignore List.

Not yet, but he's moving in that direction.

*Dramatically slams the door to Free Speech*

I've never been a huge proponent of an unlimited and boundless right to Free Speech. I doubt I ever will be.
well, he said he's a fascist.

what do you expect from someone who thinks the native americans "failed to protect themselves".

not a lot to say after that one.

No, I said I'm an Authoritarian, which is just short of being a Fascist.
There IS a difference, but I wouldn't expect you to comprehend that. Anyone to the Right of Chairman Mao is probably a Fascist in your mind.

You're right.... not a lot to say, so why don't you join him on the list.

Just so you know, announcing that you're putting someone on Ignore makes you look very childish. We tend to mock childish posters.

Baby need his blankie?

When I start worrying or caring about the opinion of anyone other than myself, it will be time to step back and ponder whether life has any value anymore, so don't expect me to be very concerned about what anyone here thinks of me personally, my opinions, or how I present them.

I grew up being mocked, derided, verbally abused, and otherwise verbally and emotionally assaulted by people due to an obvious birth defect. Trust me, I highly doubt there is anything you folks can do that is going to even begin to put a dent in the mental/emotional armor that I've built over the last three and a half decades.

Your thesis opener makes no sense, Bro'.

While Fascism is by definition 'Authoritarian', any political ideology can have an authoritarian bent, depending on the leadership - including Social Democracy, Status Quo in the Republic Conservatives and Liberalism.
Your thesis opener makes no sense, Bro'.

While Fascism is by definition 'Authoritarian', any political ideology can have an authoritarian bent, depending on the leadership - including Social Democracy, Status Quo in the Republic Conservatives and Liberalism.

Yes, any ideology can have an Authoritarian bend to it. However, I would suggest that there is a particular ideology, on the extreme Right end of the political spectrum, out past even the Republicans, Tea Partiers, etc.... and just short of Fascism that I would call Authoritarianism. A very good version of this ideology can be seen in the world Robert Heinlein created for his book (and now movie) "Starship Troopers".
what if it were YOU who was not given his rights?

Then I have a couple options....

a. Accept it and move on
b. Violently resist and expect to die
c. Move somewhere else.

are you for real?

As real as it gets and as serious as a heart attack or brain cancer.

those are NOT your options.

that whole constitution thing... perhaps you've heard of the 4th amendment? the 5th amendment?

it doesn't (thankfully) work like that in this country.

you do not have the right to "violently resist". the only crime included in the constitution is TREASON. however, government must comport itself in a particular way. i'm sure it troubles you, but our police are not permitted to act like nazi stormtroopers.

bummer, eh?
Stop digging this old dead horse up and beating him over and over.:eusa_hand:
Do you suggest compensating Blacks for there 200 years of slave labor? And cheap illegal labor is not so cheap either.

Depends on your point of view... If you're the wealthy owner making extra profit using undocumented labor it is cheap - If you're the middle class taxpayer picking up the tab for the resulting mess, it sucks.
Your thesis opener makes no sense, Bro'.

While Fascism is by definition 'Authoritarian', any political ideology can have an authoritarian bent, depending on the leadership - including Social Democracy, Status Quo in the Republic Conservatives and Liberalism.

Yes, any ideology can have an Authoritarian bend to it. However, I would suggest that there is a particular ideology, on the extreme Right end of the political spectrum, out past even the Republicans, Tea Partiers, etc.... and just short of Fascism that I would call Authoritarianism. A very good version of this ideology can be seen in the world Robert Heinlein created for his book (and now movie) "Starship Troopers".

See, now I would call that Right Wing authoritarianism bordering on Fascism, but I read history.
See, now I would call that Right Wing authoritarianism bordering on Fascism, but I read history.

So do I, Joe. Though my interests tend more towards Medieval, Colonial, and pre-20th century history for the most part.

Dude, if you can't have fun, what's the point?

Life isn't about FUN. It's about living a proper life with the intent of receiving one's reward in the next life.

a much worse hockey league without us Canadians.

Atlanta, Phoenix, Miami, Dallas, Anahiem. All of them proud American cities. These are hockeytowns with deep cultural roots tied to the game. Just ask Mr Bettman. The NHL wouldn't survive without the attendance revenue from such cities.

Your comment is of course true, but that won't stop me from raising a false strawman in defense of my country that's No 1 in everything else. :eusa_snooty:

+500 Patriot Points
The native americans can reclaim the USA any time they wish. So what is stopping them????

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