All these Congressional Subpoenas...

Wrong. The adults now in charge of the House are doing what the republican children avoided doing for two years.

Their job.

What is the charge?
Have you been living under rock?

Mueller has been investigating colllusion, not a crime, and obstruction for two years.
Don't they trust Mueller?
BTW, the President can fire anyone in the administration for any reason, it's not obstruction.

What are the new charges? What crimes are going to be proved by tax returns?
In spite of dOnald tRump's assertions Mueller is a republican, and thus at least a little bit untrustworthy. Add that to a puppet AG and rosenstein's ouster and we need to get some trustworthy eyes on the matter.

You just hurt your argument. Mueller IS a Republican, Trump isn't. He's an Outsider businessman who ran under the GOP flag.

If Trump were an Establishment Politician there almost certainly wouldn't be an investigation, nor the outrage for 2016 I imagine.
I hurt nothing. I stated facts. Difficult for you conservative types to.comprehend I know, but facts are what they are.
Don't they have to have some sort of factual basis to smother The Executive Branch with Subpoenas?

From what I am reading the Democrats are going to launch an harassment campaign from The House. They are currently trying to subpoena 60 Trump Officials.

The goal is to completely disrupt our government. There should be some kind of restrictions on their ability to do this. Not sure what that is. If someone knows, I'd like to hear about it.

The Democrats have launched over 17 Investigations in to every aspect of President Trump's life, costing over $100 Million dollars so far. When does the madness stop?

Over 25 years, how many investigations have been launched to try to catch the Clintons in something, anything, and what is the sum of those costs? When current totals get close to that, get back with us.
Wrong. The adults now in charge of the House are doing what the republican children avoided doing for two years.

Their job.
Seriously? When you guys got a special prosecutor appointed to examine him from one end to the other and everyone within 500 miles of him?
This is nothing but a deflection from doing the job Congress is actually appointed to do.
What is the charge?
Have you been living under rock?

Mueller has been investigating colllusion, not a crime, and obstruction for two years.
Don't they trust Mueller?
BTW, the President can fire anyone in the administration for any reason, it's not obstruction.

What are the new charges? What crimes are going to be proved by tax returns?
In spite of dOnald tRump's assertions Mueller is a republican, and thus at least a little bit untrustworthy. Add that to a puppet AG and rosenstein's ouster and we need to get some trustworthy eyes on the matter.

So which one is it? Collusion, which isn't a crime or obstruction, that the President can't commit by firing someone?
Where did you get the idea it had to be one or the other?

And stop saying "collusion" when you mean "conspiracy".

Conspiracy? Conspiring to win the election? That's called campaigning.
Funny I thought to investigate a crime you had to have a crime to investigate.
Perhaps Cohen's private testimony gave them leads to investigate of crimes committed.
Perhaps. I see so we can play perhaps on anything. Perhaps Pelosi is the head of a child porn ring. Perhaps McConnell has the nuclear codes. Perhaps you are a murderer. Funny thing is most want facts. But when you are hoping for a crime perhaps is all you have.
The Democrats in Congress have publicly announced that they intend to figuratively give the President and every significant personage connected with his Administration and campaign a record-colonoscopy.

Just to satisfy themselves that nothing wrong was done by any of them. Ever.

I have two major problems with this. First, how is it that you lose your Fourth Amendment "Right of Privacy" (speaking figuratively; the Right of Privacy does not actually exist, as such, in the Constitution) when you accept a position in the Trump Administration (or campaign).

These people ALREADY file a small package of disclosure forms, exposing their financial condition, income, assets and liabilities, interests in any business, as well as the information necessary to obtain a security clearance. (In "these people" I also include the President).

What gives Congress the right to demand more? Starting with the President's tax returns and going on from there, what gives them the right? It's certainly nowhere in the Constitution, and I doubt that it is included in any law.

Second, even ignoring the fact that Congress is NOT the Branch of Government charged with criminal investigations and law enforcement, since when do we START with "show us everything," THEN try to find a crime?

This is the way "criminal justice" was accomplished in the old Soviet Union.

Ever heard the expression, "probable cause"? In THIS country, we start with evidence that a crime has been committed, THEN indict someone and start demanding information.

While I'm sure that "Executive Privilege" will be mentioned over the next few months, my objection goes beyond that. I think the Administration should just tell the lot of them to go fuck themselves, and take it to the Supreme Court. I think Congress will lose.

You never heard of congressional oversight?

I think the GOP has a point on this matter in the narrow context that oversight should be limited to the oversight of Governmental bodies/activities Like the committee on the inauguration or whatever it was called. Firm footing there. Hauling the President’s advisors before them seems like an abuse of power.

Of course at the root of all of this is Trump denying he had any business in Russia—personally saying he did not—and Hope Hicks saying that he campaign had no foreign involvement; both have turned out to be false. So the investigation by the Congress in this case may have been correct.

Of course, we have an OIC up and running as well. Why the two investigations?

The key will be whether the investigations reveal wrong doing. If the investigations reveal nothing, like the last 8 years of republican investigations did, there will certainly be repercussions. I'm sure the committees are aware of that.
Damn and all this time I thought their job was to pass laws for the betterment of the U.S. And her people not to play partisan politics. Well I guess if you have no better agenda then to find anything to remove a president you go with your only strong suit.
Not playing politics, investigating criminals.

They might as well, with the nut-bars still in residence in the Senate nothing real can get passed anyway.
Funny I thought to investigate a crime you had to have a crime to investigate. Most of the time that is the way it is done in America. In places like North Korea they investigate to find crimes. Thank god the Democrates in congress are as diligent as North Korea. We can't let America continue down that terrible road of freedom.

Yeah it would be a real shame to pass something bipartisan, only bipolar will do. Right?
We have crimes.

Where have you been?
Funny. Name any one other then from almost ten years ago.
Mueller was all the rage he was going to find out everything to bring down Trump. Now according to the unhinged he is partisan and not to be trusted.
Name any one other what?
I guess it is too hard for you to stay focused. I quoted your post. You stated we had crimes. I assumed you were talking about Trump and others in his administration. But you might have been talking Democrats in congress.
The Democrats in Congress have publicly announced that they intend to figuratively give the President and every significant personage connected with his Administration and campaign a record-colonoscopy.

Just to satisfy themselves that nothing wrong was done by any of them. Ever.

I have two major problems with this. First, how is it that you lose your Fourth Amendment "Right of Privacy" (speaking figuratively; the Right of Privacy does not actually exist, as such, in the Constitution) when you accept a position in the Trump Administration (or campaign).

These people ALREADY file a small package of disclosure forms, exposing their financial condition, income, assets and liabilities, interests in any business, as well as the information necessary to obtain a security clearance. (In "these people" I also include the President).

What gives Congress the right to demand more? Starting with the President's tax returns and going on from there, what gives them the right? It's certainly nowhere in the Constitution, and I doubt that it is included in any law.

Second, even ignoring the fact that Congress is NOT the Branch of Government charged with criminal investigations and law enforcement, since when do we START with "show us everything," THEN try to find a crime?

This is the way "criminal justice" was accomplished in the old Soviet Union.

Ever heard the expression, "probable cause"? In THIS country, we start with evidence that a crime has been committed, THEN indict someone and start demanding information.

While I'm sure that "Executive Privilege" will be mentioned over the next few months, my objection goes beyond that. I think the Administration should just tell the lot of them to go fuck themselves, and take it to the Supreme Court. I think Congress will lose.

You never heard of congressional oversight?

I think the GOP has a point on this matter in the narrow context that oversight should be limited to the oversight of Governmental bodies/activities Like the committee on the inauguration or whatever it was called. Firm footing there. Hauling the President’s advisors before them seems like an abuse of power.

Of course at the root of all of this is Trump denying he had any business in Russia—personally saying he did not—and Hope Hicks saying that he campaign had no foreign involvement; both have turned out to be false. So the investigation by the Congress in this case may have been correct.

Of course, we have an OIC up and running as well. Why the two investigations?

The key will be whether the investigations reveal wrong doing. If the investigations reveal nothing, like the last 8 years of republican investigations did, there will certainly be repercussions. I'm sure the committees are aware of that.

I’m just saying if you’re going to have an investigator…let them do the investigating; don’t have a separate investigation by another body. If it’s NCIS…let NCIS handle it, furnish a report to all designated people….and if there is some whiff of impropriety or “steering” by the superior officers/officials…. then you investigate as the House/Senate Oversight Committee
Not playing politics, investigating criminals.

They might as well, with the nut-bars still in residence in the Senate nothing real can get passed anyway.
Funny I thought to investigate a crime you had to have a crime to investigate. Most of the time that is the way it is done in America. In places like North Korea they investigate to find crimes. Thank god the Democrates in congress are as diligent as North Korea. We can't let America continue down that terrible road of freedom.

Yeah it would be a real shame to pass something bipartisan, only bipolar will do. Right?
We have crimes.

Where have you been?
Funny. Name any one other then from almost ten years ago.
Mueller was all the rage he was going to find out everything to bring down Trump. Now according to the unhinged he is partisan and not to be trusted.
Name any one other what?
I guess it is too hard for you to stay focused. I quoted your post. You stated we had crimes. I assumed you were talking about Trump and others in his administration. But you might have been talking Democrats in congress.
Lol, crimes? Are you serious? Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, and others have all.pled guilty to crimes. 30+ others have been indicted for crimes. SDNY is investigating other crimes. How much do you need kid?
Compare: Benghazi, 4 people dead, obvious malfeasance, probably criminal.

Now: Bupkis. "Let's look around and try to find a crime."

As for obstruction of justice, this is a ridiculous overreach. We are talking about perfectly legal acts, with numerous justifications, and Trump's enemies insisting that the one motivation that would make the act criminal is THE motivation. It doesn't work that way. You can't get into his head and presume to know this.
Funny I thought to investigate a crime you had to have a crime to investigate. Most of the time that is the way it is done in America. In places like North Korea they investigate to find crimes. Thank god the Democrates in congress are as diligent as North Korea. We can't let America continue down that terrible road of freedom.

Yeah it would be a real shame to pass something bipartisan, only bipolar will do. Right?
We have crimes.

Where have you been?
Funny. Name any one other then from almost ten years ago.
Mueller was all the rage he was going to find out everything to bring down Trump. Now according to the unhinged he is partisan and not to be trusted.
Name any one other what?
I guess it is too hard for you to stay focused. I quoted your post. You stated we had crimes. I assumed you were talking about Trump and others in his administration. But you might have been talking Democrats in congress.
Lol, crimes? Are you serious? Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, and others have all.pled guilty to crimes. 30+ others have been indicted for crimes. SDNY is investigating other crimes. How much do you need kid?
Did you somehow miss that not one of them involved Trump. Kind of like investigating you because your neighbor stole from someone. Most of those crimes happened almost ten years ago.

Your thirty plus indicted were Russian nationals. Some of which wanted to go to court but Mueller said no. Not much of an indictment if the prosecutor says they are not going to court.

Got anything that points to any crime committed by Trump there little flower?
The Democrats in Congress have publicly announced that they intend to figuratively give the President and every significant personage connected with his Administration and campaign a record-colonoscopy.

Just to satisfy themselves that nothing wrong was done by any of them. Ever.

I have two major problems with this. First, how is it that you lose your Fourth Amendment "Right of Privacy" (speaking figuratively; the Right of Privacy does not actually exist, as such, in the Constitution) when you accept a position in the Trump Administration (or campaign).

These people ALREADY file a small package of disclosure forms, exposing their financial condition, income, assets and liabilities, interests in any business, as well as the information necessary to obtain a security clearance. (In "these people" I also include the President).

What gives Congress the right to demand more? Starting with the President's tax returns and going on from there, what gives them the right? It's certainly nowhere in the Constitution, and I doubt that it is included in any law.

Second, even ignoring the fact that Congress is NOT the Branch of Government charged with criminal investigations and law enforcement, since when do we START with "show us everything," THEN try to find a crime?

This is the way "criminal justice" was accomplished in the old Soviet Union.

Ever heard the expression, "probable cause"? In THIS country, we start with evidence that a crime has been committed, THEN indict someone and start demanding information.

While I'm sure that "Executive Privilege" will be mentioned over the next few months, my objection goes beyond that. I think the Administration should just tell the lot of them to go fuck themselves, and take it to the Supreme Court. I think Congress will lose.
If they are clean, they have nothing to fear
Personally, I am tired of these Republican victimization threads

They have set a standard of Congressional investigations when the controlled Congress. Whitewater, Lewinsky, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, emails.....
Nonstop investigations

Now, when Republicans need to come clean they whimper like little girls
We have crimes.

Where have you been?
Funny. Name any one other then from almost ten years ago.
Mueller was all the rage he was going to find out everything to bring down Trump. Now according to the unhinged he is partisan and not to be trusted.
Name any one other what?
I guess it is too hard for you to stay focused. I quoted your post. You stated we had crimes. I assumed you were talking about Trump and others in his administration. But you might have been talking Democrats in congress.
Lol, crimes? Are you serious? Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, and others have all.pled guilty to crimes. 30+ others have been indicted for crimes. SDNY is investigating other crimes. How much do you need kid?
Did you somehow miss that not one of them involved Trump. Kind of like investigating you because your neighbor stole from someone. Most of those crimes happened almost ten years ago.

Your thirty plus indicted were Russian nationals. Some of which wanted to go to court but Mueller said no. Not much of an indictment if the prosecutor says they are not going to court.

Got anything that points to any crime committed by Trump there little flower?
Lol, I need a set of these so I can see things the way you kids do.

Compare: Benghazi, 4 people dead, obvious malfeasance, probably criminal.

Now: Bupkis. "Let's look around and try to find a crime."

As for obstruction of justice, this is a ridiculous overreach. We are talking about perfectly legal acts, with numerous justifications, and Trump's enemies insisting that the one motivation that would make the act criminal is THE motivation. It doesn't work that way. You can't get into his head and presume to know this.

Cohen has plead guilty and will spend years in prison for breaking election laws. He claimed Trump directed his actions, and even provided an audio tape of him doing it. This isn't about motivation. It's about breaking the law. Nobody asks the motivation of a bank robber. He broke the law. That's enough.
Wrong. The adults now in charge of the House are doing what the republican children avoided doing for two years.

Their job.

What is the charge?

"The charge"? An investigation is an investigation (I hope that's not to abstract) and a charge is what may follow an investigation, may, because sometimes the investigation uncovers exculpatory evidence.

I get your question, It has been asked dozens of times by every supporter of Trump, trying so hard to keep hope that denial will make it true, that trump is not a crook.
Funny. Name any one other then from almost ten years ago.
Mueller was all the rage he was going to find out everything to bring down Trump. Now according to the unhinged he is partisan and not to be trusted.
Name any one other what?
I guess it is too hard for you to stay focused. I quoted your post. You stated we had crimes. I assumed you were talking about Trump and others in his administration. But you might have been talking Democrats in congress.
Lol, crimes? Are you serious? Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, and others have all.pled guilty to crimes. 30+ others have been indicted for crimes. SDNY is investigating other crimes. How much do you need kid?
Did you somehow miss that not one of them involved Trump. Kind of like investigating you because your neighbor stole from someone. Most of those crimes happened almost ten years ago.

Your thirty plus indicted were Russian nationals. Some of which wanted to go to court but Mueller said no. Not much of an indictment if the prosecutor says they are not going to court.

Got anything that points to any crime committed by Trump there little flower?
Lol, I need a set of these so I can see things the way you kids do.

View attachment 248752
Lol children are funny. So what do you think little girl is this we have him now #7423 or what?

Gee seems not that long ago you children were yelling Mueller was non partisan, an upstanding investigator. Some of us were saying that he had too many Hillary supporters. Now his investigation is not right we need more investigation. Well keep investigating sweetheart. When the next election rolls around and voters ask what have Democrats done we can answer spent money to investigate and found nothing. Got to think that should play well.
Name any one other what?
I guess it is too hard for you to stay focused. I quoted your post. You stated we had crimes. I assumed you were talking about Trump and others in his administration. But you might have been talking Democrats in congress.
Lol, crimes? Are you serious? Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, and others have all.pled guilty to crimes. 30+ others have been indicted for crimes. SDNY is investigating other crimes. How much do you need kid?
Did you somehow miss that not one of them involved Trump. Kind of like investigating you because your neighbor stole from someone. Most of those crimes happened almost ten years ago.

Your thirty plus indicted were Russian nationals. Some of which wanted to go to court but Mueller said no. Not much of an indictment if the prosecutor says they are not going to court.

Got anything that points to any crime committed by Trump there little flower?
Lol, I need a set of these so I can see things the way you kids do.

View attachment 248752
Lol children are funny. So what do you think little girl is this we have him now #7423 or what?

Gee seems not that long ago you children were yelling Mueller was non partisan, an upstanding investigator. Some of us were saying that he had too many Hillary supporters. Now his investigation is not right we need more investigation. Well keep investigating sweetheart. When the next election rolls around and voters ask what have Democrats done we can answer spent money to investigate and found nothing. Got to think that should play well.

Your post ^^^ is ridiculous and your conclusion is wishful thinking. You believe Mueller is partisan, only because you have been brainwashed by the propaganda (aka: POOPaganda) of the Right Wing Media and Donald Trump's stump speeches.

Mr. Mueller's life record is impeccable, as a warrior, a patriot and a citizen. We all know, but few on your side of the aisle will admit, that character assassination has grown to be the fall back position for supporters of the GOP.

You should be ashamed for posting this BIG LIE.
I guess it is too hard for you to stay focused. I quoted your post. You stated we had crimes. I assumed you were talking about Trump and others in his administration. But you might have been talking Democrats in congress.
Lol, crimes? Are you serious? Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, and others have all.pled guilty to crimes. 30+ others have been indicted for crimes. SDNY is investigating other crimes. How much do you need kid?
Did you somehow miss that not one of them involved Trump. Kind of like investigating you because your neighbor stole from someone. Most of those crimes happened almost ten years ago.

Your thirty plus indicted were Russian nationals. Some of which wanted to go to court but Mueller said no. Not much of an indictment if the prosecutor says they are not going to court.

Got anything that points to any crime committed by Trump there little flower?
Lol, I need a set of these so I can see things the way you kids do.

View attachment 248752
Lol children are funny. So what do you think little girl is this we have him now #7423 or what?

Gee seems not that long ago you children were yelling Mueller was non partisan, an upstanding investigator. Some of us were saying that he had too many Hillary supporters. Now his investigation is not right we need more investigation. Well keep investigating sweetheart. When the next election rolls around and voters ask what have Democrats done we can answer spent money to investigate and found nothing. Got to think that should play well.

Your post ^^^ is ridiculous and your conclusion is wishful thinking. You believe Mueller is partisan, only because you have been brainwashed by the propaganda (aka: POOPaganda) of the Right Wing Media and Donald Trump's stump speeches.

Mr. Mueller's life record is impeccable, as a warrior, a patriot and a citizen. We all know, but few on your side of the aisle will admit, that character assassination has grown to be the fall back position for supporters of the GOP.

You should be ashamed for posting this BIG LIE.

I don't think the Winter Hill gang has that high of an endorsement of Mueller.

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