"Allahu Akbar!"

I wonder if the WW2 media would have ignored an American major if he shouted "banzai" as he shot his own men. Times have changed.
Because the media is overrun by liberals and its not "politically correct" to single out radical islam as the culprit. For instance a few weeks ago Peter King tried to have a hearing about islam radicalization here in america but democrats complained so they had to include neo-nazism in the hearing also. They could not even say "islam radicalization" in the hearing!
Ah, I knew the Rebel Alliance was behind it all this time.


Long live the Galactic Empire!
I wonder if the WW2 media would have ignored an American major if he shouted "banzai" as he shot his own men. Times have changed.

they would have been electrocuted (as all but 2 were), as the nazi saboteurs were by FDR in short order, ala Ex parte Quirin, yes times have changed.
Because the media is overrun by liberals and its not "politically correct" to single out radical islam as the culprit. For instance a few weeks ago Peter King tried to have a hearing about islam radicalization here in america but democrats complained so they had to include neo-nazism in the hearing also. They could not even say "islam radicalization" in the hearing!

Is the DOD run by liberals? Because that is the entity we are actually talking about here.
Looks like there is some glimmers of sanity to be found:

Fort Hood Shootings Linked To Political Correctness, Senators Claim

Fort Hood Shootings Linked To Political Correctness, Senators Claim

By Jim Kouri CPP | February 16, 2011

The U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs began holding hearingson Tuesday that may ultimately unveil newly declassified information about the Fort Hood massacre that will prove political correctness played a part in a terror attack that shocked the nation on November 5, 2009.

The bi-partisan panel of Senators investigating the incident claimed that they discovered evidence of “systemic failures” that eventually may result in improving federal terrorism investigations.

Twelve soldiers and one civilian were killed and another 32 soldiers were wounded when Army Major Nidal Hasan, a psychiatrist, perpetrated a vicious shooting spree that ended when he was finally shot by a civilian police officer.

The hearing had been postponed until this week due to as the Senators continuing their negotiations with the FBI officials regarding information that could be viewed and discussed during public hearings without compromising national security.

An investigation after the shooting revealed that Hasan was in contact with Muslim militant leaders in the Middle East.

The hearing is expected to reveal details of how the FBI and the Army could have prevented the shooting but failed to do so.

A description of some mistakes leading to the shooting were part of a report released last week by Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.), chairman of the committee, and Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine), the ranking Republican on the committee.

“The administration is refusing to acknowledge that violent Islamic extremism is the ideology that fuels attacks,” said Sen. Collins.

“The refusal to distinguish violent Islamic extremism from the peaceful, protected exercise of the Muslim religion sends the wrong message,” she said, “as it implies they can’t be distinguished.”

Meanwhile Lieberman criticized the executive branch of government for refusing to use the term ‘Islamic extremists,’ saying, “I think some people in the administration feel it will compromise our relations with the broader Muslim world.”

Senators Criticize Hasan Superiors...

However, the committee is tied in with Homeland Security, the same department created so that the 'dots could be connected' post 9/11. That hasn't worked out well at all, from what this report says.
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Basically, a mentally ill soldier says "Allahu Akbar!" while committing a crime.

And now 1.5 billion muslims in the world are guilty by association of mass murder. :cuckoo:


The report isn't on the Muslim criminal, but on the failure of officers to report something their superiors didn't want to read, that there was a terrorist in their midst. Indeed, by what they did write, never lying, just choosing words very carefully, they were able to get him promoted and out of their jurisdiction.

It's also the same reasoning that allowed the FBI to slow down investigating and reporting, until after the fact.
I wonder if the WW2 media would have ignored an American major if he shouted "banzai" as he shot his own men. Times have changed.

This administration is getting away with it's own design of genocide!!
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I think the Tucson shooting got more press than the Ft. Hood murders. Probably because it offered a chance for the left wing media and the democrat party to blame Rush Limbaugh. That female Police Officer who had to come on post because MP's were unarmed (or untrained) and finally took him down should have been on every talk show in the Country. She didn't make the cut on Oprah.

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