Although I'm a pacifist...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
While I'd rather not have national militaries, or at least not deployable ones (keep em for local homeland defense like,) if the President is going to continue to deploy US armed forces into war zones, let them be warriors. If he's just going to jerk them back denying them the opportunity to do what they do well, that's not helping US interests but making it look like we can't or are unwilling to engage.

Let warriors be warriors.
A good warrior book is written by Robin Moore. We can do so much, the right way, if only we listened to the warriors. Robin Moore wrote the Green Berets, which became a great movie of John Wayne's. Robin Moore literally met the Warriors, the Special Forces, in Vietnam, Afghanistan, to write his books.

From the Special Forces perspective its a whole entirely different philosophy in how to fight a war, living among the locals, fighting the war from and with the locals, earning their trust.

The we have fought our wars, we have betrayed those who have trusted us, the local people we are there to help, to protect.

Yes, the Iraqis do not want a foreign military in their land, who does. But they absolutely understood why we were there and did not want us to leave.

War, Special Forces does it best.

The Hunt for Bin Laden Task Force Dagger Robin Moore 9780375508615 Books
Well, just as when the White House was micromanaging combat operations in Vietnam, we seem to be doing that once more in the middle east vis a vis ISIS. White House involvement in war operations should be limited to two commands: "Go!" and "Stop!"
A good warrior book is written by Robin Moore. We can do so much, the right way, if only we listened to the warriors. Robin Moore wrote the Green Berets, which became a great movie of John Wayne's. Robin Moore literally met the Warriors, the Special Forces, in Vietnam, Afghanistan, to write his books.

From the Special Forces perspective its a whole entirely different philosophy in how to fight a war, living among the locals, fighting the war from and with the locals, earning their trust.

The we have fought our wars, we have betrayed those who have trusted us, the local people we are there to help, to protect.

Yes, the Iraqis do not want a foreign military in their land, who does. But they absolutely understood why we were there and did not want us to leave.

War, Special Forces does it best.

The Hunt for Bin Laden Task Force Dagger Robin Moore 9780375508615 Books
One is supposed to use Special Forces so one does not have a war. They serve two completely different functions.
One is supposed to use Special Forces so one does not have a war. They serve two completely different functions.
If you think so you should explain, your comment hardly makes sense otherwise.
I really hope I can get away with this. If you don't know the reference and if no one helps me out here I might have to take the time to find it myself.

You are a Star Wars fan I hope. There is scene in episode III where the Jedi are asked to take on larger role in the battle and Obi-Wan I think it is says it is not a good idea but he will if ordered. I thought this was a excellent demonstration of the role of Special Forces in combat.
You do realize Star Wars was a fictional movie don't you RV? Current special forces use projectile weapons, have no Jedi training and lack light sabers.
You do realize Star Wars was a fictional movie don't you RV? Current special forces use projectile weapons, have no Jedi training and lack light sabers.

There is a history of democrat presidents apparently not having a clue about the use of the Military. Harry Truman sent Troops to Korea without consulting with congress. The executive order made Korea "Truman's war" and he handled it badly. When Truman finally had enough and decided to cave into truce negotiations dictated by the Chinese and NK puppets while the Troops were still dying in combat for 18 months and the saying went around "die for a tie". LBJ thought he had a different idea about his war in Vietnam and American Troops were dying for nothing. Bill Clinton bombed Europe to camouflage his sexual perversion. Under President Bush American Troops went further and faster taking more real estate with fewer casualties than any other conflict and democrats still hate him for it.
There is a history of democrat presidents apparently not having a clue about the use of the Military. Harry Truman sent Troops to Korea without consulting with congress. The executive order made Korea "Truman's war" and he handled it badly. When Truman finally had enough and decided to cave into truce negotiations dictated by the Chinese and NK puppets while the Troops were still dying in combat for 18 months and the saying went around "die for a tie". LBJ thought he had a different idea about his war in Vietnam and American Troops were dying for nothing. Bill Clinton bombed Europe to camouflage his sexual perversion. Under President Bush American Troops went further and faster taking more real estate with fewer casualties than any other conflict and democrats still hate him for it.
I supported Obama even though I realized he had zero foreign affairs background but I figured he would be good for the home front. Foreign affairs were suppose to be winding down. I never realized a single person could screw up from so many angles. I figured him being Muslim he would at least know there was a difference between Sunni and Shia.

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