Amber Guyger, police officer named in Dallas fatal shooting, shot a suspect in 2017: report


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
Apparently the Dallas PD has been asked by the Texas Rangers to hold off on pursuing the Manslaughter warrant that it has been reported was issued for the officer who was identified today as Amber Guyger. Guyger was involved in a shooting in 2017 of a suspect.

Amber Guyger, police officer named in Dallas fatal shooting, shot a suspect in 2017: report

Dallas police Officer Amber Guyger, whom authorities say fatally shot a black man last week in an apartment she mistook for her own, was also involved in the shooting of a suspect in 2017, according to a report.

Guyger, 30, a four-year veteran of the Dallas Police Department assigned to the Southeast Patrol Division, was identified late Saturday by Dallas police as the white officer who fatally shot Botham Jean, 26, in the South Side Flats apartment complex in Dallas around 10 p.m. local time Thursday.

The confirmation by police of Guyger's involvement in Jean's death followed the disclosure of the officer's name earlier in the day by the Dallas Morning News, the newspaper reported. Her name had already been circulating in social media posts, the report said.

The police confirmation of Guyger's name followed several days of criticism of the department for not identifying the officer sooner.

Whether Guyger will be charged with a crime in connection with Jean's death is the subject of a Texas Rangers investigation.


Botham Jean leads a Harding University event in Dallas, Sept. 21, 2017. (Jeff Montgomery/Harding University via Associated Press)

Dallas police Chief Renee Hall said Saturday that the Rangers had asked her to hold off on a planned manslaughter charge while their investigation is underway, FOX 4 of Dallas reported.

Guyger faced no charges following a May 12, 2017, incident in which police say she shot and wounded Uvaldo Perez after a struggle that resulted in Perez taking Guyger's stun gun, according to an affidavit reviewed by the Morning News.

Perez ultimately entered a plea deal in February 2018, admitting he took a weapon from an officer, possessed illegal drugs and violated his parole, the newspaper reported. He was sentenced to two years in prison.

Following Thurday's fatal shooting of Jean, Guyger was said to be "devastated," the Morning News reported.

Meanwhile, Jean's family held a vigil for him Saturday at Dallas West Church of Christ, FOX 4 reported. The family asked that Jean be remembered as a youth pastor, singer and good friend and family member -- and not as the focus of speculation or political agendas, the station reported.​
I just wanted to make sure this is posted:

Still, questions remain as to why Guyger mistook Jean’s apartment for her own and how she was able to get inside. The police officer was a tenant of the building for only about a month, the Morning News reported.

Rawlings told reporters Saturday afternoon that Guyger was able to get inside Jean's apartment because the door was open. But that claim was contradicted Saturday evening by a FOX 4 reporter who cited police as saying Guyger was on the wrong floor and the door was closed.

"Her key didn't work in the door," Steve Eager wrote. "Shooting happened shortly after resident opened his own door."​
If true; it’s safe to say her judgment is questionable. As such she has no business being a police officer. How has she not been fired yet?
If true; it’s safe to say her judgment is questionable. As such she has no business being a police officer. How has she not been fired yet?
From everything I've read thus far Jean was a model citizen, not that any of us should have to try to live up to someone else's idea of what makes a good citizen. But he was a college graduate, worked in a professional field, active in his community and church and his neighbors that were interviewed had nothing but good things to say about him. He was not shot during the commission of a crime, let alone a felony, he was in his own home, apparently with the police banging on his door demanding that he "open up, open up!" and when he does he's killed.

It's tragic no matter the circumstances that lead to his death, I'm just hoping this is truly a mistake and nothing more. But this type of mistake is one that the officer needs to pay for (make amends) one way or another.

It's too bad the individual officers can't be required to pay for and carry liability insurance to cover them individually in the event they screw up. Not that the money will compensate for the loss of the family's loved one, but at least it wouldn't force them to have to suffer additionally through a trial which in many cases ends up with the officer being exonerated.
I forget where I have parked my car some days so I can see how it is done. Apparently she got off on the wrong floor and that can be easily done as well.
The real villain here is your crazy gun laws. In the uk this would have led to an embarressed moment followed by a cup of tea.
Sounds like she was totally justified in shooting the punk in 2017 who fought her and took her stun gun. Too bad she didn’t kill him.

She made a mistake and went to the wrong door in her apartment complex. She got surprised by a black man she thought was in her apartment. Blacks do have a reputation for raping and killing white women, so you can understand her rational fear at the moment.

But, we’ll let a jury decide what happened and what punishment she will get for going to the wrong door.
I forget where I have parked my car some days so I can see how it is done. Apparently she got off on the wrong floor and that can be easily done as well.
The real villain here is your crazy gun laws. In the uk this would have led to an embarressed moment followed by a cup of tea.
She is a police officer, who had just completed her shift, was still in uniform and shot him with her service weapon. Our gun laws had nothing to do with this tragedy.

Now you don't even want the police to be armed?
Sounds like she was totally justified in shooting the punk in 2017 who fought her and took her stun gun. Too bad she didn’t kill him.

She made a mistake and went to the wrong door in her apartment complex. She got surprised by a black man she thought was in her apartment. Blacks do have a reputation for raping and killing white women, so you can understand her rational fear at the moment.

But, we’ll let a jury decide what happened and what punishment she will get for going to the wrong door.
I can't believe you tried to justify this.
I forget where I have parked my car some days so I can see how it is done. Apparently she got off on the wrong floor and that can be easily done as well.
The real villain here is your crazy gun laws. In the uk this would have led to an embarressed moment followed by a cup of tea.
She is a police officer, who had just completed her shift, was still in uniform and shot him with her service weapon. Our gun laws had nothing to do with this tragedy.

Now you don't even want the police to be armed?
I second this. If they did not any weapons, how much of a good difference would they make exactly when criminals will go and do whatever they want?

God bless you always!!!


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