All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The newspaper noted, “Developers envisage an archaeological attraction that would lure millions of visitors keen to walk the same stones as ancient pilgrims, or perhaps even Jesus.” Private donors and the Israeli government have contributed to the project, which is organized by the City of David Foundation.

The Post, however, warned: “But in the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, in which land and each side’s historical connection to it is front and center, the endeavor is inevitably mired in controversy. Palestinian officials say it is an attempt to literally pull their hopes for a future capital in East Jerusalem from under their feet.”

Palestinian officials—none of whom are specifically cited in the report—might very well make such claims. But The Post failed to inform readers that they’re transparently disingenuous.

In fact, Palestinian leaders have rejected numerous U.S. and Israeli offers for a Palestinian state—several of which included a capital in eastern Jerusalem. A 2008 Israeli offer, for example, included 94% of the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) and proposed eastern Jerusalem for a capital. Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas failed to respond to the offer. The 2008 offer formed the basis for U.S. proposals for Palestinian statehood in 2014 and 2016—but PA officials rebuffed them those, as well.

The Post itself noted that the archaeological dig near Wadi Hilweh had been ongoing “for five years.” In other words: “Palestinians officials” rejected the opportunity to have a state with a capital in eastern Jerusalem while the dig was occurring—further illustrating how empty their unattributed claims are.

The newspaper’s decision to omit this pertinent information is unsurprising; in two years and dozens of relevant reports, The Post’sJerusalem bureau hasn’t once mentioned the PA’s several rejections of statehood for peace. Not once.

(full article online)

Excavating The Washington Post’s Narrative on the Israel-Islamist Conflict
“Palestinian President Shows the World Who He Really Is.”

Oh, c’mon. Thinking humans already knew who, and what, he really is.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

There are two ways to understand the two-and-a-half hour rant Sunday from the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, in which he called for discarding past agreements with Israel.

The first way is straightforward: He means it. As Maya Angelou famously said, "when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." In the case of Abbas, he has been showing us who he is for a while now.

He defends Palestinian Authority payments for terrorists. He called murderers "heroic brothers" when they were released by Israel in 2013 as a condition for restarting peace talks. In December he urged the Organization of the Islamic Conference to reconsider its recognition of Israel.

So when Abbas gives a Castro-esque speech laced with fake history about Israel being a colonial project of Europeans, it fits a pattern.
[ Hey, let us have a Kippah day. Or a Hawaiian culture day. Or an aboriginals day.
Or a 500 First Nations day. What? Not one of those days?
But now we have a Wear a Hijab day in US public schools.
HOW is that slowly creeping into ANY schools, anywhere? ]

'World Hijab Day' Observed in Some US Public Schools

And so it begins when Muslims grow in numbers in communities. Next up, sharia law education.
The Palestine Chronicle has an article by former Al Quds professor Rima Najjar, who now lives in the US, where she admits that Zionism is indeed part of Judaism:

Those who smear anti-Zionists by falsely accusing them of antisemitism understand very well that anti-Zionism means anti-Jewish-nationalism as expressed in the territory of historic Palestine, now subdivided into Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, but effectively controlled by the Jewish State.

Zionism is a product of Jewish philosophy and is based on Jewish culture and thought, which has its roots in Judaism. The core purpose of Israel’s settler-colonial Zionist regime is to maintain itself as a Jewish State. Exaggerated or false claims of antisemitism aim to create a climate of fear in which Palestinian legitimate human rights campaigns are stifled.If Zionism is rooted in mainstream Judaism, as Najjar admits, then being against Zionism means one is against Judaism, which she denies.

She tries to explain away this obvious contradiction, and fails miserably. Her point is pretty much that she should be free to attack Jews in the name of being pro-Palestinian:

(full article online)

Palestinian activist says Zionism is "Jewish supremacism," denies being antisemitic ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
There is nothing remotely racial about the conflict between Israel and the Arab world, including Palestinians. After all, half of Israelis have some heritage from northern African and Middle Eastern communities and are indistinguishable from Arabs. (European Jews are genetically closer to Middle Eastern Jews than to other Europeans, as well.)

If skin pigmentation is your criterion, there are roughly 100,000 Israelis from Ethiopia who are darker than virtually any Palestinian Arab. Yet they are considered "white" by the bizarre logic of those who want to paint this as a racial justice issue.

Of course there is discrimination in Israel, just as there is in every other country on Earth. But the Palestinian Arabs aren't discriminated against based on race. It is a political, religious and cultural conflict but there is no racial component - half of Israelis are the same "color."

The people who want to call this a racial conflict are the racists. Against all visual and genetic evidence, they want the world to view Israelis as the evil "white" oppressors and the Palestinian Arabs as the victimized people of color. If racism is the idea that some people are better than others based on skin color, the anti-Israel racists are demanding that the world hate Israelis based on skin color that most don't even have!

It is the anti-Israel crowd that is obsessed with race, assigning racial definitions to people purely to incite others to hate them. If that isn't racism, what is?

I saw a different, more sophisticated and even more deceptive argument about why the Israeli-Arab conflict should be considered a racial justice issue. At the United Methodist Church website, a 2014 article entitled "Why Justice in Palestine Is a Racial Justice Imperative" says:

[Phyllis] Bennis pointed out that Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, as a case for racial discrimination, can be made based on the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. The convention defines racial discrimination in terms of exclusion and restrictions based not only on “race,” but also on color, descent, or national or ethnic origin. Under this definition, Bennis said the case for racial discrimination could be made for Palestinians...That seems like a very good point.

Article 1, Paragraph 1 of The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination indeed says that racial discrimination does not only apply to race but also to those other criteria.

However, Paragraph 2 of the Convention rips the argument that this applies to Palestinian Arabs to shreds:

2. This Convention shall not apply to distinctions, exclusions, restrictions or preferences made by a State Party to this Convention between citizens and non-citizens.Palestinian Arabs are not citizens of Israel, and as such Israel is not required to treat them the same as citizens - just like no nation on the planet gives the same rights to citizens and non-citizens.

(full article online)

People who claim "Palestine is a racial justice issue" are the real racists ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Zionism is not the problem. Anti-Zionism is the problem. Without anti-Zionism there would have never been a Nakba, no Jews would have been expelled from Arab lands, and wars and terrorism would not hinder Arabs and Jews from living peacefully together between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River.

This is the clear message that pro-Israel activists in Europe must proclaim loudly and proudly. This message is so simple that it is easily understood, yet so profound that it can steer Europe to contribute to peace and prosperity in the Middle East.

(full article online)

Anti-Zionism is to blame
[ Hey, Jordan......remember the Peace treaty you signed? Does the Quran and Muslim hatred and superiority over Jews override it ? ]

From Jordan Times:

AMMAN — The government on Tuesday warned Israeli occupation authorities against its recurrent attacks on Islamic awqaf employees and Al Aqsa Mosque.

Awqaf Minister Abdul Nasser Abul Bassal, in a statement carried by the Jordan News Agency, Petra, warned against the increasing number of break-ins at Al Aqsa Mosque.

The Israelis are playing with fire, he said.

Citing 5,000 raid incidents in 2005, Abul Bassal added that occupation forces and settlers carried out 30,000 raids in 2018.30,000 raids? In 365 days?

Obviously he means the number of Jews who visited the Temple Mount in 2018, counting each as a "raid" and each group as a "raid incident." But even that number is a bit nutty.

Given that Jews aren't allowed to visit on Fridays and Saturdays, as well as during Islamic holidays, it still comes out to about 20 "raid incidents" a day.

Needless to say, there are no "break-ins" and very few "raids" - occasionally the Israeli police go in to quell riots.

This is nothing but incitement for Jordanians to hate Jews.

(full article online)

Jordanian minister says Israel carried out "30,000 raids" against Al Aqsa in 2018 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Now that a GAO report on how the State Department report on UNRWA curricula was inaccurate has been made public, we can see what the truth is.

It is true that UNRWA created supplementary material for the classrooms. But they were never distributed to teachers!

I have a copy of the report (without the tables and illustrations, unfortunately) and it says that when UNRWA attempted to train teachers on these supplementary materials, either they opposed using the materials or boycotted training.

A normal organization would fire employees who refuse to do what they are told. But UNRWA caved - if the teachers want to teach hate for Jews, then that's OK.

Worse, Congress was falsely told that the supplementary materials were being taught when they weren't:

(full article online)

State Department found that @UNRWA was still inciting hate in classrooms - and hid that fact in report to Congress ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
More of the sleaze that defines BDS as little more than islamic terrorist groupies.

Boycott campaign removed over complaint that notes its affiliation to umbrella group of Palestinian factions including Hamas and Islamic Jihad

US fundraising site suspends BDS account over alleged terror ties

A US software company said Friday it blocked the fundraising account of the Palestinian-led boycott movement against Israel following a complaint by a pro-Israel group that the campaign has links to militant organizations.

Donorbox, which makes fundraising management software, confirmed that the BDS campaign’s account was temporarily blocked while it investigates the allegations.
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