All the GOP policies are incredibly unpopular. How can they get elected?

The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
The GO{ did lose House and Senate seats, and won the WH in a scenario that on one could have predicted. At least not until 3-5 days after Comey and after Hillary decided to not go to Wisconsin.
All the GOP policies are incredibly unpopular.

When someone starts a thread with a flagrant lie like that, there isn't much point in reading the rest. :cuckoo:

What are the 3 most popular Republican positions on the major issues?

One would have expected at least ONE RW'er around here to come up with an answer. Nope. lol.
1. Abortion is murder
2. Homos are disgusting perverts
3. God and guns are awesome

1. 60% support among American to keep Roe v Wade
2. Majority support among Americans for same sex marriage rights
3. 90% support among Americans for closing background check loopholes.

You lose.
Nope. All bullshit. We won. You lose.
All the GOP policies are incredibly unpopular. How can they get elected?
1. the Democrats stand alongside Illegal Aliens rather than their own fellow countrymen

2. the Democrats are whores for the Gay Mafia, shoving that agenda down America's throat

3. the Democrats are corrupt and elitist

4. the Democrats consciously worked to harm Bernie during the Primaries...

5. the Democrats fielded $hitty candidates

6. the Democrats made the mistake of calling White Straight Christian America "deplorable"

Was there anything else?
Your list is nothing more than demonization propaganda and misinformation.

No it's not. It is the Truth you refuse to see.
I disagree.

Number one the Democrats stand by the illegal aliens rather than their own fellow country men.

How do you hide from that truth?
Only a comprehensive immigration Bill like the Dems put up in 2010 can end this GOP mess. There has to be a good unfakeable social security card to end the illegal immigration.
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
The obvious answer to the question posed in your OP is that the Regressive Left has put so much effort into making the Democrats so repulsive and annoying to so many Americans with your constant PC, Identity Politics, anti-freedom of expression antics and personal insults of anyone who dares to disagree with you.

Your habitual use of the word "dupe", for example.

Turns out many people won't vote for people they just dislike on a personal level. Who knew.

And amazingly, after all this pushback, you folks still refuse to see it. Must be because you're just smarter than everyone else, too.

You may be overestimating the value and meaning of the last election. Even if you disagree with the popular vote significance, the fact is that the country is still pretty much divided 50/50 when it comes to national elections. There are reasons that the power shifts from party to party every few cycles and swings back and forth like a pendulum.
He asked a question, I answered it.
Try looking at the actual policies the two parties supports someday not just gossip and character assassination...
I'm not talking about policies. You say the Dems have better policies and yet people vote for Republicans. You asked why that is.

I explained precisely why that is. I didn't expect you to either like my answer or look in the mirror.
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
The obvious answer to the question posed in your OP is that the Regressive Left has put so much effort into making the Democrats so repulsive and annoying to so many Americans with your constant PC, Identity Politics, anti-freedom of expression antics and personal insults of anyone who dares to disagree with you.

Your habitual use of the word "dupe", for example.

Turns out many people won't vote for people they just dislike on a personal level. Who knew.

And amazingly, after all this pushback, you folks still refuse to see it. Must be because you're just smarter than everyone else, too.

You may be overestimating the value and meaning of the last election. Even if you disagree with the popular vote significance, the fact is that the country is still pretty much divided 50/50 when it comes to national elections. There are reasons that the power shifts from party to party every few cycles and swings back and forth like a pendulum.
He asked a question, I answered it.
Try looking at the actual policies the two parties supports someday not just gossip and character assassination...
I'm not talking about policies. You say the Dems have better policies and yet people vote for Republicans. You asked why that is.

I explained precisely why that is. I didn't expect you to either like my answer or look in the mirror.
Yup, total bs propaganda...
Democrats lost about 900 state and local elections during the Hussein years and they haven't won an important election in about six years. Keep telling yourselves that you are popular and maybe you won't feel so bad when you don't have a date for the prom.

and yet the Rightwing agenda goes nowhere.
The right wing agenda is to keep you marxists out of office. 2018 outta be fun for you clowns.
All the GOP policies are incredibly unpopular.

When someone starts a thread with a flagrant lie like that, there isn't much point in reading the rest. :cuckoo:

What are the 3 most popular Republican positions on the major issues?

One would have expected at least ONE RW'er around here to come up with an answer. Nope. lol.
1. Abortion is murder
2. Homos are disgusting perverts
3. God and guns are awesome

1. 60% support among American to keep Roe v Wade
2. Majority support among Americans for same sex marriage rights
3. 90% support among Americans for closing background check loopholes.

You lose.
Nope. All bullshit. We won. You lose.
You lost too, you just don't know it, dupe...
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
The obvious answer to the question posed in your OP is that the Regressive Left has put so much effort into making the Democrats so repulsive and annoying to so many Americans with your constant PC, Identity Politics, anti-freedom of expression bullshit and personal insults of anyone who dares to disagree with you.

Your habitual use of the word "dupe", for one glaring example.

Turns out many people won't vote for people they just dislike on a personal level. Who knew.

And amazingly, after all this pushback, you folks still refuse to see it. Must be because you're just smarter than everyone else, too, huh?

So now we have this guy in the White House, Supes and/or lower court judges on the way, and the party is decimated nationally. Thanks loads.
I agree on a national level, at least that identity politics turned off some moderates.

But I'm not sure it explains how dems lost at the state level. And Trump is not a factor in this discussion because he is not really a pol. The alt-R may be a factor in getting out votes at the state level, though. I really don't know.
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
The obvious answer to the question posed in your OP is that the Regressive Left has put so much effort into making the Democrats so repulsive and annoying to so many Americans with your constant PC, Identity Politics, anti-freedom of expression bullshit and personal insults of anyone who dares to disagree with you.

Your habitual use of the word "dupe", for one glaring example.

Turns out many people won't vote for people they just dislike on a personal level. Who knew.

And amazingly, after all this pushback, you folks still refuse to see it. Must be because you're just smarter than everyone else, too, huh?

So now we have this guy in the White House, Supes and/or lower court judges on the way, and the party is decimated nationally. Thanks loads.
I agree on a national level, at least that identity politics turned off some moderates.

But I'm not sure it explains how dems lost at the state level. And Trump is not a factor in this discussion because he is not really a pol. The alt-R may be a factor in getting out votes at the state level, though. I really don't know.
This stuff is definitely complicated, with many reasons for the losses. It sure as hell didn't help that the Dems ran a weak candidate, but I do think that, in general, this was a primal scream of frustration, and PC & Identity Politics are a clear part of it. People like the OP will refuse to admit it, but it sure as hell answers his question.

Some of the damage - particularly in the courts - is going to last a long time. And I see zero (0) indication that the Regressives are looking in the mirror.
What are the 3 most popular Republican positions on the major issues?

One would have expected at least ONE RW'er around here to come up with an answer. Nope. lol.
1. Abortion is murder
2. Homos are disgusting perverts
3. God and guns are awesome

1. 60% support among American to keep Roe v Wade
2. Majority support among Americans for same sex marriage rights
3. 90% support among Americans for closing background check loopholes.

You lose.
Nope. All bullshit. We won. You lose.
You lost too, you just don't know it, dupe...
Hillary not being elected is a win. For all of us.
Let me get this straight, all GOP policies are unpopular yet they won the House, Senate, and White House?? Talk about drinking the liberal koolaid OP get help NOW!! :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Had nothing to do with policy, just ridiculous GOP promises and bulshit gossip and character assassination...

Lib please you people offered FREE GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS and STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS and you got your ass whooped in an epic blow out loss.
Liberal policies are even less popular.
Not true.

Without liberal policies, right wingers wouldn't have:


Minimum wage

Clean air

Clean water

In fact, when you look at what Bush and the GOP left Obama, and what Obama left Trump, you probably wouldn't even have a job without Democrats.

The GOP are just better liars and, contrary to popular beliefs, the media helps the GOP.

Breakingviews: Trump cold shoulder for TV ads may set the trend

Donald trump rode $5 billion in free media to the white house
Liberal policies are even less popular.
Not true.

Without liberal policies, right wingers wouldn't have:


Minimum wage

Clean air

Clean water

In fact, when you look at what Bush and the GOP left Obama, and what Obama left Trump, you probably wouldn't even have a job without Democrats.

The GOP are just better liars and, contrary to popular beliefs, the media helps the GOP.

Breakingviews: Trump cold shoulder for TV ads may set the trend

Donald trump rode $5 billion in free media to the white house

Without liberal policies, right wingers wouldn't have:


Minimum wage

Clean air

Clean water

I don't remember Hillary running behind those policies last year, or Trump running against them.

In fact, when you look at what Bush and the GOP left Obama,

The recession ended in July 2009.

and what Obama left Trump,

The weakest recover in over 70 years.

contrary to popular beliefs, the media helps the GOP.

You're right, every time they showed Hillary speaking, Americans were reminded what a corrupt bitch she was.
1. the Democrats stand alongside Illegal Aliens rather than their own fellow countrymen

2. the Democrats are whores for the Gay Mafia, shoving that agenda down America's throat

3. the Democrats are corrupt and elitist

4. the Democrats consciously worked to harm Bernie during the Primaries...

5. the Democrats fielded $hitty candidates

6. the Democrats made the mistake of calling White Straight Christian America "deplorable"

Was there anything else?
Your list is nothing more than demonization propaganda and misinformation.

No it's not. It is the Truth you refuse to see.
I disagree.

Number one the Democrats stand by the illegal aliens rather than their own fellow country men.

How do you hide from that truth?
Only a comprehensive immigration Bill like the Dems put up in 2010 can end this GOP mess. There has to be a good unfakeable social security card to end the illegal immigration.

Your opinion on what should be done is noted.

Now, what did the dem offer in 2016 that makes point number one, ie the dems ally with the illegals vs their fellow citizens, NOT true, as you claim?
Liberal policies are even less popular.
Not true.

Without liberal policies, right wingers wouldn't have:


Minimum wage

Clean air

Clean water

In fact, when you look at what Bush and the GOP left Obama, and what Obama left Trump, you probably wouldn't even have a job without Democrats.

The GOP are just better liars and, contrary to popular beliefs, the media helps the GOP.

Breakingviews: Trump cold shoulder for TV ads may set the trend

Donald trump rode $5 billion in free media to the white house

Without liberal policies, right wingers wouldn't have:


Minimum wage

Clean air

Clean water

I don't remember Hillary running behind those policies last year, or Trump running against them.

In fact, when you look at what Bush and the GOP left Obama,

The recession ended in July 2009.

and what Obama left Trump,

The weakest recover in over 70 years.

contrary to popular beliefs, the media helps the GOP.

You're right, every time they showed Hillary speaking, Americans were reminded what a corrupt bitch she was.

Yes Obama took over a recovering economy.

(I have to go outside for a moment now.)
Breaking: GOP policies incredibly unpopular, GOP wins back House, Senate, White House, then 4 special congressional elections in a row. :eusa_think: Is the OP sure of his facts on this one?
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
Nice LINK, snowflake.... :p

The OP's thread / post is shot to hell by none other than D-Schumer, who recently warned the Democratic Party that it is imperative for them to actually come up with an issue / agenda other than 'We Hate Trump'.


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