Alright islamophobes, take a shot of truth serum then answer this question

The UN is a big bitch, they lost all respect from me after what happened with this Afghan mob, the UN guards were unable to fire on the crowd because UN rules forbid them from protecting themselves, even when fired upon. The UN is a pussy paper tiger and actually they are also responsible for the deaths of these men, because they did nothing.:evil:

the UN is useless.....they have the most powerful Countries on the Planet sitting on their so called "Security Council".....and if some atrocity is happening somewhere,that they could stop very easily,it doesnt get done because one of them is against acting against the Country in question because they have financial ties to Country on the Council should not be abel to veto a needed should be a Majority vote....and if any Country does not abide by the vote....they get the boot from the Council.....

Thats the thing, the UN has members in it like China and Russia with good Militaries but those countries never get involved in anything Militarily unless its for their own interests, I can't remember the last time China or Russia put in troops for a US mission. Basically unless the US, England, Australia etc put on some muscle, the UN is basically worthless, they couldn't even invade the girl scouts headquarters if they tried.
What was the excuse before all that?

Are you saying Arabs are scum that will hold a grudge for something that was done before they were born?

We've been meddling in the middle east for a lot more than 10 years, I'm sure you agree.

I know the second sentence is just a sensationalized rant, but I'll reply the best I can.

I'm saying Arabs have reason to hate America, and the hate will grow the more wars we start and cruise missiles we launch.

Just like you'd hate a foreign country for doing those things to the US if it happened, and it wouldn't be because the Bible told you to hate that foreign country just like Arabs don't need the Q'uran to hate the american government.

Do Arabs have more, or less, reason to hat America than Germany? Japan? Remember how we bombed both countries to rubble, and we even nuked two cities in Japan, yet they are both now our friends. Your arguments that Arabs have any reason to hate us at all ignores the realities of the world.

Maybe we should just bomb every Arab nation on Earth into glass until they are our friends too. Maybe you should get a refund on your brain, it is obviously broken

Of course modern Arabs have more reason to hate us, if 70 years pass and we don't do any warmongering in the middle east (like we haven't in Japan/Germany) in that timeframe then they won't have an excuse.

I'd love to see that happen, but until the oil dries up, the US taxpayer funded bombs and cruise missiles will continue to be launched.
What was the excuse before all that?

Are you saying Arabs are scum that will hold a grudge for something that was done before they were born?

We've been meddling in the middle east for a lot more than 10 years, I'm sure you agree.

I know the second sentence is just a sensationalized rant, but I'll reply the best I can.

I'm saying Arabs have reason to hate America, and the hate will grow the more wars we start and cruise missiles we launch.

Just like you'd hate a foreign country for doing those things to the US if it happened, and it wouldn't be because the Bible told you to hate that foreign country just like Arabs don't need the Q'uran to hate the american government.

Meddling in the mid east?

What makes you think the israeli people did not want our meddling?
What makes you think the Iraqi people didnt?
How about those in Kuwait when Hussein walked all over them?
Libya? (Didnt I hear the media say that Libya wanted our help?)

On that same note...isnt it funny how a predominately Islam country (Libya) wants our military help (according to the MSM) when we have a democratic president, but they despised our being there (per the MSM) when we had a republican president.

But I fear I may have digressed.

I don't give a damn about any of those countries, I shouldn't have portions of my paycheck stolen every other week to pay for something that their own taxes and sovereign governments should be paying for.
We've been meddling in the middle east for a lot more than 10 years, I'm sure you agree.

I know the second sentence is just a sensationalized rant, but I'll reply the best I can.

I'm saying Arabs have reason to hate America, and the hate will grow the more wars we start and cruise missiles we launch.

Just like you'd hate a foreign country for doing those things to the US if it happened, and it wouldn't be because the Bible told you to hate that foreign country just like Arabs don't need the Q'uran to hate the american government.

Do Arabs have more, or less, reason to hat America than Germany? Japan? Remember how we bombed both countries to rubble, and we even nuked two cities in Japan, yet they are both now our friends. Your arguments that Arabs have any reason to hate us at all ignores the realities of the world.

Maybe we should just bomb every Arab nation on Earth into glass until they are our friends too. Maybe you should get a refund on your brain, it is obviously broken

Of course modern Arabs have more reason to hate us, if 70 years pass and we don't do any warmongering in the middle east (like we haven't in Japan/Germany) in that timeframe then they won't have an excuse.

I'd love to see that happen, but until the oil dries up, the US taxpayer funded bombs and cruise missiles will continue to be launched.

And until we rid the USA of islamic savage beasts who are inspired the the evil quran we will face terrorism and murder here!islam and freedom are incompatble and we will NEVER give up our freedoms.All loyal Americans should HATE islam!!!!!!!!!
Do Arabs have more, or less, reason to hat America than Germany? Japan? Remember how we bombed both countries to rubble, and we even nuked two cities in Japan, yet they are both now our friends. Your arguments that Arabs have any reason to hate us at all ignores the realities of the world.

Maybe we should just bomb every Arab nation on Earth into glass until they are our friends too. Maybe you should get a refund on your brain, it is obviously broken

Of course modern Arabs have more reason to hate us, if 70 years pass and we don't do any warmongering in the middle east (like we haven't in Japan/Germany) in that timeframe then they won't have an excuse.

I'd love to see that happen, but until the oil dries up, the US taxpayer funded bombs and cruise missiles will continue to be launched.

And until we rid the USA of islamic savage beasts who are inspired the the evil quran we will face terrorism and murder here!islam and freedom are incompatble and we will NEVER give up our freedoms.All loyal Americans should HATE islam!!!!!!!!!

Calling for a genocidal holy war, Osama when did you learn english?
Of course modern Arabs have more reason to hate us, if 70 years pass and we don't do any warmongering in the middle east (like we haven't in Japan/Germany) in that timeframe then they won't have an excuse.

I'd love to see that happen, but until the oil dries up, the US taxpayer funded bombs and cruise missiles will continue to be launched.

And until we rid the USA of islamic savage beasts who are inspired the the evil quran we will face terrorism and murder here!islam and freedom are incompatble and we will NEVER give up our freedoms.All loyal Americans should HATE islam!!!!!!!!!

Calling for a genocidal holy war, Osama when did you learn english?
All in a proper procedure,First outlaw islam here as a subversive murdering deathcult.
Then deport these muzzie animals or put them in concentration camps if they refuse to leave.
We've been meddling in the middle east for a lot more than 10 years, I'm sure you agree.

I know the second sentence is just a sensationalized rant, but I'll reply the best I can.

I'm saying Arabs have reason to hate America, and the hate will grow the more wars we start and cruise missiles we launch.

Just like you'd hate a foreign country for doing those things to the US if it happened, and it wouldn't be because the Bible told you to hate that foreign country just like Arabs don't need the Q'uran to hate the american government.

Do Arabs have more, or less, reason to hat America than Germany? Japan? Remember how we bombed both countries to rubble, and we even nuked two cities in Japan, yet they are both now our friends. Your arguments that Arabs have any reason to hate us at all ignores the realities of the world.

Maybe we should just bomb every Arab nation on Earth into glass until they are our friends too. Maybe you should get a refund on your brain, it is obviously broken

Of course modern Arabs have more reason to hate us, if 70 years pass and we don't do any warmongering in the middle east (like we haven't in Japan/Germany) in that timeframe then they won't have an excuse.

I'd love to see that happen, but until the oil dries up, the US taxpayer funded bombs and cruise missiles will continue to be launched.

I suspect you still need to study history.

We established bases in Germany and Japan right after WWII, imposed governments on them by fiat, and are still there, yet they are our friends and allies. Not only that, The Arab league asked us for help in both Iraq and Libya. Just saying.

Want to try and twist the facts again?
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Do Arabs have more, or less, reason to hat America than Germany? Japan? Remember how we bombed both countries to rubble, and we even nuked two cities in Japan, yet they are both now our friends. Your arguments that Arabs have any reason to hate us at all ignores the realities of the world.

Maybe we should just bomb every Arab nation on Earth into glass until they are our friends too. Maybe you should get a refund on your brain, it is obviously broken

Of course modern Arabs have more reason to hate us, if 70 years pass and we don't do any warmongering in the middle east (like we haven't in Japan/Germany) in that timeframe then they won't have an excuse.

I'd love to see that happen, but until the oil dries up, the US taxpayer funded bombs and cruise missiles will continue to be launched.

I suspect you still need to study history.

We established bases in Germany and Japan right after WWII, imposed governments on them by fiat, and are still there, yet they are our friends and allies. Not only that, The Arab league asked us for help in both Iraq and Libya. Just saying.

Want to try and twist the facts again?

Not one word of what you said even counters anything I said. We have bases everywhere. Although I don't like it, having bases somewhere doesn't = dropping bombs on the civilians heads.

The Arab League asking for help doesn't mean we have to do it, a completely inconsequential point.
Of course modern Arabs have more reason to hate us, if 70 years pass and we don't do any warmongering in the middle east (like we haven't in Japan/Germany) in that timeframe then they won't have an excuse.

I'd love to see that happen, but until the oil dries up, the US taxpayer funded bombs and cruise missiles will continue to be launched.

I suspect you still need to study history.

We established bases in Germany and Japan right after WWII, imposed governments on them by fiat, and are still there, yet they are our friends and allies. Not only that, The Arab league asked us for help in both Iraq and Libya. Just saying.

Want to try and twist the facts again?

Not one word of what you said even counters anything I said. We have bases everywhere. Although I don't like it, having bases somewhere doesn't = dropping bombs on the civilians heads.

The Arab League asking for help doesn't mean we have to do it, a completely inconsequential point.

Did we not drop bombs on civilians in Germany and Japan? Did we not actually invade both countries, and actually force them to do things our way? Did we not then ask both countries to become our friends and allies? Are you a bigot that thinks that Arabs are incapable of acting civilized, and that their only possible reaction to us doing the same thing we did elsewhere is absolute hatred and rage?
I suspect you still need to study history.

We established bases in Germany and Japan right after WWII, imposed governments on them by fiat, and are still there, yet they are our friends and allies. Not only that, The Arab league asked us for help in both Iraq and Libya. Just saying.

Want to try and twist the facts again?

Not one word of what you said even counters anything I said. We have bases everywhere. Although I don't like it, having bases somewhere doesn't = dropping bombs on the civilians heads.

The Arab League asking for help doesn't mean we have to do it, a completely inconsequential point.

Did we not drop bombs on civilians in Germany and Japan? Did we not actually invade both countries, and actually force them to do things our way? Did we not then ask both countries to become our friends and allies? Are you a bigot that thinks that Arabs are incapable of acting civilized, and that their only possible reaction to us doing the same thing we did elsewhere is absolute hatred and rage?

Aye aye aye, should I cut and paste what i've already said or re-word what I've already said?

If 70 years pass, and we aren't warmongering in the middle east (about as possible as Santy Claus coming to every chimney I know but hypothetically) than they will have no excuse to hate us, become radicalized, and be motivated to kill us.

With our current foreign policy and the one we've had for decades in the middle east, there will continue to be 9/11 type blowback and many radicalized people who want revenge.

Doesn't excuse it, but terrorizing people creates terrorists. They don't become radical because they're muslim, I can assure you if Iraqis/Afghanis/Pakistanis/Libyans/Syrians were all christians they wouldn't think it was fun or neat to have bombs dropped on their heads and just roll over and say "thanks, can I have another?"
The thing we did in Germany and Japan and haven't had the stomach to do since, is actually fight to win. We completely destroyed cities, killed massive numbers of civilians and utterly destroyed their governments and their ability to wage war. We demoralized them until they were at the point they knew it was far more adventageous to be our friend than our enemy
I suggest we again fight wars with the objective of winning them
Not one word of what you said even counters anything I said. We have bases everywhere. Although I don't like it, having bases somewhere doesn't = dropping bombs on the civilians heads.

The Arab League asking for help doesn't mean we have to do it, a completely inconsequential point.

Did we not drop bombs on civilians in Germany and Japan? Did we not actually invade both countries, and actually force them to do things our way? Did we not then ask both countries to become our friends and allies? Are you a bigot that thinks that Arabs are incapable of acting civilized, and that their only possible reaction to us doing the same thing we did elsewhere is absolute hatred and rage?

Aye aye aye, should I cut and paste what i've already said or re-word what I've already said?

If 70 years pass, and we aren't warmongering in the middle east (about as possible as Santy Claus coming to every chimney I know but hypothetically) than they will have no excuse to hate us, become radicalized, and be motivated to kill us.

With our current foreign policy and the one we've had for decades in the middle east, there will continue to be 9/11 type blowback and many radicalized people who want revenge.

Doesn't excuse it, but terrorizing people creates terrorists. They don't become radical because they're muslim, I can assure you if Iraqis/Afghanis/Pakistanis/Libyans/Syrians were all christians they wouldn't think it was fun or neat to have bombs dropped on their heads and just roll over and say "thanks, can I have another?"

WRONG muzzie lover,islam demands murder and terror you ignorant liberal.Read the evil quran and the history books.
How many Middle Eastern countries have enjoyed peace in the past 300 years? Honest question. It seems to me that if they aren't engaged in fighting with the "West" they are fighting amongst themselves and of course planning the destruction of Israel. Am I wrong?

According to Franklin and Jefferson, it was they who were the aggressors. Even before the USA was born.
How many Middle Eastern countries have enjoyed peace in the past 300 years? Honest question. It seems to me that if they aren't engaged in fighting with the "West" they are fighting amongst themselves and of course planning the destruction of Israel. Am I wrong?

According to Franklin and Jefferson, it was they who were the aggressors. Even before the USA was born.

300 years is the standard? We've been in 3 wars in 2 decades and bombed others in that same time period.

I'm 25, if in my lifetime the US goes through a 10 year period in which we aren't warmongering somewhere I'll be amazed.
How many Middle Eastern countries have enjoyed peace in the past 300 years? Honest question. It seems to me that if they aren't engaged in fighting with the "West" they are fighting amongst themselves and of course planning the destruction of Israel. Am I wrong?

According to Franklin and Jefferson, it was they who were the aggressors. Even before the USA was born.
Give me a break!!

The European Christian nations have been fighting each other for way more than any 300 years.

Heck, in the last 100 years Europe and the US were involved in WWI & WWII. :doubt:
How many Middle Eastern countries have enjoyed peace in the past 300 years? Honest question. It seems to me that if they aren't engaged in fighting with the "West" they are fighting amongst themselves and of course planning the destruction of Israel.

My God! The nefarious Muslims began plotting Israel's destruction 250 years before it existed! :lol:
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I want you to tell me about a personal experience with an american muslim or if possible multiple experiences you've had that contribute to you hating muslims.

Awww dude can I just share my experiences with american muslims and turkish muslims that contributed to me defending them to others who try to broadbrush all muslims?

"Normal" muslims, AKA non-sharia demanding muslims, are no different than "Normal" christians, aka non-god shall smite and you will all burn in hell if you dont repent christians.

Its those crazy extreme ones who want governments to be run based off of religious laws, aka sharia law, that bother me.

Live under sharia law if you want but in america we have a seperation of church/mosque/temple and state.
I consider the US 300 years old (yes I'm aware of the Revolutionary War) I thought that might be an appropriate time frame since some are blaming Islamic violence on the US. I realize we are fighting people who still live in the Middle Ages, but let's focus on the past few centuries. Can anyone answer my question?

Before the gulf war, was there peace in the Middle East? And if so, for how long?
I consider the US 300 years old (yes I'm aware of the Revolutionary War) I thought that might be an appropriate time frame since some are blaming Islamic violence on the US. I realize we are fighting people who still live in the Middle Ages, but let's focus on the past few centuries. Can anyone answer my question?

Before the gulf war, was there peace in the Middle East? And if so, for how long?

What sort of peace? Can you point to a similar period in the history of Europe so we can have an idea of what you're looking for?

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