

Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
The Democrats are so desperate to oppose Bush they find ridiculous things to complain about.

Notice the attempt to gloss over the fact that the employee had altered their skin color and thus the awarding of the prize was given thinking it was appropriate hair style.

Further explain why it would be wrong to award a Halloween costume award to someone in a prisoner uniform? This is grasping at straws.
More racial insensitivity, from a republican.

If you can't understand why its inappropriate for a white guy, to paint himself up as a negro gangbanger, and wear a costume as a prisoner, you must live in some racist part of the south. Any job I ever had, I would be reprimanded for dressing like that at an office party.

I imagine you think it would be funny, for some christian white guy, to dress up as a "money grubbing" Jewish banker with a hook nose, for an office party? I don't. I think you would be fired on the spot

Its not wonder your party is thought of as racist at worst, insensitive at best.
More racial insensitivity, from a republican.

If you can't understand why its inappropriate for a white guy, to paint himself up as a negro gangbanger, and wear a costume as a prisoner, you must live in some racist part of the south. Any job I ever had, I would be reprimanded for dressing like that at an office party.

I imagine you think it would be funny, for some christian white guy, to dress up as a "money grubbing" Jewish banker with a hook nose, for an office party? I don't. I think you would be fired on the spot

Its not wonder your party is thought of as racist at worst, insensitive at best.

how about a gay dude that is a body builder dressed up as a wrestler in silver tights.....yes he was shirt a cape and an s+m mask.....does he get fired?
More racial insensitivity, from a republican.

If you can't understand why its inappropriate for a white guy, to paint himself up as a negro gangbanger, and wear a costume as a prisoner, you must live in some racist part of the south. Any job I ever had, I would be reprimanded for dressing like that at an office party.

I imagine you think it would be funny, for some christian white guy, to dress up as a "money grubbing" Jewish banker with a hook nose, for an office party? I don't. I think you would be fired on the spot

Its not wonder your party is thought of as racist at worst, insensitive at best.

Tell that to Robert 'Sheets' Byrd, Jesse 'Hymie Town' Jackson, Al 'Tawana Brawley' Sharpton, and Ray 'a chocolate city' Nagin.
The Democrats are so desperate to oppose Bush they find ridiculous things to complain about.

Notice the attempt to gloss over the fact that the employee had altered their skin color and thus the awarding of the prize was given thinking it was appropriate hair style.

Further explain why it would be wrong to award a Halloween costume award to someone in a prisoner uniform? This is grasping at straws.
OH, I don't know, look at the stupid things YOU complain about.
how about a gay dude that is a body builder dressed up as a wrestler in silver tights.....yes he was shirt a cape and an s+m mask.....does he get fired?

I have no idea what you're babbling about.

And why would you be visualizing gay body builders dressed in sleek silver tights?

Sounds Freudian to me.
how about a gay dude that is a body builder dressed up as a wrestler in silver tights.....yes he was shirt a cape and an s+m mask.....does he get fired?

Wow, I didn't even notice that post.

How the HELL does that even relate???

What would his sexual preference, or foreskin removal procedure, have to do with anything?
More racial insensitivity, from a republican.

If you can't understand why its inappropriate for a white guy, to paint himself up as a negro gangbanger, and wear a costume as a prisoner, you must live in some racist part of the south. Any job I ever had, I would be reprimanded for dressing like that at an office party.

I imagine you think it would be funny, for some christian white guy, to dress up as a "money grubbing" Jewish banker with a hook nose, for an office party? I don't. I think you would be fired on the spot

Its not wonder your party is thought of as racist at worst, insensitive at best.

Prove he was white. The article does not make that claim, I get the impression he was of some darker skin color and further darkened that. Would be rather obvious if a white guy painted himself black.
Prove he was white. The article does not make that claim, I get the impression he was of some darker skin color and further darkened that. Would be rather obvious if a white guy painted himself black.

"Prove he was white!"

Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency spokeswoman Kelly Nantel said: one employee, whom she declined to identify, was wearing a black-and-white striped prison outfit, dreadlocks and a skin "bronzer" intended "to make him look African-American."

Let me ask you this:

Do you honestly think it would be funny, if a white guy shows up at an Office Halloween party, dressed up to spoof a negro gang-banger in a prison outfit?....or, if a white christian male, dressed up as a "money-grubbing" Jewish banker with a hook nose?

Are those the kind of things you find funny, and have no problem with?

edit: As for me, I would find it highly inappropriate at an Office halloween party, for any white dude to spoof a negro prison gang-banger, or to spoof a "greedy" money grubbing jewish banker.
"Prove he was white!"

Let me ask you this:

Do you honestly think it would be funny, if a white guy shows up at an Office Halloween party, dressed up to spoof a negro gang-banger in a prison outfit?....or, if a white christian male, dressed up as a "money-grubbing" Jewish banker with a hook nose?

Are those the kind of things you find funny, and have no problem with?

edit: As for me, I would find it highly inappropriate at an Office halloween party, for any white dude to spoof a negro prison gang-banger, or to spoof a "greedy" money grubbing jewish banker.

It does not identify his race. Further the decision to award the prize was based on an assumption he was NOT white.
RetiredGySft: "Prove he was white!"

Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency spokeswoman Kelly Nantel said: one employee, whom she declined to identify, was wearing a black-and-white striped prison outfit, dreadlocks and a skin "bronzer" intended "to make him look African-American."

RetiredGySgt: "It does not identify his race!"

U.S. official apologizes over racial costume: Immigration chief hailed white employee in prison stripes, dark makeup

Further the decision to award the prize was based on an assumption he was NOT white.

Stop trying to tap dance away from your racist views.

Answer the question: Do you think white dudes dressing up at office halloween parties, to spoof money grubbing jewish bankers, or gang banger black prison inmates is appropriate, or not?
And....POOF!....the alleged retired gunny sarge dissapears from the thread:

RetiredGySgt: "Prove he was white!"

Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency spokeswoman Kelly Nantel said: one employee, whom she declined to identify, was wearing a black-and-white striped prison outfit, dreadlocks and a skin "bronzer" intended "to make him look African-American."

RetiredGySgt: "It does not identify his race!"

U.S. official apologizes over racial costume: Immigration chief hailed white employee in prison stripes, dark makeup
And....POOF!....the alleged retired gunny sarge dissapears from the thread:

RetiredGySgt: "Prove he was white!"

RetiredGySgt: "It does not identify his race!"

Just like you I do NOT live on the board. Or wait, maybe you do?. There is no eviudence that proves the person was white, it is an assumption.
More racial insensitivity, from a republican.

If you can't understand why its inappropriate for a white guy, to paint himself up as a negro gangbanger, and wear a costume as a prisoner, you must live in some racist part of the south. Any job I ever had, I would be reprimanded for dressing like that at an office party.

I imagine you think it would be funny, for some christian white guy, to dress up as a "money grubbing" Jewish banker with a hook nose, for an office party? I don't. I think you would be fired on the spot

Its not wonder your party is thought of as racist at worst, insensitive at best.

This little rant of yours is absurd. You go so far as to try and shove YOUR politically correct bullshit views into what one can and cannot wear to a costume party, complete with your usual baseless, insults and rhetoric.

Did you ACTUALLY use the word "negro"? :wtf: F-ing racist. Back to sensitivity brainwashing for YOU.

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