Alright islamophobes, take a shot of truth serum then answer this question

Question: "How many ACTUAL Muslims do you know?"

RW Answer: "Hey, I'm not a bigot! These people are dangerous!!"

Correct Answer: "I really don't know any sir. I do listen to and watch a lot of RW media though and according to that Muslims are evil."

Interesting note 1: Not a mention of Republicans was made in the OP and yet you have individuals that declare and swear that the question was a direct attack against Republicans.

Interesting note 2: Not a single one answered the direct, very simple, question.

Left wing racist loonie response.

I don't know any, but I saw on TV that they are nice people. White Christians are much more dangerous.

I have lived with Muslims, been to mosques, and know enough about what I am saying to categorically state that the worst things you imagine about the Inquisition are an everyday fact of life for most Muslims in Islamic countries.

What personal experience do you ha with Muslims? Did you know that slavery was openly legal in Saudi Arabia just 50 years ago? That they still lure pilgrims from Africa there and sell them into slavery? Yet, for some reason no rational person can comprehend, you think they are better than a country which abolished slavery a century earlier than Saudi Arabia paid lip service to it.

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The #1 priority of the media is to make $, not tell the truth, that's at best their 2nd priority.

I'm sure the same thing happens in the arab world. They probably have media sources who tell half-truths and pick out certain stories to make christians/christianity look bad. It's the same thing our media does here to cater to a white christian audience by bashing muslims, because that message sells and makes them money.

Which takes me right back to my main message, it's human flaws, not flaws specific only to people who follow a certain religion.

Do you think that you could find a significant percentage of Christians that believe that suicide bombings of civilian targets is sometimes justified? Did you know that 1 in 4 Muslims in America believe that it is?

Poll: Some U.S. Muslims approve suicide strikes - US news - Life - Race & ethnicity -

Maybe you are right that it is really about human flaws and not Islam. I do not think that theory adequately explains the facts that exist in the real world, but if it makes you feel more comfortable to believe it, feel free.

One question though, why do so many of the flawed idiots go to Islam?
The #1 priority of the media is to make $, not tell the truth, that's at best their 2nd priority.

I'm sure the same thing happens in the arab world. They probably have media sources who tell half-truths and pick out certain stories to make christians/christianity look bad. It's the same thing our media does here to cater to a white christian audience by bashing muslims, because that message sells and makes them money.

Which takes me right back to my main message, it's human flaws, not flaws specific only to people who follow a certain religion.

Do you think that you could find a significant percentage of Christians that believe that suicide bombings of civilian targets is sometimes justified? Did you know that 1 in 4 Muslims in America believe that it is?

Poll: Some U.S. Muslims approve suicide strikes - US news - Life - Race & ethnicity -

Maybe you are right that it is really about human flaws and not Islam. I do not think that theory adequately explains the facts that exist in the real world, but if it makes you feel more comfortable to believe it, feel free.

One question though, why do so many of the flawed idiots go to Islam?

1 in 4 muslims in america immorally support unjustified killing of civilian targets.

My guess is more than 1 in 4 people in america of all backgrounds support the immoral justification of killing of civilians that our foreign policy does. Not that those supporters are any more/less moral than the other 1 in 4, it's just the US gov't pays a lot more money for p-r than Al-Qaeda does. Hence people falling for it.

Personally I think people/governments/society should do everything they can to keep from killing civilians.

Our bureacrats in government doesn't abide by that, Al-Qaeda and suicide bombers don't. So I'm against all of them, one's mostly christian, one's mostly muslim.

Again, human flaws.
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The #1 priority of the media is to make $, not tell the truth, that's at best their 2nd priority.

I'm sure the same thing happens in the arab world. They probably have media sources who tell half-truths and pick out certain stories to make christians/christianity look bad. It's the same thing our media does here to cater to a white christian audience by bashing muslims, because that message sells and makes them money.

Which takes me right back to my main message, it's human flaws, not flaws specific only to people who follow a certain religion.

Do you think that you could find a significant percentage of Christians that believe that suicide bombings of civilian targets is sometimes justified? Did you know that 1 in 4 Muslims in America believe that it is?

Poll: Some U.S. Muslims approve suicide strikes - US news - Life - Race & ethnicity -

Maybe you are right that it is really about human flaws and not Islam. I do not think that theory adequately explains the facts that exist in the real world, but if it makes you feel more comfortable to believe it, feel free.

One question though, why do so many of the flawed idiots go to Islam?

1 in 4 muslims in america immorally support unjustified killing of civilian targets.

My guess is more than 1 in 4 people in america of all backgrounds support the immoral justification of killing of civilians that our foreign policy does. Not that those supporters are any more/less moral than the other 1 in 4, it's just the US gov't pays a lot more money for p-r than Al-Qaeda does. Hence people falling for it.

Personally I think people/governments/society should do everything they can to keep from killing civilians.

Our bureacrats in government doesn't abide by that, Al-Qaeda and suicide bombers don't. So I'm against all of them, one's mostly christian, one's mostly muslim.

Again, human flaws.

That one wen right over your head, didn't it?

You must live in terror every day of your life.
Do you think that you could find a significant percentage of Christians that believe that suicide bombings of civilian targets is sometimes justified? Did you know that 1 in 4 Muslims in America believe that it is?

Poll: Some U.S. Muslims approve suicide strikes - US news - Life - Race & ethnicity -

Maybe you are right that it is really about human flaws and not Islam. I do not think that theory adequately explains the facts that exist in the real world, but if it makes you feel more comfortable to believe it, feel free.

One question though, why do so many of the flawed idiots go to Islam?

1 in 4 muslims in america immorally support unjustified killing of civilian targets.

My guess is more than 1 in 4 people in america of all backgrounds support the immoral justification of killing of civilians that our foreign policy does. Not that those supporters are any more/less moral than the other 1 in 4, it's just the US gov't pays a lot more money for p-r than Al-Qaeda does. Hence people falling for it.

Personally I think people/governments/society should do everything they can to keep from killing civilians.

Our bureacrats in government doesn't abide by that, Al-Qaeda and suicide bombers don't. So I'm against all of them, one's mostly christian, one's mostly muslim.

Again, human flaws.

That one wen right over your head, didn't it?

You must live in terror every day of your life.

I should've assumed when we got a couple posts into a nice, rational discussion that you had a couple of childish insults right on the tip of your tongue ready to throw out.

Standard protocol for Quantum.
I am not a Christian.

I am not a Jew, i.e., I don't believe in Judaism.

I am certainly not a Muslim.

In fact, I don't believe in the delusions of the Organized Religions of the World.

My God, if any, is the God of Einstein and Spinoza.

IOW, I am a Pantheist of sorts.

My God, if any, is the Sum Total of the Laws of the Universe.

Praying to my God is like praying to the Lightening so it won't strike you.

Please note that praying to your Gods is like praying to the nearest rock in your garden: the statistical results of a positive result are identical.

When we die, we will all be fertilizer, the same as the lowly cockroach snuffling around hither & yon.

That's what I believe.

But, why do I feel an uncontrollable revulsion towards the Muslim Swine, and their fucking Qu'ran ?

Answer: Apart from the teachings......and one can go on & on about the barbaric & idiotic assertions of Islam......... one can simply point to this basic Historically Documented Fact:

Compare the Documented Historical data of men like Gautama, Christ, and that POS Mohammed without the delusional religious verbiage.

The Historical Documented record of that fucking swine Mohammed is that he was a THIEF, MASS MURDERER, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST.


(Quad Erat Demonstrandum).

Compare the God of the old testament to Mohammed, they're both equally monstrous.

Let's hold all these old outdated religions and religious stories to the same standard.

The Christian church does not and cannot rule us. They have no legitimate authority over us. Christian do not try to establish canon law. Christians are not teaching hatred and intolerance to children in Sunday school. The Muslim religion does have legitimate authority in many countries in the world. They are also trying to establish sharia law in many western nations.
I do not see a difference in your appeasement of Islam and the appeasement of the Nazis during 1930s. They are very similar ideologies.
If you are having difficulties understanding this, I recommend:
1. Watch a Muslim walk down a street in America carrying the Koran
2. You walk down the street in Riyadh carrying a Bible.
My opinion is even if islam didn't exist, you'd have the same number of radicalized arabs thanks to our foreign policy.

Just like you'd have radicalized americans if other countries did an Iraq/Libya/Afghanistan Wars on US soil. Wouldn't matter if we were a christian, muslim or hindu nation.

What was the excuse before all that?

Are you saying Arabs are scum that will hold a grudge for something that was done before they were born?
You can't promise that, the bombings at Khobar Towers, the USS Cole, the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and September 11th all happened before we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. Even if US forces pulled out of all Muslim countries tomorrow, that isn't going to make the whole Middle East turn into one big love fest.:doubt:

Before 9/11 we invaded Iraq and had troops in both Somalia and Lebanon.

Basically, the US has been invading and occupying muslim countries for the last 20+ years. :evil:

Just like we occupy Germany, Japan, the Phillapines, South Korea, etc, etc...

So by your reasoning, we should be getting killed by them as well.

Grats, you just proved yourself wrong.
You can't promise that, the bombings at Khobar Towers, the USS Cole, the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and September 11th all happened before we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. Even if US forces pulled out of all Muslim countries tomorrow, that isn't going to make the whole Middle East turn into one big love fest.:doubt:

Before 9/11 we invaded Iraq and had troops in both Somalia and Lebanon.

Basically, the US has been invading and occupying muslim countries for the last 20+ years. :evil:

We did not invade Iraq, we removed them from Kuwait thats all. Saddam put down the Shite and Kurd uprisings in his country and we did nothing. We only stayed in Somalia for a short while on a failed humanitarian mission and I don't know what the fuck we were doing in Lebanon, but we did not invade any of those countries.:doubt:
Including the UN? Seems like many Muslim Nations want the UN in their countries. So let me know when you guys get on the same page on that one. Many Muslims in the World consistently request UN assistance. This massacre in Afghanistan is a terrible crime against humanity. There is no justification for it. I just haven't heard any "Moderate Muslims" speaking out and strongly condemning this slaughter. Playing the Victim Card just isn't enough. Moderate Muslims need to speak out and strongly condemn Muslim atrocities like this one. Hopefully one day this will happen. Until then,nothing will change in the Muslim World.

The UN is a big bitch, they lost all respect from me after what happened with this Afghan mob, the UN guards were unable to fire on the crowd because UN rules forbid them from protecting themselves, even when fired upon. The UN is a pussy paper tiger and actually they are also responsible for the deaths of these men, because they did nothing.:evil:

You're exactly right. Thats why some people's dream of a New World Order under the UN will never work. The UN has no military might.

Simply put, no population on Earth has both the technology combined with the pure human fighting will that Americans do. Our roots are in armed rebellion, from 1776, 1861, and throughout history. Americans have a gene in them, bred in, that makes us enjoy a good fight. And we have the technology to do it. Globalism will never work. Despite efforts of many. The US and China, in the end, will still run this world 100 years from now.

The UN is only effective when you give it some teeth, like some British, US, Or Australian troops behind it, otherwise it is nothing but a bunch of fuckin women who can't and won't defend themselves, just like what we saw this past weekend. The UN without a superpower like the US would fail at invading the Boy Scout headquarters.:evil:
You can't promise that, the bombings at Khobar Towers, the USS Cole, the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and September 11th all happened before we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. Even if US forces pulled out of all Muslim countries tomorrow, that isn't going to make the whole Middle East turn into one big love fest.:doubt:

Before 9/11 we invaded Iraq and had troops in both Somalia and Lebanon.

Basically, the US has been invading and occupying muslim countries for the last 20+ years. :evil:

We did not invade Iraq, we removed them from Kuwait thats all. Saddam put down the Shite and Kurd uprisings in his country and we did nothing. We only stayed in Somalia for a short while on a failed humanitarian mission and I don't know what the fuck we were doing in Lebanon, but we did not invade any of those countries.:doubt:

He's going way back to the Marine Barracks bombing. Those few men are what he's calling an occupying force.

By that stewpudity, Italians should have sunk the ship I was stationed on, in La Madelina.
I am not a Christian.

I am not a Jew, i.e., I don't believe in Judaism.

I am certainly not a Muslim.

In fact, I don't believe in the delusions of the Organized Religions of the World.

My God, if any, is the God of Einstein and Spinoza.

IOW, I am a Pantheist of sorts.

My God, if any, is the Sum Total of the Laws of the Universe.

Praying to my God is like praying to the Lightening so it won't strike you.

Please note that praying to your Gods is like praying to the nearest rock in your garden: the statistical results of a positive result are identical.

When we die, we will all be fertilizer, the same as the lowly cockroach snuffling around hither & yon.

That's what I believe.

But, why do I feel an uncontrollable revulsion towards the Muslim Swine, and their fucking Qu'ran ?

Answer: Apart from the teachings......and one can go on & on about the barbaric & idiotic assertions of Islam......... one can simply point to this basic Historically Documented Fact:

Compare the Documented Historical data of men like Gautama, Christ, and that POS Mohammed without the delusional religious verbiage.

The Historical Documented record of that fucking swine Mohammed is that he was a THIEF, MASS MURDERER, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST.


(Quad Erat Demonstrandum).

Compare the God of the old testament to Mohammed, they're both equally monstrous.

Let's hold all these old outdated religions and religious stories to the same standard.

When was the last time a christain killed innocent people enmasse in the name of god or Christ?

Muslims did it over the weekend, fyi

Private Message: Re: New reputation!
Today, 01:22 PM
Registered User
Member #22477 Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 1,797
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New reputation!


Hi, you have received -9 reputation points from Jos.
Reputation was given for this post.

When was the last time a christain killed innocent people enmasse in the name of Oil?


The truth must be a muther fucking bitch.
My opinion is even if islam didn't exist, you'd have the same number of radicalized arabs thanks to our foreign policy.

Just like you'd have radicalized americans if other countries did an Iraq/Libya/Afghanistan Wars on US soil. Wouldn't matter if we were a christian, muslim or hindu nation.

What was the excuse before all that?

Are you saying Arabs are scum that will hold a grudge for something that was done before they were born?

We've been meddling in the middle east for a lot more than 10 years, I'm sure you agree.

I know the second sentence is just a sensationalized rant, but I'll reply the best I can.

I'm saying Arabs have reason to hate America, and the hate will grow the more wars we start and cruise missiles we launch.

Just like you'd hate a foreign country for doing those things to the US if it happened, and it wouldn't be because the Bible told you to hate that foreign country just like Arabs don't need the Q'uran to hate the american government.
My opinion is even if islam didn't exist, you'd have the same number of radicalized arabs thanks to our foreign policy.

Just like you'd have radicalized americans if other countries did an Iraq/Libya/Afghanistan Wars on US soil. Wouldn't matter if we were a christian, muslim or hindu nation.

What was the excuse before all that?

Are you saying Arabs are scum that will hold a grudge for something that was done before they were born?

We've been meddling in the middle east for a lot more than 10 years, I'm sure you agree.

I know the second sentence is just a sensationalized rant, but I'll reply the best I can.

I'm saying Arabs have reason to hate America, and the hate will grow the more wars we start and cruise missiles we launch.

Just like you'd hate a foreign country for doing those things to the US if it happened, and it wouldn't be because the Bible told you to hate that foreign country just like Arabs don't need the Q'uran to hate the american government.


The major recipients of the $35 billion in economic aid we dispense are: Afghanistan, $2.6 billion; Israel, $3 billion; Iraq, $766 million; and Egypt, $1.6 billion.

Ivory Coast — $138M

Mozambique — $415M

Nigeria — $648M

Rwanda — $241M

Sudan — $440M

Indonesia — $228M

I think those are muslim or mostly muslim countries.

They now have billions upon billions of reasons to like us, and always have.
My opinion is even if islam didn't exist, you'd have the same number of radicalized arabs thanks to our foreign policy.

Just like you'd have radicalized americans if other countries did an Iraq/Libya/Afghanistan Wars on US soil. Wouldn't matter if we were a christian, muslim or hindu nation.

What was the excuse before all that?

Are you saying Arabs are scum that will hold a grudge for something that was done before they were born?

We've been meddling in the middle east for a lot more than 10 years, I'm sure you agree.

I know the second sentence is just a sensationalized rant, but I'll reply the best I can.

I'm saying Arabs have reason to hate America, and the hate will grow the more wars we start and cruise missiles we launch.

Just like you'd hate a foreign country for doing those things to the US if it happened, and it wouldn't be because the Bible told you to hate that foreign country just like Arabs don't need the Q'uran to hate the american government.

Meddling in the mid east?

What makes you think the israeli people did not want our meddling?
What makes you think the Iraqi people didnt?
How about those in Kuwait when Hussein walked all over them?
Libya? (Didnt I hear the media say that Libya wanted our help?)

On that same note...isnt it funny how a predominately Islam country (Libya) wants our military help (according to the MSM) when we have a democratic president, but they despised our being there (per the MSM) when we had a republican president.

But I fear I may have digressed.
My opinion is even if islam didn't exist, you'd have the same number of radicalized arabs thanks to our foreign policy.

Just like you'd have radicalized americans if other countries did an Iraq/Libya/Afghanistan Wars on US soil. Wouldn't matter if we were a christian, muslim or hindu nation.

What was the excuse before all that?

Are you saying Arabs are scum that will hold a grudge for something that was done before they were born?

We've been meddling in the middle east for a lot more than 10 years, I'm sure you agree.

I know the second sentence is just a sensationalized rant, but I'll reply the best I can.

I'm saying Arabs have reason to hate America, and the hate will grow the more wars we start and cruise missiles we launch.

Just like you'd hate a foreign country for doing those things to the US if it happened, and it wouldn't be because the Bible told you to hate that foreign country just like Arabs don't need the Q'uran to hate the american government.

Do Arabs have more, or less, reason to hat America than Germany? Japan? Remember how we bombed both countries to rubble, and we even nuked two cities in Japan, yet they are both now our friends. Your arguments that Arabs have any reason to hate us at all ignores the realities of the world.

Maybe we should just bomb every Arab nation on Earth into glass until they are our friends too. Maybe you should get a refund on your brain, it is obviously broken
The UN is a big bitch, they lost all respect from me after what happened with this Afghan mob, the UN guards were unable to fire on the crowd because UN rules forbid them from protecting themselves, even when fired upon. The UN is a pussy paper tiger and actually they are also responsible for the deaths of these men, because they did nothing.:evil:

the UN is useless.....they have the most powerful Countries on the Planet sitting on their so called "Security Council".....and if some atrocity is happening somewhere,that they could stop very easily,it doesnt get done because one of them is against acting against the Country in question because they have financial ties to Country on the Council should not be abel to veto a needed should be a Majority vote....and if any Country does not abide by the vote....they get the boot from the Council.....
Before 9/11 we invaded Iraq and had troops in both Somalia and Lebanon.

Basically, the US has been invading and occupying muslim countries for the last 20+ years. :evil:

come on Sunni.....we went there with a lot of help,not just us, to help another Arab Country from being taken over......where was the Arab League?.....why were they not the ones going in and pushing Saddam back?.....where is this same League NOW,with all the shit going on over there?.........why cant the good Citizens of the Middle East,police their own people?......why do they allow Dictators?....the Arab League seems to be just as useless as the UN......
Compare the God of the old testament to Mohammed, they're both equally monstrous.

Let's hold all these old outdated religions and religious stories to the same standard.

When was the last time a christain killed innocent people enmasse in the name of god or Christ?

Muslims did it over the weekend, fyi

Private Message: Re: New reputation!
Today, 01:22 PM
Registered User
Member #22477 Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 1,797
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Rep Power: 18

New reputation!


Hi, you have received -9 reputation points from Jos.
Reputation was given for this post.

When was the last time a christain killed innocent people enmasse in the name of Oil?


The truth must be a muther fucking bitch.

i bet that -9 really hurt .....:lol:

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