Ambassador Susan Rice: Libya Attack Not Premeditated

The terrorists attacked the Ambassador in Libya because the country is the wild wild west full of nomads and terrorists.

Also, the Ambassador I'm guessing wasn't too bright not keeping his location a good secret because he was clueless about the threat.

The terrorists with inside info that the Ambassador was at an easy target waited until a "special day" like 9-11 to pull off their easy attack.

The film and other protests was random luck for the terrorists or they are the ones that posted it on YouTube to rile up people on 9-11 as a distraction....and giving Obamination an excuse to cover the terrorists' tracks.

People need to question why Obamination is so quick to downplay the terrorists' part in this attack....
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Rice is wrong because obama is wrong. What will happen is that Al Quaeda will conclude that we didn't learn our lesson. Rice's statements are like insurance that we will have another attack quickly. Now they have something to prove.
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice said the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi was not premeditated, directly contradicting top Libyan officials who say the attack was planned in advance.

Ambassador Susan Rice: Libya Attack Not Premeditated - ABC News

You have to read the above article, it is so damning of this administration I am surprised they are not now closing abc news. She is making the excuse for the lack of protect because it is a NEW installation. Isn't that exactly the opposite of logic and common sense.

She pretty much calls the leader of Libya a know nothing or a liar.

Libyan president: 'No doubt' attack 'preplanned'

Libyan president: 'No doubt' attack 'preplanned' -

Let me see, 400 people show up armed with rifles, mortars, and possibly RPGs. They know where to go, and when, manage to get into the consulate and get access to sensitive materials, knew where the safe house was, and managed to completely burn it to the ground. While it was on fire Ambassador Stevens was killed trying to save people, and some friendly Libyans recovered his body and took it to a local hospital.

A few hours later some Marines went to the safe house to rescue the people that were still there and came under fire from some more spontaneous fire from mortars that made it difficult for them to get through the gates of the safe house that was, miraculously, rebuilt after it burned to the ground with the Ambassador inside it.

The more I listen to the official story, the more I think someone is lying.
katzndogz is wrong, period. Answer the question, katz. Why do you hate America?

There was no apology. And you better read the article again, then apologize.

Osama is dead, Obama is ahead, and you far right wacks are killing Romney's chances.

The Mohammed movie and the embassy attacks: Romney betrays free speech. - Slate Magazine

obama and America are not synonymous. We have come to that point in time when loving America means opposing obama.

Osama is dead and the man responsible is serving 33 years in a Pakistani prison while obama licks his fingers.
The obama regime either knows what happened and is lying about it, or really didn't have a clue. Now if they didn't know and didn't have a clue, the operative question is why didn't they? Everyone else knew.

If they didn't know then, they know now so what's the point in continuing the fiction that it was the film? Is it because they intend to blame Christians and our Constitution hoping that they can use muslim violence to rid the liberal world of both?

I read in another thread that one of the staff communicated through a game blog that he was wondering if he would be alive the next day, sadly he wasn't. What that tells me is that they knew something was going to happen. Now you are in an embassy in Libya. You know it isn't that well protected. You know there is not enough Marines. So you say nothing? I am betting they said a lot and were ignored. Thus this administration has to invent a lie. I have to admit they did it pretty damn quickly, of course with practice anything become easier.
Rice is wrong. The Libyan president yesterday said the attacks were planned way ahead of time.

Everyone knows she is wrong and we know she speaks for Obama. So what makes her wrong? Was she told wrong or is she just a liar. Maybe she doesn't watch ANY of the MSM. Maybe Obama missed another intel brief.
I hope romney uses this in the debates.

He is better off not using it. Just like Obama spiking the football about killing yet another human being it is distasteful in my opinion. What would be good if he is asked a question about it and gives a good answer.
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice said the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi was not premeditated, directly contradicting top Libyan officials who say the attack was planned in advance.

Ambassador Susan Rice: Libya Attack Not Premeditated - ABC News

You have to read the above article, it is so damning of this administration I am surprised they are not now closing abc news. She is making the excuse for the lack of protect because it is a NEW installation. Isn't that exactly the opposite of logic and common sense.

She pretty much calls the leader of Libya a know nothing or a liar.

Libyan president: 'No doubt' attack 'preplanned'

Libyan president: 'No doubt' attack 'preplanned' -

I wonder how long you can stand up when spinning that fast?
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice said the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi was not premeditated, directly contradicting top Libyan officials who say the attack was planned in advance.

Ambassador Susan Rice: Libya Attack Not Premeditated - ABC News

You have to read the above article, it is so damning of this administration I am surprised they are not now closing abc news. She is making the excuse for the lack of protect because it is a NEW installation. Isn't that exactly the opposite of logic and common sense.

She pretty much calls the leader of Libya a know nothing or a liar.

Libyan president: 'No doubt' attack 'preplanned'

Libyan president: 'No doubt' attack 'preplanned' -

I wonder how long you can stand up when spinning that fast?

Please tell me what I spun. I provided the articles you show me or quit with the BS innuendo when you have nothing productive to say.
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice said the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi was not premeditated, directly contradicting top Libyan officials who say the attack was planned in advance.

Ambassador Susan Rice: Libya Attack Not Premeditated - ABC News

You have to read the above article, it is so damning of this administration I am surprised they are not now closing abc news. She is making the excuse for the lack of protect because it is a NEW installation. Isn't that exactly the opposite of logic and common sense.

She pretty much calls the leader of Libya a know nothing or a liar.

Libyan president: 'No doubt' attack 'preplanned'

Libyan president: 'No doubt' attack 'preplanned' -

I wonder how long you can stand up when spinning that fast?

Please tell me what I spun. I provided the articles you show me or quit with the BS innuendo when you have nothing productive to say.

I was talking about Rice.
Rice was just on Chris Wallace's show insisting that it was all about the film, totally spontaneous and no one knew a thing.
You can't believe a DAMN thing that comes out of this administration or the information from their LAPDOG lamestream media..


The Papa Obama apologists would have the American people believe
that people just happen to bring rocket-propelled grenades and/or heavy weapons
to a "unplanned" demonstration

The Left's desperation is growing

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