All Those Big Promises The House GOP Made For January. Total Flop


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The first order of business, after passing a bunch of nonsense rules about how they’d balance the budget and end all the programs that help people, was the big gift to the people they do want to help, the rich people who cheat on their taxes. That’s the bill that would rescind more than $70 billion Congress sent to the IRS last year. The one that the Congressional Budget Office said would actually cost the nation more than $114 billion in lost revenue over the next decade.

The next order of business was all the forced birth bills, setting down the marker that a national abortion ban is their ultimate goal, no matter how unpopular that idea is with actual people who vote.

They did squeeze in a vote on a bill purported to be about prohibiting sales from the Strategic Oil Reserve to China, but was really about yet another Hunter Biden conspiracy theory, a bill that did absolutely nothing to do what the GOP said their goal was: lower gas prices for Americans.

Then they took a week off to celebrate the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Kidding. They were just taking a week off.

What was it again the little red wave that couldn’t, promised would get done this month?

The overwhelming majority of the country that didn’t vote for, or is really paying attention to them, was just curious. Or not.
The first order of business, after passing a bunch of nonsense rules about how they’d balance the budget and end all the programs that help people, was the big gift to the people they do want to help, the rich people who cheat on their taxes. That’s the bill that would rescind more than $70 billion Congress sent to the IRS last year. The one that the Congressional Budget Office said would actually cost the nation more than $114 billion in lost revenue over the next decade.

The next order of business was all the forced birth bills, setting down the marker that a national abortion ban is their ultimate goal, no matter how unpopular that idea is with actual people who vote.

They did squeeze in a vote on a bill purported to be about prohibiting sales from the Strategic Oil Reserve to China, but was really about yet another Hunter Biden conspiracy theory, a bill that did absolutely nothing to do what the GOP said their goal was: lower gas prices for Americans.

Then they took a week off to celebrate the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Kidding. They were just taking a week off.

What was it again the little red wave that couldn’t, promised would get done this month?

The overwhelming majority of the country that didn’t vote for, or is really paying attention to them, was just curious. Or not.
I am still waiting for the first five feet of road repaired with the 110 billion dollars out of 1.2 trillion dollars passed in the infrastructure act near the beginning of Emperor Joe's coronation.
The $70 billion wasn't paid for. I fully support rescinding that. If it's rescinded it's no longer adding to the debt.
The first order of business, after passing a bunch of nonsense rules about how they’d balance the budget and end all the programs that help people, was the big gift to the people they do want to help, the rich people who cheat on their taxes. That’s the bill that would rescind more than $70 billion Congress sent to the IRS last year. The one that the Congressional Budget Office said would actually cost the nation more than $114 billion in lost revenue over the next decade.

The next order of business was all the forced birth bills, setting down the marker that a national abortion ban is their ultimate goal, no matter how unpopular that idea is with actual people who vote.

They did squeeze in a vote on a bill purported to be about prohibiting sales from the Strategic Oil Reserve to China, but was really about yet another Hunter Biden conspiracy theory, a bill that did absolutely nothing to do what the GOP said their goal was: lower gas prices for Americans.

Then they took a week off to celebrate the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Kidding. They were just taking a week off.

What was it again the little red wave that couldn’t, promised would get done this month?

The overwhelming majority of the country that didn’t vote for, or is really paying attention to them, was just curious. Or not.
The upcoming investigations into the Biden crime family will be worth the wait baby skewey. Anything to put a crimp into the commie America haters ripoff of us taxpayers.
The first order of business, after passing a bunch of nonsense rules about how they’d balance the budget and end all the programs that help people, was the big gift to the people they do want to help, the rich people who cheat on their taxes. That’s the bill that would rescind more than $70 billion Congress sent to the IRS last year. The one that the Congressional Budget Office said would actually cost the nation more than $114 billion in lost revenue over the next decade.

The next order of business was all the forced birth bills, setting down the marker that a national abortion ban is their ultimate goal, no matter how unpopular that idea is with actual people who vote.

They did squeeze in a vote on a bill purported to be about prohibiting sales from the Strategic Oil Reserve to China, but was really about yet another Hunter Biden conspiracy theory, a bill that did absolutely nothing to do what the GOP said their goal was: lower gas prices for Americans.

Then they took a week off to celebrate the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Kidding. They were just taking a week off.

What was it again the little red wave that couldn’t, promised would get done this month?

The overwhelming majority of the country that didn’t vote for, or is really paying attention to them, was just curious. Or not.
I like Biden because I see he works with Republicans to get what needs to be done, done. Yesterday I heard both sides agree we need to stop turning over technology to China. Why do we give them technology? Because we manufacture there. So of course we have to give them the technology we ask them to produce over there. So we may stop doing this. We do need to bring these jobs home. China can make our sneakers but not important stuff.

And we produce or manufacture vaccines in Mexico? What if a pandemic shuts the border down and we can't get our own vaccines?

I like Biden because along with serious Republicans, they will work to get things like this done. And not play politics with it.

I love it that Republicans still think Hunter is a issue they can win. Just makes them look foolish to bring it up.
The $70 billion wasn't paid for. I fully support rescinding that. If it's rescinded it's no longer adding to the debt.

And lose the $115 billion that would be collected in taxes. Penny wise, pound foolish is the standard Republican economic practice. Remember when they spent over $1 million in Florida drug testing welfare recipients? They saved the state over $100,000 in benefit payments, and they only went $900,000 in the hole to do it.

An opinion piece from the Daily Kooks.

I'll pass.

So you admit you never read the links people post. That you demand from everyone, because you're too stupid to Google.
The first order of business, after passing a bunch of nonsense rules about how they’d balance the budget and end all the programs that help people, was the big gift to the people they do want to help, the rich people who cheat on their taxes. That’s the bill that would rescind more than $70 billion Congress sent to the IRS last year. The one that the Congressional Budget Office said would actually cost the nation more than $114 billion in lost revenue over the next decade.

The next order of business was all the forced birth bills, setting down the marker that a national abortion ban is their ultimate goal, no matter how unpopular that idea is with actual people who vote.

They did squeeze in a vote on a bill purported to be about prohibiting sales from the Strategic Oil Reserve to China, but was really about yet another Hunter Biden conspiracy theory, a bill that did absolutely nothing to do what the GOP said their goal was: lower gas prices for Americans.

Then they took a week off to celebrate the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Kidding. They were just taking a week off.

What was it again the little red wave that couldn’t, promised would get done this month?

The overwhelming majority of the country that didn’t vote for, or is really paying attention to them, was just curious. Or not.
You're post is full of shit.
The first order of business, after passing a bunch of nonsense rules about how they’d balance the budget and end all the programs that help people, was the big gift to the people they do want to help, the rich people who cheat on their taxes. That’s the bill that would rescind more than $70 billion Congress sent to the IRS last year. The one that the Congressional Budget Office said would actually cost the nation more than $114 billion in lost revenue over the next decade.

The next order of business was all the forced birth bills, setting down the marker that a national abortion ban is their ultimate goal, no matter how unpopular that idea is with actual people who vote.

They did squeeze in a vote on a bill purported to be about prohibiting sales from the Strategic Oil Reserve to China, but was really about yet another Hunter Biden conspiracy theory, a bill that did absolutely nothing to do what the GOP said their goal was: lower gas prices for Americans.

Then they took a week off to celebrate the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Kidding. They were just taking a week off.

What was it again the little red wave that couldn’t, promised would get done this month?

The overwhelming majority of the country that didn’t vote for, or is really paying attention to them, was just curious. Or not.

Daily Kos. LOL

The ONLY thing that matters is investigating and prosecuting Joe Biden and his mafia crime family. I don't care about anything else.
The first order of business, after passing a bunch of nonsense rules about how they’d balance the budget and end all the programs that help people, was the big gift to the people they do want to help, the rich people who cheat on their taxes. That’s the bill that would rescind more than $70 billion Congress sent to the IRS last year. The one that the Congressional Budget Office said would actually cost the nation more than $114 billion in lost revenue over the next decade.

The next order of business was all the forced birth bills, setting down the marker that a national abortion ban is their ultimate goal, no matter how unpopular that idea is with actual people who vote.

They did squeeze in a vote on a bill purported to be about prohibiting sales from the Strategic Oil Reserve to China, but was really about yet another Hunter Biden conspiracy theory, a bill that did absolutely nothing to do what the GOP said their goal was: lower gas prices for Americans.

Then they took a week off to celebrate the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Kidding. They were just taking a week off.

What was it again the little red wave that couldn’t, promised would get done this month?

The overwhelming majority of the country that didn’t vote for, or is really paying attention to them, was just curious. Or not.

It's only been a month. Sure they won last year but they didn't take office until this year. Kind of early to start trying to start trying to lay everything wrong at their feet.


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