All this angst by MSM/Liberals over separation of babies from mothers via abortion...OH wait..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
That's not the case is it?
Millions of lines of copy, hours of TV coverage all for what??
Between October 1, 2017 and May 31, 2018, at least 2,700 children have been split from their parents. 1,995 of them were separated over the last six weeks of that window — April 18 to May 31 — indicating that at present, an average of 45 children are being taken from their parents each day.

The Trump administration’s separation of families at the border, explained

OH how terrible! How cruel! Gulags! babies ripped from their mothers' arms! Woe is the USA... why even the pope got into the act...
Pope backs US bishops who called border separations immoral

Trump you monster HAVE YOU NO SHAME????

YET all these MSM pundits, chest beating moralists, claiming sin against humanity... all the while...
881 babies a DAY are ripped out of their mothers' womb!
And our tax dollars are paying for them!

  • Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) is the primary provider of abortions in the U.S. According to PPFA’s most recent 2016-2017 annual report, it committed 321,384 abortions in fiscal year 2016, down by 6,964 abortions since 2015.
    [*]According to these numbers, Planned Parenthood aborted 881 babies every single day in fiscal year 2016.
    [*]From 2011-2016, Planned Parenthood committed over 1.9 million abortions (1,962,514).[iv]

Think about that AGAINST those poor mothers who's babies are ripped out of their arms!

Isn't there some kind of imbalance here?
Planned Parenthood gets over $500 million annually in public funds
Planned Parenthood gets over $500 million annually in public funds. Here's where it goes.

Planned Parenthood receives over a third of its money in government grants and contracts
(about US $528 million in 2014).
Planned Parenthood - Wikipedia

Now folks let's be honest. Where is the MSM on this issue?
881 babies ripped out of their mothers wombs per DAY by PP
vs... what 2,500 ??

Where is the sense of proportion in the MSM? Where is the morality meter at play folks?

Yes we get it. You only care about babies before they are born. After that, you’d just as well toss them in a volcano .

Righties abortion stance is about their control of women.
That's not the case is it?
Millions of lines of copy, hours of TV coverage all for what??
Between October 1, 2017 and May 31, 2018, at least 2,700 children have been split from their parents. 1,995 of them were separated over the last six weeks of that window — April 18 to May 31 — indicating that at present, an average of 45 children are being taken from their parents each day.

The Trump administration’s separation of families at the border, explained

OH how terrible! How cruel! Gulags! babies ripped from their mothers' arms! Woe is the USA... why even the pope got into the act...
Pope backs US bishops who called border separations immoral

Trump you monster HAVE YOU NO SHAME????

YET all these MSM pundits, chest beating moralists, claiming sin against humanity... all the while...
881 babies a DAY are ripped out of their mothers' womb!
And our tax dollars are paying for them!

    • Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) is the primary provider of abortions in the U.S. According to PPFA’s most recent 2016-2017 annual report, it committed 321,384 abortions in fiscal year 2016, down by 6,964 abortions since 2015.
      [*]According to these numbers, Planned Parenthood aborted 881 babies every single day in fiscal year 2016.
      [*]From 2011-2016, Planned Parenthood committed over 1.9 million abortions (1,962,514).[iv]
Think about that AGAINST those poor mothers who's babies are ripped out of their arms!

Isn't there some kind of imbalance here?
Planned Parenthood gets over $500 million annually in public funds

Planned Parenthood gets over $500 million annually in public funds. Here's where it goes.

Planned Parenthood receives over a third of its money in government grants and contracts
(about US $528 million in 2014).
Planned Parenthood - Wikipedia

Now folks let's be honest. Where is the MSM on this issue?
881 babies ripped out of their mothers wombs per DAY by PP
vs... what 2,500 ??

Where is the sense of proportion in the MSM? Where is the morality meter at play folks?

The difference between a liberal and a conservative?

We actually support actual living children.

You actually support telling women that they cannot control their own reproduction.
Yes we get it. You only care about babies before they are born. After that, you’d just as well toss them in a volcano .

Righties abortion stance is about their control of women.

Actual it is more about women having control over their own sexual drives!
I'm for abortions in the case of rape, incest or the health of the mother!
Rape again the woman has no choice therefore not an issue.
Incest again... and health of the mother no question!
But here are the FACTS...

36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
8.1% were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
44.7% or nearly half by women are either stupid, definitely don't use birth control continue to act as pre-meditated murders at that point.
U.S. Abortion Statistics
Now you tell me are these women that have two or more abortions under control of a man? If so what is this Metoo movement about then?

Are you telling me women are inferior as to not being able to just say NO?

The major problem with abortions is the nonchalance that these women especially with two or more abortions seem exhibit.
I would think the value of another human being would be preeminent in their thinking but OBVIOUSLY it isn't.

So these women that can't seem to control their sexual urges enough to say no... sterilize them! They evidently don't care enough about having a baby so sterilize them!

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