All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Sixties Fan

Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2017
I will not start a thread after each news which comes out. This one will be it.
This thread will deal with news not only happening in Israel but around the world.
I will post the links to the news and it is up to those who wish to read and discuss them, to do so.
Attacks only, will be ignored. Multiple attackers will be put on ignore.
Discuss what the article says, and provide evidence to your arguments.
Keep the conversation on a civil level. Thank you.

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The U.N. "apartheid" document was written by two AMERICANS. Doncha just love it?

Richard Falk has always been anti-Israel. I am aware of him.
I do not know much about Virginia Tiley, but she does seem to prefer the "One State Solution", where the Arabs will be in the majority......again.
The U.N. "apartheid" document was written by two AMERICANS. Doncha just love it?

Richard Falk has always been anti-Israel. I am aware of him.
I do not know much about Virginia Tiley, but she does seem to prefer the "One State Solution", where the Arabs will be in the majority......again.
I have only seen one article from Virginia Tilley.

Whose Coup, Exactly?

Having sacked Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas and dissolved his democratically-elected government, Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas has now installed Salam Fayyad as the new Prime Minister, to the clear delight of the West.

An international community worried by the ‘coup’ accusation might endorse the Fayyad government as the seemingly correct position. But the ‘coup’ claim stumbles over a basic problem — that Abbas’s appointing a new prime minister was itself entirely illegal. The new ‘emergency government’ is illegal, too. According to the Basic Law of Palestine (as amended in 2003), which serves as the constitution of the PA, Abbas can do neither of these things. Nor can the new ‘emergency government’ claim any democratic mandate. This means that Abbas and the Fayyad government are ruling by decree, outside the framework of the Basic Law. So on what basis is that government supposed to govern — and on what basis are foreign governments supposed to deal with it?

According to the Basic Law, Abbas has violated a whole stream of Articles as well as the spirit of its checks and balances, which were designed during the Arafat era partly to limit the power of the presidency. With full US and Israel support (if not their insistence), Abbas has baldly trashed numerous provisions of the Basic Law, including:...

Whose Coup, Exactly?
BMW mulls Israeli smart car R&D center - Globes English

BMW mulls Israeli smart car R&D center

In other news, BMW inexplicably announced no plans for such a venture in the high-technology magnet of the Islamist Middle East. There was apparently a requirement that Islamic manufactured smart cars have trunk space to accommodate a 155mm howitzer shell and a dashboard mounted "arm" switch, but, I could be wrong about that.
With the 2017 centenary of the 1917 Balfour Declaration,1 which acknowledged the right of the Jewish people to their national homeland in Palestine, the international community is witnessing a highly orchestrated attempt by the Arab League and the Palestinian leadership to question its legal veracity.

Was the Balfour Declaration Legal?
The U.N. "apartheid" document was written by two AMERICANS. Doncha just love it?

Richard Falk has always been anti-Israel. I am aware of him.
I do not know much about Virginia Tiley, but she does seem to prefer the "One State Solution", where the Arabs will be in the majority......again.
I have only seen one article from Virginia Tilley.

Whose Coup, Exactly?

Having sacked Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas and dissolved his democratically-elected government, Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas has now installed Salam Fayyad as the new Prime Minister, to the clear delight of the West.

An international community worried by the ‘coup’ accusation might endorse the Fayyad government as the seemingly correct position. But the ‘coup’ claim stumbles over a basic problem — that Abbas’s appointing a new prime minister was itself entirely illegal. The new ‘emergency government’ is illegal, too. According to the Basic Law of Palestine (as amended in 2003), which serves as the constitution of the PA, Abbas can do neither of these things. Nor can the new ‘emergency government’ claim any democratic mandate. This means that Abbas and the Fayyad government are ruling by decree, outside the framework of the Basic Law. So on what basis is that government supposed to govern — and on what basis are foreign governments supposed to deal with it?

According to the Basic Law, Abbas has violated a whole stream of Articles as well as the spirit of its checks and balances, which were designed during the Arafat era partly to limit the power of the presidency. With full US and Israel support (if not their insistence), Abbas has baldly trashed numerous provisions of the Basic Law, including:...

Whose Coup, Exactly?

electronic intifada............of course
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