All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Some of what he says is word for word identical with the excerpts in Hill's forthcoming documentary. And they are lies.

Jiddah claims that he was jailed as a "political prisoner" for "political activities."

To prove how racist Israel supposedly is, he mentions that Israel in the 1980s (actually, 1990s) would not accept blood from Ethiopian Jews because their blood was "dirty" and Shimon Peres defended that decision. (In reality, because the incidences of HIV among the immigrants at the time were considered unacceptably high at about 1%, and the Israeli officials accepted and quietly discarded the blood so as not to embarrass them. When the news came out the Ethiopians rioted. Peres opened up an inquiry into the circumstances of the decision. The US didn't accept blood donations from Haitians and sub-Saharan Africans - including Ethiopians - starting in 1990 for the same reasons.)

Jiddah also claims that there is no anti-black racism among Palestinians. This is quite a lie. Blacks experience racism among the Palestinian and the larger Arab worlds. In fact, Marc Lamont Hill himself experienced it in Egypt.

Jiddah doesn't mention that he was a member of the PFLP terror group. He might still be - in 2008, when asked if he was still active in the group, he answered, "Well if I admitted to it, it would mean I would have to go back to jail again... But I will tell you... I’m addicted to politics and especially to the policy of the PFLP." (He also said about President Obama: "for me, he is not black, he is a coconut, black on the outside, totally rotten, corrupted, white on the inside.")

Ali Jiddah and Yasir Arafat after he was released from prison in a swap

In the TOI interview, he admitted that he planted the bombs:
“Due to the responses from my clients I am satisfied, and I am convinced that the work I am doing today is more effective than the bomb I planted in 1968,” he said.In other words, he decided that it is easier to destroy Israel by pushing lies to tourists and reporters who don't even bother to check out the truth - or, in Marc Lamont Hill's case, journalists who actively try to hide the truth.

(full article online)

Marc Lamont Hill's new documentary features a terrorist bomber as a victim of Israeli racism ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Palestinians in Jerusalem achieved the victory they had been longing for on Friday: Muslim worshippers crowding into the Golden Gate area of the Temple Mount, which has been under a closure order since 2003 because of Hamas activity there.

The police, who accepted the reality in order to avoid widespread, violent clashes, did carry out dozens of arrests, but unless something happens to reverse the narrative, the Palestinian gambit comprises another step in their yearslong campaign to chip away at the status quo on the Temple Mount, mostly for the benefit of the Palestinians and to the detriment of the Jews. Two new mosques have been built at Solomon's Stables and at the site of the ancient Al-Aqsa mosque; restrictions on when and where Jews are allowed to visit the Mount; and almost no enforcement of planning and construction and antiquities laws for years. Now they have focused on the Golden Gate.

(full article online)
  • On September 12, 2018, the U.S. Green Party wrote to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on behalf of “the oppressed and besieged people of Palestine peacefully protesting on a weekly basis for their Right of Return,” accusing Israel of committing crimes against humanity, including genocide.
  • The U.S. Green Party ignores the grave Palestinian violations of some of the most basic and important ecological, and environmental principles that should surely constitute the backbone of any genuine Green party, including deliberate pollution of the air through the massive burning of tires, the deliberate arson of agricultural produce through the use of explosive kites and balloons, and the deliberate pollution of groundwater resources.
(full article online)

The U.S. Green Party’s Crusade against Israel
An interesting article that lays out some strategies that may be a part of the tunnel construction being undertaken by hizbollah.

Much as they did in 2006, hizbollah will act independently from, and with no authorization from the Lebanese Parliament. A concerted act of war perpetrated by hizbollah, certainly where Israeli citizens are targeted, would cause Israeli to escalate the conflict.

Hezbollah's tunnels offer sneak peek at looming major conflict with Israel

The tunnels are integral to this new threat. Built in violation of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701 prohibiting Hezbollah’s rearmament in this area, they are reportedly wide enough to move heavy military equipment and large troop units. Yet even in the unlikely event Israel locates every tunnel (five have been uncovered thus far), Hezbollah will still use the terrain and towns of Southern Lebanon to complicate Israeli counterattacks and maximize civilian casualties.

Hezbollah is under no illusion such tactics will produce anything close to decisive military victory. Instead, these raids will target Israeli civilian communities where Hezbollah will seek to inflict as many casualties, take as many hostages and cause as much destruction as possible before ultimately being annihilated or withdrawing.

By inflicting significant casualties and “planting its flag” on Israeli territory, even briefly, Hezbollah will burnish its credentials as the only force capable of standing up to Israel. This also will compel Israeli leadership to respond forcefully in self-defense.

When Israel responds, Hezbollah will exploit Lebanese civilians’ suffering – brought about primarily by its own illicit tactics of using these civilians to shield military assets – to delegitimize Israel’s self-defense.

Lately, I have been spending some time reading the Twitter accounts of the ultra-Left haters of Israel.

They live in a bubble, of course. When they get into discussions with a Zionist they will make sure that the entire frame of reference is their accusations against Israel, and Zionists are put on the defensive. One mistake in their argument and the haters claim victory. And if the Zionists point out that other countries do worse things, they are accused of "whataboutism."

It's time to change the script.

Forget defense - go after these guys. Point out how hypocritical and immoral their positions are. Put them on the defensive and make them explain why Palestinians have rejected multiple peace offers, or why ethnic cleansing of Jews is not only permitted but encouraged by these so-called "progressives."

I've changed a lot of my Twitter habits over the past few days to push things in that direction as well:

(full article online)

Time to go on the offensive ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Lately, I have been spending some time reading the Twitter accounts of the ultra-Left haters of Israel.

They live in a bubble, of course. When they get into discussions with a Zionist they will make sure that the entire frame of reference is their accusations against Israel, and Zionists are put on the defensive. One mistake in their argument and the haters claim victory. And if the Zionists point out that other countries do worse things, they are accused of "whataboutism."

It's time to change the script.

Forget defense - go after these guys. Point out how hypocritical and immoral their positions are. Put them on the defensive and make them explain why Palestinians have rejected multiple peace offers, or why ethnic cleansing of Jews is not only permitted but encouraged by these so-called "progressives."

I've changed a lot of my Twitter habits over the past few days to push things in that direction as well:

(full article online)

Time to go on the offensive ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Israel has been on the offensive for a long tome. They spend many millions of dollars every year just to shut people up.


Lately, I have been spending some time reading the Twitter accounts of the ultra-Left haters of Israel.

They live in a bubble, of course. When they get into discussions with a Zionist they will make sure that the entire frame of reference is their accusations against Israel, and Zionists are put on the defensive. One mistake in their argument and the haters claim victory. And if the Zionists point out that other countries do worse things, they are accused of "whataboutism."

It's time to change the script.

Forget defense - go after these guys. Point out how hypocritical and immoral their positions are. Put them on the defensive and make them explain why Palestinians have rejected multiple peace offers, or why ethnic cleansing of Jews is not only permitted but encouraged by these so-called "progressives."

I've changed a lot of my Twitter habits over the past few days to push things in that direction as well:

(full article online)

Time to go on the offensive ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Israel has been on the offensive for a long tome. They spend many millions of dollars every year just to shut people up.

Hey, stop attempting to delegitimize Israel and the Jews, and no money will be needed to be spent. And it is not to "shut people up" but to educate people as to what Israel is really about.

BDS spends far more money trying to destroy Israel, with no results worth anything. Any and all of the BDS money could have not only fed, clothed and given a home to the people of Gaza and the PA, but all over Asia, Africa, Asia, the Americas, well......all over the world.

Stop the waste of time, money, resources and lives which is meant to only feed primitive minds to kill the Jewish people and destroy Israel.

The primitive ones will never achieve their goal.
  • At the conference, Adnan Tanriverdi, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's top military advisor, delivered a speech detailing the inner workings of the "Islamic Confederal State" that Tanriverdi's Strategic Research Center for Defenders of Justice (ASSAM) aims to establish with 61 Muslim countries.

  • Judging by an article Tanriverdi penned in 2009, the purpose of this joint Islamic force is to defeat Israel, which "should be made to get engaged [in war] and the length of the war should be extended."

  • Erdogan and his chief military advisor are obviously engaging in projection. It is Turkey that has ethnically cleansed itself of Greeks, Assyrians and Armenians, and that is now targeting Syrian Kurds. It is the Turkish government's continued aggression against various peoples in Israel, Syria, Iraq, Cyprus and other countries that is a threat to world peace; not Israel. It is Turkey, not Israel, whose destabilizing foreign policy needs to change.

    (full article online)

    Turkey: Uniting an "Army of Islam" to Defeat Just One Country

Lately, I have been spending some time reading the Twitter accounts of the ultra-Left haters of Israel.

They live in a bubble, of course. When they get into discussions with a Zionist they will make sure that the entire frame of reference is their accusations against Israel, and Zionists are put on the defensive. One mistake in their argument and the haters claim victory. And if the Zionists point out that other countries do worse things, they are accused of "whataboutism."

It's time to change the script.

Forget defense - go after these guys. Point out how hypocritical and immoral their positions are. Put them on the defensive and make them explain why Palestinians have rejected multiple peace offers, or why ethnic cleansing of Jews is not only permitted but encouraged by these so-called "progressives."

I've changed a lot of my Twitter habits over the past few days to push things in that direction as well:

(full article online)

Time to go on the offensive ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Paradigm change on the horizon, both home and among family abroad.
Will look like the sky is falling but that's only the last desperate attempts of dying lies against clarity.
"My Truth" reserve soldier's organization Director Avichai Shorshan strongly criticizes the Breaking the Silence exhibition in the European Union taking place.

"The exhibition that the Breaking the Silence organization is currently conducting in the European Union is a stab in the back of IDF soldiers," says Shorshan. "The attempt to present IDF soldiers as war criminals is once again a huge tailwind of moral support for the terror organizations operating against our soldiers.

(full article online)

'A knife in the back of IDF soldiers'
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